I was not registered from the age I was able to vote in 1983, until recently. That said, I have never voted for a Democrat. I am now and seemingly always have been conservative. I have been told that I did vote for Clinton by default, because I threw my hat in the ring for Perot, twice. Anyway, 10 or 12 years ago, I registered Republican so I could take part in primaries. I can't believe people would actually vote Democrat because the ideology of that party is just way too radical in my view. That is not the same party as it was when my Grandpa from Tennessee voted for them. I trully believe that party has been taken over by communists. To me, this two party system has screwed up the country. If we got rid of any "R" or "D" label, we would be able to choose a person based on their own charactor and beliefs. Instead, what we are forcefed, is an establishment candidate for a party instead of our Country. I am sick and tired of arguing with Democrats who tell me that they will always vote for whoever the "D" party says, because the party always has their best interest in mind. Even if they were told to vote for the "Devil" himself. I can't say that I've run into any Repuclican with those same views.