Author Topic: Set Location for cats...a little game for fun.  (Read 678 times)

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Offline Wackyquacker

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Set Location for cats...a little game for fun.
« on: February 18, 2004, 02:51:00 PM »
Where might you make a set for Bobs in the following PIC?  Consider the location with, lets say 10 inches of snow, and with none.  Why did you select your location(s)?  For the sake of reference, those are 60 foot Ponderosa pines on the top of the bluff and the two boulders in the center are probably 20 plus feet high.

I'll follow up with some additional PICS in a day or so (when I get back from the high country).  

Nothing ventured nothing winners no loosers just fun! :wink:

Heck we might even shake the old ones loose from their winter slumbers with this. :roll:

Offline Bim

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Set Location for cats...a little game for f
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2004, 04:12:13 PM »
I concider this a great oportunity to learn and have fun. I think I would make a cuby in those small trees that's kinda in the front and a little left in the picture. I would tie a feather up in the branches as an attractor. I think that any cat up high will be looking down for food and the movment of the feather may bring it down.

Offline trappenjoe

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Set Location for cats...a little game for f
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2004, 05:26:47 PM »
Ok my 2 cents .. I take it the left side of the pic is north , so I'd set to the right , you can see a ridge line coming topmiddle to the right ,like a posible
trail, Id go to were it comes down , by the big rock and look for sign. Now right in front of were you took the pics I noticed yote tracks .  so I'd make a set in this area mixing yote set with alot of eye apeal .
That area looks like forest rd 100 or 414 were i drove a log truck inbetween cuba and coyote.. anyways teacher were did you catch him at.
Little Joe

Offline Corey Hain

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Set Location for cats...a little game for f
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2004, 10:48:01 AM »
Hey WQ  I would probably make a couple sets (walk through or cubbies) on the bottom where the rocks are verticle on each side of the cut in the center of the pic, would also set some snares in the cut from top to bottom, maybe a couple of sets on the top rim (high bank trail w/snare ora couple of tbone flat sets.  whatcha think???

Offline yooperman

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set location for cats...a little game for fun
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2004, 03:02:34 PM »
well wq since i have not yet tryed to set for cats i find this very interesting . im very curios to see if im on the right track .first of all it looks like your faceing w-sw ? i would have to agree with joe on the bottom of the trail on the right hand side?i would also set at the base of the two big bolders.over all i would let the tracks tell the tale .am i close?

Offline trappenjoe

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Set Location for cats...a little game for f
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2004, 03:06:34 PM »
Redu the left side is north slope the right is north I think

Offline lynx/cat-trapper

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Set Location for cats...a little game for f
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2004, 04:09:12 PM »
I would set 4 sets...IF you have cats in the area...I would make two blind walk tru sets with HEAVY brushing/ on each side of the cut on TOP of the rim...look for visible toilets...if the cats are there and this is a MAJOR cut in the rim...there WILL be a toilet...two traps per set. I would also make two walkthru sets one on either side of the bottom of the cut...they can be blind or cubby style depending on the situation..ALSO with heavy blocking/guiding...these four sets will take the largest % of the cats...dry or snow...ESPECIALLY if the rim is south/west facing...doesnt get any better than that. Took 39 cats this season...closest to me was 9.....difference...they like to coyote trap. You need to FORGET a lot of what you know about coyotes to trap cats!!!
If God hadn't meant for us to eat animals...he wouldn't have made them out of TASTY meat!!!

Offline trappenjoe

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Set Location for cats...a little game for f
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2004, 05:47:28 PM »
I kinda think alittle different, anybody can trap a cat , they don't care about sent ,or unnatral surondings such as logs or rocks that wouldn't be there natruly . where as with yotes you have to be darn near perfect.
I won't say how many cats I caught this year but it's up there ., and the funny thing is I go for yotes ,hoping for a cat once in awhile . I gues you could say that yote trapping is for respect not the money. now I'm starting my cat line this weekend to close the year , I'll keep you posted.
Little Joe

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Set Location for cats...a little game for f
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2004, 01:43:57 AM »
I go along with cat-trapper.  Find the toliet catch the cat!

Offline lynx/cat-trapper

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Set Location for cats...a little game for f
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2004, 03:41:50 AM »
trappnjoe...what I was getting at is that if a person is SPECIFICALLY targeting can set WAY different than you do for can forget the blending...the gloves...the caution. Here I trap fox/coyote up till the cat season starts...then 100 percent cats....sold some yesterday and had a high of $ trapping 25 dollars dogs and hoping for a cat during cat season...let's see...gotsta "cat"ch 18 coyotes to match...that's why during cat season...I target cats...BUT on the last day this year I picked up 6 coyote and one fetched $350 but the 6 coyotes woulda been better with spots on them!!! As far as having to be darn near perfect to catch coyotes...cant say I've noticed that...but then again I do have good trapping "ettiquite" and dont get "sloppy"..
later far as anyone being able to trap a cat...true...BUT 90% of the "coyote" trappers get used to the drive and check methods...dont want to get out and walk....getting out and humping it is the difference between the two!!!
If God hadn't meant for us to eat animals...he wouldn't have made them out of TASTY meat!!!

