Author Topic: NRA, AWB may be defeated, we will NOT give up, we are 5 million strong.  (Read 1123 times)

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Offline powderman

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Conservatives confident federal gun measures will be scaled back  Published March 16, 2013
Associated Press     
  •    March 15, 2013: National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre gestures as he speaks at the 40th annual Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Md. (AP)
OXON HILL, Md. –  Conservatives are all but declaring victory on their defense of gun rights, exuding confidence as calls for aggressive controls in the wake of the Newtown elementary school massacre have given way to scaled-back expectations to firearm restrictions in Congress.
"They can call me crazy and whatever else they want, but NRA's nearly 5 million members and America's 100 million gun owners will not back down — not now, not ever," an emboldened Wayne LaPierre, the CEO and executive vice president of the National Rifle Association, told conservatives gathered at an annual conference. He pointedly ignored President Barack Obama's most restrictive proposals in his speech, using it instead to assail the one that has the potential of getting approved — a near-universal background check for gun owners.
It's a sign that LaPierre — and others at the Conservative Political Action Conference — thinks the nation's largest pro-gun lobby has successfully beaten back the most limiting proposals.
Indeed, a bipartisan deal on near-universal background checks for firearms buyers remains a real possibility. And Congress still could pass a ban on high-capacity magazines. But Democrats haven't been able to muster enough support, even within their own ranks, to push through an assault weapons ban.
That's by far the most restrictive of the series of changes Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have sought following the Connecticut school shooting that killed 26 children and educators and a series of deadly shootings in Aurora, Colo., Oak Creek, Wis., and elsewhere.
In the hallways of the Conservative Political Action Conference, many activists echoed LaPierre. Few of them talked with urgency about the outcome of an assault weapons ban or some of the other proposed restrictions. And many exuded a quiet confidence that a divided Congress won't act on even the more modest proposal to implement mandatory background checks.
"I don't think it's going to get done," said Randy Smith, a California technology company owner. "There's no way."
Mel Wilcox, a medical professor from Birmingham, Ala., who owns guns and hunts, said he "doesn't really have a problem" with the mandatory background checks but said he didn't expect Congress to act. "I don't think they'll ever push something through," he said.
Several activists pointed to simple arithmetic to explain their confidence in limited gun measures: Republicans remain adamantly opposed to restrictions to assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines and several Senate Democrats are facing re-election next year in rural states populated with many gun owners.
"There are too many Democrats who know they won't last long," said William Temple, a tea party member from Brunswick, Ga.
Connor Martin, Marine veteran and a gun owner from Bay City, Wis., said the upcoming re-election campaigns of several Senate Democrats, including Mark Begich of Alaska, Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and Max Baucus of Montana, would make it extremely difficult for Democrats to muster enough votes to pass the changes.
It's clear where Republicans in Congress stand on the measures.
Every Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted against bills the panel approved this week on background checks and the assault weapons ban. A third measure toughening federal penalties against illegal gun trafficking won committee passage last week with the support of only one Republican — Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa, the top GOP committee member. The other seven GOP senators opposed it. A fourth bill, slightly increasing federal aid for school safety, passed the committee with bipartisan support.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has said he will decide soon how to bring the measures to the Senate floor, where debate is expected next month.
In his speech, LaPierre called the proposal for mandatory background checks for gun owners a "placebo" that would not make schools or streets safer but would lead to a registration of lawful gun owners — lists that he said could be made public in local newspapers.
"In the end, there are only two reasons for government to create that federal registry of gun owners: to tax them or to take them," he said.
LaPierre ridiculed Biden's suggestion during a Facebook town last month that women like his wife, Jill, could fire "two blasts" from a shotgun if they felt threatened.
"Have they lost their minds over at the White House?" LaPierre said, noting that Biden has had armed protection in the Senate and as vice president. "You keep your advice. We'll keep our guns."
Support for the NRA was omnipresent at the conference. Many participants wore red NRA stickers on their coats with the motto, "Stand and Fight," and an NRA booth in the conference's exhibit hall offered bright-orange bags with pamphlets and bumper stickers carrying the group's message. The sign above the booth underscored the NRA's heft: "I'm a bitter gun owner and I vote."
Prominent Republicans have expressed support from the podium.
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul told attendees that the path forward for the GOP was "rooted in respect for the Constitution and respect for the individual. Part of that respect is allowing Americans to freely exercise one of their most basic rights, the right to bear arms."
The White House expressed support Friday that some compromise could be found. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said aboard Air Force One en route to Chicago that nothing proposed by Obama would "take a firearm away from a law-abiding citizen."
"There's plenty of common ground for us to seize, to move forward, that would reduce gun violence in our communities," Earnest said.

