And those screwballs in DC want us to get permission from NICS to give a gun to our neighbor or son? To heck with them!
This is part of Senator Johnson's letter:
Thank you for contacting me regarding Eric Holder, and the Department of Justice's involvement in Project Gunrunner, specifically Operation Fast and Furious.
Beginning in 2006, the ATF ran a series of sting operations intended to discover links between illegal firearms purchasers in the United States and drug trafficking cartels in Mexico. At least one of these operations, called "Operation Fast and Furious," made use of a tactic called "gunwalking," in which the ATF knowingly allowed thousands of guns to be bought by suspected arms traffickers and then allowed those weapons to be delivered to Mexican drug cartels without being under law enforcement surveillance or control.
Sometime after January 2009, Phoenix ATF agents were instructed to break with the long-established agency practice of keeping illegally purchased firearms under surveillance at all times. Instead, the agents were ordered to stop surveillance on the weapons shortly after their sales to "straw purchasers" and allow them to "walk" so that links to the drug cartels could be demonstrated when the weapons showed up at crime scenes.
This was done repeatedly, and more than 1,400 guns linked to Operation Fast and Furious alone remain completely unaccounted for as of October 2011. Two of the guns monitored in this operation led to the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry on Dec. 14, 2010. Two rifles were found at the scene of the murder, roughly 18 miles inside the U.S. border in the Arizona desert. The program ended the next day, but none of the targeted high-level cartel figures were ever arrested.