Offline trappenjoe

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Set Location for cats...a little game for f
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2004, 07:13:23 AM »
Cat trapper I would have to agree with you on everything you just posted.
On my cat line I have to do it a horse back . People have gotten lazy.
with there 4 whelers and pickups, not saying this is bad , but people
nowadays take for granted the wind in the trees , or the opp. to stalk
and pay attintion to the habits of their prey . I live to trap, trying to out witt or out fox.
Little Joe

ps There is nothing better for the inside of a man ,than the outside of a horse... Willium churchhill

Offline Wackyquacker

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Set Location for cats...a little game for f
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2004, 06:13:20 AM »
First off, it is really tough for anyone to make an accurate judgement from one PIC.  A fellow just can't tell if this is an isolated bluff or a side draw of a 10 mile canyon.  An isolated bluff would be one dandy focal point to just about every critter and would, in my opinion, demand a more thorough coverage.  On the other hand, a side canyon in 10 miles of bluffs would just be another location.

Secondly, the shear size of things is diffiuclt to tell from this PIC as are some of the details.  I did mis-judge the Ponderosas on top they are much closer to 50 feet than 60.  There is no real travel way to the top of this section, well none I could get through.  As a matter of fact the idea of climbing to the top of those cliffs on a daily basis winds me!...  let alone doing it 30 or 40 times a day.  Now if a fellow could get around to the top, the upper rim should produce cats.  It has been my expereince, however, that the bottoms of bluffs out produce the tops but that maybe just because I set alot more bottoms than tops.

Often, cats take awhile to "cycle" (sometimes not) and the weather becomes a major consideration for me.  My soil types form froozen crusts, when wet, that can support the weight of a pussy footing cat.  I have found that a highly contrasting color line can cause a cat to side step things guided or not and I always blend things to an even colour.  Soooo, I like some potection...trees, alcoves, undercuts and I like all of these to face south west to boot.  

With 10 inches of snow, at least in the desert, critters gravitate to those snow less spots, especially cats and the base of cliffs and those "under tree" locations seem to really pick up in terms of cat visits after a good snow.  Also, there is a bigger demand for calories...and the prey seems to always be active in and about the boulders on the south facing sides.  One last point 10 inches of snow makes climbing over and around those "rocks" a, how should I say, more arduent chore.  

Then, the classic spots would be all those that have been mentioned by those who braved a post of their opinions above.  And, are so for all the reasons stated.  Top, bottom and any travel routes to the top or bottom along with, what Slim calls the "3/4 zone"  If you look you can see the ledge running along the base of the "top" cliff...this would be a good location for those of you who are amoung the  young and nibble.  Also that alcove, center right is where I would expect to locate a toilet and the over hang would provide good protection for traps.  

Traps vs snares...I'll hang snares every chance I get.  I like to "cluster" my snares in an area covering every possible passage from bottom to top (if I can make the climbs that covering the entire line requires, and if the temps permit...gotta be cold to prevent greenies).  Routinely, I'll hang  obvious sites and make a couple of sets both for cats and coyotes (some of us who are working for the ranchers have to be concerned with the coyotes).  On return trips I'll add and subtract as needed ending with only snares (I have no check on snares...all my snares have dispatch springs and BADS just in case).

At this particular location I tracked a Tom across the narrow of the mouth of this side canyon...right to the base of those two large center boulders after a 10 inch or so snow.  Here are PICs from the base of the boulders:

The back drop of this PIC gives another view ot them thar cliffs :wink:

...a close up of the sage / passage

End result (first check...better lucky than smart)

I removed the snare from Mr. Tom and rehung it.  Can you see it in the closeup photo?...neither did this Tom heh heh  heh!

I trust everyone had fun doing this maybe we can get some more going...seems to be a good way to sharpen our thoughts and tactics.  One last thought, a trap can be used ALMOST any place a snare can be hung.

Hope this helped some :wink:

Offline trappenjoe

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Set Location for cats...a little game for f
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2004, 07:18:38 AM »
Thank you wacky I get alot of info from your posts I realy injoy reading them . Well I have to go talk to RL cox this afternoon . he wants to talk with me on prices . And he might be able to find me some good used cat stretchers . anyways big day in the big city ooyay ,I hate going off my mountain. lol .LITTLE JOE

Offline Snareman

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Set Location for cats...a little game for f
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2004, 01:31:59 PM »
Wacky My friend!

Thanks for the pics... but not why you think!

I was wondering how others can make a decision on where to make sets when I couldn't hardly see anything clear in the bigger rocks.  To me, on my screen, it was too dark to see anything real clear.

So, I ended up... for the first time, playing with the tone and brightness features on my monitor and brought some light into the whole picture and now can see everything pretty good!

Sorry, I thought you took a crummy picture with the wrong camera setting and now I can see clear as day!

Thanks for the pic!


Offline Wackyquacker

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Set Location for cats...a little game for f
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2004, 02:48:52 PM »
Snareman, anything to help lol.  I want you and all to understand that if the camera doesn't know what it is doing I'm lost.  I have one camera and I know which botton turns it on and which works the shutter :?

Offline trappenjoe

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Set Location for cats...a little game for f
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2004, 04:08:19 PM »
?????? LOL Owell have to get out sometime to see civalization . pretty bad
when you live out on a ranch . lol
Little Joe

Offline Wackyquacker

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Set Location for cats...a little game for f
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2004, 04:54:01 PM »
I figured you knew something I didn't...and you were gone anyhow.  Why didn't you just ask first?  Dang hillbillies!

Offline trappenjoe

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Set Location for cats...a little game for f
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2004, 05:33:13 PM »