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Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline Anna

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What good are guns with no ammo ?
Read the books of the Hunger Games the author is spot on about all this !
They were not using bows and arrows , knives and swords for no reason .
The whole concept is as old as the communist manifesto .
Divide them into districts not states , each district is responsible for its contribution to the whole
being the Capital .
Keep the districts at each others throats for who gets the most favors .
As old as Rome, keep them entertained with blood sports and the fear it could be their children
dying in the arenas if they do not confirm .
Execute them for hunting ,starvation is a good motivator for conformity and it keeps them weak .
Use public execution as a deterrent to any non conformity , kill the old first they are useless .
Anyone caught with a weapon it is punishable by death .

Keep them at each other within their own district , it could be your child dying in the arena for
something someone else has done .

Offline jhm

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     Anna you are correct as usual, I have cut back my recreational shooting to a Min. not so much as I didnt have the ammo but because of avail. of ammo in the stores, it is no secret that the Government is going after guns/ammo in baby steps until they feel that they can over power the population and come after them for good, at this time we have them OUTNUMBERED and we need to maintain that advantage.  Jim

Offline powderman

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ANNA. Good post. Divide and conquor is why the obummerbots came here. They know what hussein is and still support him, and by doing so support his agenda, the disarming and total control of the law abiding citizens of America.  POWDERMAN.  >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline powderman

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March 16th – This week, in a Senate Judiciary hearing to ban “assault weapons,” Senator Dianne Feinstein got her knickers in a twist. “I’m not a sixth-grader,” Feinstein barked at TX Senator Ted Cruz. The Jurassic CA Senator may have a point. Public schools being what they are, it’s probably not until eighth grade when students can comprehend the meaning of “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!” Not content with bankrupting the country, big government hacks like Feinstein have decided what light bulbs we can use. They insist we must wear seatbelts, motorcycle helmets and now buy health insurance. Nanny Bloomberg feels NYC residents aren’t mature enough to choose the size of their soda drinks. Government PSAs have told us what to eat, not to bully, how to raise our kids and even how to sneeze. So pardon us Dianne if we’re not buying into your faux indignation act. Don’t want to be treated like a sixth-grader? Then stop treating all Americans like sixth-graders! As law-abiding citizens, WE WILL DECIDE what firearms we wish to own!  P  March 16th – This week, in a Senate Judiciary hearing to ban “assault weapons,” Senator Dianne Feinstein got her knickers in a twist. “I’m not a sixth-grader,” ...Feinstein barked at TX Senator Ted Cruz. The Jurassic CA Senator may have a point. Public schools being what they are, it’s probably not until eighth grade when students can comprehend the meaning of “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!” Not content with bankrupting the country, big government hacks like Feinstein have decided what light bulbs we can use. They insist we must wear seatbelts, motorcycle helmets and now buy health insurance. Nanny Bloomberg feels NYC residents aren’t mature enough to choose the size of their soda drinks. Government PSAs have told us what to eat, not to bully, how to raise our kids and even how to sneeze. So pardon us Dianne if we’re not buying into your faux indignation act. Don’t want to be treated like a sixth-grader? Then stop treating all Americans like sixth-graders! As law-abiding citizens, WE WILL DECIDE what firearms we wish to own! P
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline Lizzie-6

