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Offline lgm270

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Blacks Riot in Brooklyn for Third Night
« on: March 14, 2013, 02:41:20 AM »
NY blacks riot in Brooklyn for the third night.  This is a re-play of the old "Civil Rights" movment of the 60's which was a terrorist movement based on achieving political change through rioting, arson, looting and other violence. 

This riot allegedly over shooting of black criminal by NYPD.  What about the explosion of black "flash mobs" around the country over the last couple of years, which were essentially  anti-white lynch mobs and looting un related to any "shooting"? 

This new urban terrorism is the new "Civil Rights" movement.   Look for new wealth transfer scams from whites to blacks to achieve "equality" and "social justice."

Offline gypsyman

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Re: Blacks Riot in Brooklyn for Third Night
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2013, 02:58:47 AM »
It's not even close to summer yet. Wait until it's warmer, tempers flair up faster, inner city folks get out more. We're in Obie's 5th year, with about 3 and 1/2 to go. I believe the last 3 1/2 years in Revelations forcast the worst. Coincidense??gypsyman
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman

Offline Anna

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Re: Blacks Riot in Brooklyn for Third Night
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2013, 03:07:11 AM »
Its strange that we hear about things like this , but down here people can't seem to relate to story's
like this . Blacks primarily side with the whites and native Americans .
Sometimes its the Blacks that are a voice of sanity from being caught in the middle .
Most all of them work , and hard also. People from the east say its a totally different Black culture
than what they were used to out there .

A few Black family's are descendants of the Buffalo Soldiers and go back generations from living here.
Its was them who built the RRs through this area more than any other race .
I can't recall any time I've ever heard them complain except they are very outspoken about the
flood coming here from south of the border . That's driving down wages and facilitating cheap labor
on a scale not seen since the 1970s.

The flash mobs here are the gangs , with names like El Toro or the Conquesta so our violence and
crime is always present . If not for the protest of the Blacks it would be much worse than it is now.
These people coming here lived in this kind of violence where they came from , what's to stop them
from bringing that here ? Its not all of them but with this kind of flood going on, how can you not
expect a few of the seasoned trouble makers to be mixed into that crowd also ?

This used to be the place to come to get away from all this . But don't expect that now , this has
become an extension of Mexico and the violence came with it .
And its spreading this place is only a spring board for a lot of them moving inland . Its only gotten
this bad within the last two years . Give it another three and many of you here will see what I'm
talking about . The problems you think you have with the Blacks will be nothing compared to what
you will have with this . This will also hit you in the pocketbook when trying to find a decent job .

Offline gypsyman

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Re: Blacks Riot in Brooklyn for Third Night
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2013, 06:46:48 AM »
Anna, what you have back here in the east, is a large segment of the black population, that has in the last several generations, been taught, white people and govt. are to blame. Mega cities,Detroit,Cleveland,Chicago,NY, a few others, are home to millions of inner city,mostly black, that have never been taught the value of work. Value's are much different. Couldn't tell you the hundreds of times over the years, you can see a brand new Cadilliac or big Buick, sitting in front of a shack, that looks like it should be burnt to the ground. I know a repo guy, that has told me of many times, cars that are to be repo'd from a minority, are usually junk when they get them back. Cut up the interior, engine's blown, tires slashed,etc. They think it's owed to them. Sad times ahead. gypsyman
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman

Offline guzzijohn

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Re: Blacks Riot in Brooklyn for Third Night
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2013, 06:51:27 AM »
Just to point out there are getting to be more and more white folk with similar value systems.

Offline bobg

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Re: Blacks Riot in Brooklyn for Third Night
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2013, 07:22:41 AM »
    During the riots in Buffalo, NY in the 60's i worked with a black guy. He told me he had a sick kid at home that needed meds. and he didn't drive. They torched the only drug store with in walking distance of his house. He said he was black but they were nothing but n-g---s. :o

Offline Anna

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Re: Blacks Riot in Brooklyn for Third Night
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2013, 07:57:40 AM »
Oh it's the same here, the Chicanos are just fine . Just like any other American family and a lot of
them can't speak spanish and know nothing about Mexico.
Its the other ones , the ones that are coming here now that are the problem .
They couldn't cut it as a big gang leader down there so they come up here and start their own !   

Offline darkgael

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Re: Blacks Riot in Brooklyn for Third Night
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2013, 01:03:06 AM »
NY blacks riot in Brooklyn for the third night.  This is a re-play of the old "Civil Rights" movment of the 60's which was a terrorist movement based on achieving political change through rioting, arson, looting and other violence. 

This riot allegedly over shooting of black criminal by NYPD.  What about the explosion of black "flash mobs" around the country over the last couple of years, which were essentially  anti-white lynch mobs and looting un related to any "shooting"? 

This new urban terrorism is the new "Civil Rights" movement.   Look for new wealth transfer scams from whites to blacks to achieve "equality" and "social justice."

You go from civil unrest in Brooklyn (I live in Brooklyn. Do you?) to characterizing social change occurring 50 years ago as "terrorist movement". Really.
And you reference the NY Daily News......every time I have purchased a copy of that rag, I have come away feeling that I wasted both my time and my money.
You have to  get out more.....broaden your data base.
Do you see the conflict? You make a statement like the terrorist movement thing above (where did you get that info?) and then you refer to a poor excuse for a newspaper like the NYDN. You make an off the wall comment about the one of the most significant social events in the twentieth century as if it is a given fact when, in fact, it is an oddball theory with no basis in reality. If it were at all real lots of people with more resources than an internet forum would have mainstreamed it. Undercuts your credibilty, it does.
The "riots", as you call them...and maybe so.....did not allegedly happen because of a police shooting. They most definitely did happen because of that.
All that being said, it is an unfortunate truth that the welfare system in NYS has nurtured generations of people, both black and white, who perceive such care as their right. Trouble results.
As to gangs, Latino gangs, white gangs........their existence is not confined to any one ethnicity. Nor to any one country.
In Brooklyn, a black person is as apt to get beaten passing through Bay Ridge or Howard Beach as a white person through Bed Stuy or East New York. Fortunately, neither of those beating scenarios occur very often (but...they do occur).

