It's all HIPOCRISY, The people crying the loudest about protecting the children, and only wanting people to be safe, carry concealed, have bodyguards that carry for themselves and their children, they don't want armed guards in the schools because they " are uncomfortable" with that but their children are protected by armed guards. They scheme to export guns to Mexico to advance their agenda.
The sick part is if they cared about the chirrens they wouldn't have murdered
54,559,615 of them since 1973
[ hi pókrəssee ]
feigned high principles: the false claim to or pretense of having admirable principles, beliefs, or feelings
Hell, they know better, they act different than they speak We all know we need weapons to defends ourselves they do too. They have them. feinstein got indignant when cruse questioned her about the amendments and said " what , do you want a bazooca" NO, how about JUST A SEMIAUTOMATIC WEAPON and a magazine that compares to the one I'll be facing. They wanna be like the euro socialists nanny states. Basically they are stupid, or there are ulterior motives, I say the latter is true. They want the people to need them so as to control and have power. Had the founding fathers been this ignorant we would be speaking German or Japanese by now. We all know that if you shoot an idiot trying to kill you they will try to prosecute you. Ask Joe Horn of Pasadena Tx.