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  March 16th – This week, in a Senate Judiciary hearing to ban “assault weapons,” Senator Dianne Feinstein got her knickers in a twist. “I’m not a sixth-grader,” ...Feinstein barked at TX Senator Ted Cruz. The Jurassic CA Senator may have a point. Public schools being what they are, it’s probably not until eighth grade when students can comprehend the meaning of “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!” Not content with bankrupting the country, big government hacks like Feinstein have decided what light bulbs we can use. They insist we must wear seat belts, motorcycle helmets and now buy health insurance. Nanny Bloomberg feels NYC residents aren’t mature enough to choose the size of their soda drinks. Government PSAs have told us what to eat, not to bully, how to raise our kids and even how to sneeze. So pardon us Dianne if we’re not buying into your faux indignation act. Don’t want to be treated like a sixth-grader? Then stop treating all Americans like sixth-graders! As law-abiding citizens, WE WILL DECIDE what firearms we wish to own! P

Not sixth graders huh?  Your right to keep and bear arms is under attack and you waste bandwidth on light bulbs, seat belts, and soda pop? 

The young man from Texas should show some respect.  Senator Feinstein is the senior senator of the most populous state in the US.  By comparison, Mr. Cruz is like a 6th grader, throwing spitballs from the back bleachers.  His delegation should sort him out and square him away before he further embarrasses himself.  She's not asking him to buy anything.  She's telling him what's what.  This is not her first time around the gun control block.  She has successfully marshaled support for banning assault weapons in the past.  Her goal is to do it again.  Permanently.

If the only response is to squeal like an already-stuck pig, it would be better to just keep quiet, and take it like a man.


Offline Anna

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If Feinstein has her way spit balls will be about the only thing we will be throwing .
So why doesn't she show some respect for the Constitution she swore to uphold and protect ?
Respect is earned not given , it doesn't matter who she is or what state she is from .
There are still 49 other states and many of them have no respect for her or the way she conducts
her bussiness . Are we to bow before her only because she is from California and a lot of people
live there ?

Offline Oldshooter

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I suggest you lighten up liz. you have made 15 posts here and 14 of them have been lectures and/ or personal attacks. What gives?  Are you mad at us or are you trolling?
“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.”

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

Offline Lizzie-6

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I suggest you lighten up liz. you have made 15 posts here and 14 of them have been lectures and/ or personal attacks. What gives?  Are you mad at us or are you trolling?

Mad?  Absolutely not.  I'm disappointed that so many gun owners are so gullible. 

I have guns and ammunition.  I have no need participate in the current round of gouging and gluttony.  I learned how to deal with these conditions many years ago.  I keep my money and the gougers can sell their overpriced goods to someone else.  I know their game and don't play.

I have responded to unprovoked personal attacks on the President, VP and a few legislators.  I identified a few US senators from the other side who have compromised the 2nd Amendment.  I have stated verifiable facts on a few issues, and my personal opinion on a few a few others.  Isn't that what discussion forums are for?

Or would you rather I talk about nannies, short pants and Mountain Dew?


Offline Lizzie-6

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If Feinstein has her way spit balls will be about the only thing we will be throwing .
So why doesn't she show some respect for the Constitution she swore to uphold and protect ?
Respect is earned not given , it doesn't matter who she is or what state she is from .
There are still 49 other states and many of them have no respect for her or the way she conducts
her bussiness . Are we to bow before her only because she is from California and a lot of people
live there ?

To me it looks like she wants to use the democratic process to establish public policy.  Representatives from all 50 states will have a chance to cast their votes for or against.  Is that not allowed under the US Constitution?

No one is required to bow before her.  Nor is it advisable to spit venom in her face.  This is the issue that brought her to the Senate.  She OWNS it.  Listen and learn, if for no other reason than to  better prepare a more thoughtful response.  Shrill wacko-ism is doomed from the start.  She proved that last time.


Offline Anna

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Oh I hear it alright , and I've learned of my own accourd without needing any direction on how to
do so . Furthermore it doesent matter to me what Feinstein thinks I would rather align myself
with people like this from a different state who are doing a fine job of opposing her lunacy .

What another Senator or represenitive does is also none of my concern . If you read any of my past responses on this subject you would see I prefer to take the fight to the enemy .
The only part I agree with you on has always been that, it is we who have to do something and stop waiting for someone to do it for us . But I also feel the other members of this site have a right to express their concerns and that always bears investigation .

You will also see many times I take the side of who I feel is right even if they are on the other side .But none of these other members I may disagree with are Senatorial law makers who took an oath to uphold our rights .That is my problem with Feinstein no matter who she is or where she comes from she has violated her oath making her irrelivent to me other than her defeat .This Sherriff is upholding his oath of office therefor he gets far more respect from me than a lier .