Offline rickt300

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Re: Blacks Riot in Brooklyn for Third Night
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2013, 04:44:00 AM »
You believe? Couldn't find a link? Is it possible running away from the cops is dangerous? The disenfranchised, explain this overused phrase to us and just how Blacks are disenfranchised? I mean I would go to jail if I stood outside a polling place with a nightstick but a couple of Black Panthers get away with it. Did you forget the part about the young gentleman having a .38? He was not running away either, he was shot by two different cops and then only 7 bullets hit him. Four of which were in his front.
I have been identified as Anti-Federalist, I prefer Advocate for Anarchy.

Offline lgm270

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Re: Blacks Riot in Brooklyn for Third Night
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2013, 06:13:47 AM »
Lgm270....I believe an underage black kid was shot running away, by PD in the back 3 times and killed. Black community got no response from PD and mayor's office who is concerned with Big Gulps and fat content in foods...So still being a community they acted up to get some LA New York PD is felt to be an 'occupying force' by many people, especially the disenfranchised..
Darkgael.....funny thing is that on this deal, except for the Daily News rag, the whole thing is mostly a propamedia blackout, both locally and nationally.

A nice defense of the "black community" who resorts to rioting, looting etc., every time  it doesn't  get  its way about something.    I'm sick of these people getting away with blaming everything  on whites.  So what if he was shot running away.   Lots of injusitices occur.  When was the last time white conservatives rioted?    Would you defend that too?

Offline darkgael

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Re: Blacks Riot in Brooklyn for Third Night
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2013, 06:53:18 AM »
Tm7 -
...funny thing is that on this deal, except for the Daily News rag, the whole thing is mostly a propamedia blackout, both locally and nationally.
Not so....I know about it without reading the DN.  It is on the news channels here in NY.
The youth in question had a firearm and made the mistake of pointing it at the Police officers.

The rest....what a bunch of hooey. A "community" does not act up by looting its own stores....stores which are an integral part of that community.
The violence is thugs at work.....people who could not care less about the community or about justice.
NYPD an occupying force? no, No, NO.
You were correct about Big Gulps and fatty foods.

Offline darkgael

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Re: Blacks Riot in Brooklyn for Third Night
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2013, 07:28:30 AM »
Link to an article in the NY Times. Similar articles can be found in the NY Post, USA News, etc. and on the radio

Offline darkgael

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Re: Blacks Riot in Brooklyn for Third Night
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2013, 02:39:55 PM »
The looting info was broadcast on CBS radio. That is where I heard it.
The point is that there is information, both print and broadcast.
Facts? Like War, the first casualty is truth. For instance, the shot in the back thing.....yes the fellow had three wounds in his back......some people chose to emphasize that, ignoring the four shots to the chest. The question is which occurred first.....fair enough, I suppose.

Offline jhm

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Re: Blacks Riot in Brooklyn for Third Night
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2013, 05:38:37 AM »
     Blacks did the same thing in 1967 in DetroitMi. they burned their own neighborhoods to the ground looting, stealing, just plain destroying the whole area thast they lived in Go to Detroit and you will see whole blocks under fence that were once neighborhoods of families who had no part of a riot, and again it was always someone elses fault, like the present Adminastration blaming someone else for their shortcomings.  Jim

Offline Anna

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Re: Blacks Riot in Brooklyn for Third Night
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2013, 06:17:45 AM »
I see it happening out of a lot of frustration more than anything else . Entitlements are starting to
run pretty thin now and a lot of people are having them cut, or denied getting any at all .
Blame it on the economy or the massive influx of new immigrants the US tax payer can not
support the entire worlds needy populations .

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Re: Blacks Riot in Brooklyn for Third Night
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2013, 06:46:01 AM »
     TM it didnt start out that way it was a escalating thing it went on for a week by weeks end several were dead and detroits lanscape was changed forever.  Jim  PS I was in Miami when they went thru their Riot when the cops shot the kid down there I spent the weekend in Heila Fl. and the Superbowl was on at the same time.

Offline lgm270

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Re: Blacks Riot in Brooklyn for Third Night
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2013, 07:43:45 AM »
     Blacks did the same thing in 1967 in DetroitMi. they burned their own neighborhoods to the ground looting, stealing, just plain destroying the whole area thast they lived in Go to Detroit and you will see whole blocks under fence that were once neighborhoods of families who had no part of a riot, and again it was always someone elses fault, like the present Adminastration blaming someone else for their shortcomings.  Jim

Spot on.   The Orwellian mis-named "Civil Rights Movement" was a war against white civilization based on physical  terror and political propaganda.    When blacks are "frustrated" or don't like something, they resort to rioting, looting, etc., and they're defended by the "black leadership" (No justice no peace) and the liberal media.   

The main difference between the Irish Republican Army and the Civil Rights Movement is that the IRA used bombs, the construction and use of which were apparently incompatible with "black culture" which relies more heavily on looting and burning.