Some of the members here that you said were waisting bandwidth on frivolous things are some of the finest patriots I have ever met . And they have been fighting this fight long before you or I ever became members here . And that goes for both sides of the political spectrum, they all share the one thing that bonds them and that is their God given and Contitutional rights .

Give any of them a chanch and they all will accept you like a sister. Do as the moderator pointed out and you become irrelevant. Lizz they are a lot older than we are some of them have daughters that are our age . I think they know a thing or two so when you talk about respect how about that of your elders ? When my father died there was not a one that didn't offer me condolences both conservative and liberal . They love to joke around so you might want to try that now and then .

Personally I prefer to spit venom in her face , that is the first step in telling them we have had
enough and we are not going to take it anymore . That is how you deal with a lying snake
in the grass like her. It is all they will ever understand no matter how that venom is
delivered at least it is a start . And if she got her panty's in a wad causeing her to snap back
at this man then GOOD ! Its a start no matter how feble or disrespectful you think it is .
To me it means he got under her skin so she went on the defensive , and that is exactly
where we need to keep them .

Just like the man who publicly called Obama a lier ! Hay I'm sorry but the truth hurts.

Offline Oldshooter

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I suggest you lighten up liz. you have made 15 posts here and 14 of them have been lectures and/ or personal attacks. What gives?  Are you mad at us or are you trolling?

Mad?  Absolutely not.  I'm disappointed that so many gun owners are so gullible. 

I have guns and ammunition.  I have no need participate in the current round of gouging and gluttony.  I learned how to deal with these conditions many years ago.  I keep my money and the gougers can sell their overpriced goods to someone else.  I know their game and don't play.

I have responded to unprovoked personal attacks on the President, VP and a few legislators.  I identified a few US senators from the other side who have compromised the 2nd Amendment.  I have stated verifiable facts on a few issues, and my personal opinion on a few a few others.  Isn't that what discussion forums are for?

Or would you rather I talk about nannies, short pants and Mountain Dew?

We use this forum to make our views on Barry the vp and a few legislators known , what , are you sent here to defend them?  It seems to me that you are not sure here you stand except to defend Feinstein who is a hypocrite. She has guns carries guns, but wants to limit mine. The second amendment is plain  and doesn't need ....Tweaking....  There are plenty here that speak for the left. We are not interested in the lefts feelings about gun control, we know they are not interested in our values and second amendment rights. Someone welcomed you on another thread and you ignored that and made another  remark. I  am wondering who and why you are.

"She own it" we are aware of that and need no  tutor thank you.  No one spoke to her shrilly, Cruse asked her a question and she acted like the liberal she is.  And got " offended " . I am glad people like Ted Cruse are there  to make her uncomfortable.  I will  continue to support him and keep an eye open for leftist BS.
“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.”

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

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There is no public policy that countemands the constitution.  It is the supreme law of the land.  It doesn't matter who does not like it, Rebublican or Democrat.  Cruz was correct in his attack on Feinstein.  She might be a "respected" person in her district...big deal...she nor 435 others have any right to infringe our right to bear arms.
Colorado, New York, and several other burgs have passed unconstitutional laws.  Within a matter of weeks or months, the constitution will either be upheld, or will be DOA.  If these laws are allowed to stand, and others like them, it is the end of the republic.  We will see what the courts decide as they hear the resultant suits.
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

Offline Lizzie-6

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Oh I hear it alright , and I've learned of my own accourd without needing any direction on how to
do so . Furthermore it doesent matter to me what Feinstein thinks I would rather align myself
with people like this from a different state who are doing a fine job of opposing her lunacy .
(And so on...)

I would caution Colorado firearms owners to NOT get all warm and fuzzy over the remarks of a few local officials.  Once those ordinances are signed into the law, their swaggering smack-talk will end, and every police officer in the state will be required to enforce those laws.  What a rogue officer does at the street level is his own business, but the law is the law.  To bet one's freedom and livelihood on the possibility that EVERY cop in a given jurisdiction is personally corrupt, is a foolish and risky game. 

The enemy?  Make no mistake.  The enemy is shooting up movie theaters, classrooms, medical facilities, post offices and shopping malls.  I know it, you know it, all elected officials know it, and the American public know it.  The issue has already  moved beyond any and all red-herring-ism that has been previously been trotted out by the gun lobby.  The wacko-ship sailed in 1994.  Before Dub.  Before Barry.  Before the the zombies.

Some of the senior patriots around here sound like they fell of the turnip wagon and discovered that Barry was elected to a second term.  Well good morning guys.  Senators Feinstein and Biden have been allies on this very issue the entire time.  They are ten steps ahead of you, have the American public on their side, the firearms industry marching to their tune, and Barry covering their back.

Still want to talk about who tweeted what to who?  What Michelle wore to the Academy Award? Saving polar bears stranded on surfboards?  Go right ahead and indulge to your hearts content.  Rest assured though, the anti's have no time for that stuff.  They're busying themselves with writing the laws that will define "reasonable" limits of the Second Amendment.

Nothing less.


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These high and mighty senators and representatives need to understand that we DO NOT want to hear what their personal views are.  They were sent to Washington as our employee to do our will, not to impress their will on us.  If feinstein's majority of constituents truely want AWB, and large capacity mag bans, then she has the right to speak.  If not, she needs to SHUT UP.  I do not care what her personal beliefs are.  She does not represent me.
I inform my legislators in every letter that they work for "We the People" and need to do our bidding, not prolmugate their personal views and beliefs.  It's past time that all legislators understand this fact!
Ralph M. Reese
St. Augustine, FL

Offline Lizzie-6

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I suggest you lighten up liz. you have made 15 posts here and 14 of them have been lectures and/ or personal attacks. What gives?  Are you mad at us or are you trolling?

Mad?  Absolutely not.  I'm disappointed that so many gun owners are so gullible. 

I have guns and ammunition.  I have no need participate in the current round of gouging and gluttony.  I learned how to deal with these conditions many years ago.  I keep my money and the gougers can sell their overpriced goods to someone else.  I know their game and don't play.

I have responded to unprovoked personal attacks on the President, VP and a few legislators.  I identified a few US senators from the other side who have compromised the 2nd Amendment.  I have stated verifiable facts on a few issues, and my personal opinion on a few a few others.  Isn't that what discussion forums are for?

Or would you rather I talk about nannies, short pants and Mountain Dew?

We use this forum to make our views on Barry the vp and a few legislators known , what , are you sent here to defend them?  It seems to me that you are not sure here you stand except to defend Feinstein who is a hypocrite. She has guns carries guns, but wants to limit mine. The second amendment is plain  and doesn't need ....Tweaking....  There are plenty here that speak for the left. We are not interested in the lefts feelings about gun control, we know they are not interested in our values and second amendment rights. Someone welcomed you on another thread and you ignored that and made another  remark. I  am wondering who and why you are.

"She own it" we are aware of that and need no  tutor thank you.  No one spoke to her shrilly, Cruse asked her a question and she acted like the liberal she is.  And got " offended " . I am glad people like Ted Cruse are there  to make her uncomfortable.  I will  continue to support him and keep an eye open for leftist BS.

Me defend THEM?  Is that what it sounds like to you?  If so, you've got me wrong.  I invite you and all firearms owners to end the worthless carping, complaining, name calling and face-making. 

Every minute spent at the keyboard makes the gun owners weaker and Feinstein's team stronger.  Why?  Because she knows that's all you've got.  She's prepared to face down the best pitchers in the league and the gun lobby takes the mound, waits five minutes for their home crowd to quiet down, then offers up 40 MPH fastballs with a lot of attitude.  Be grateful she doesn't throw the bat at you.

Just saying.  The time for empty talk is over.  Capiche?


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And your suggestion is, what? 

Offline Anna

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I suggest you lighten up liz. you have made 15 posts here and 14 of them have been lectures and/ or personal attacks. What gives?  Are you mad at us or are you trolling?

Mad?  Absolutely not.  I'm disappointed that so many gun owners are so gullible. 

I have guns and ammunition.  I have no need participate in the current round of gouging and gluttony.  I learned how to deal with these conditions many years ago.  I keep my money and the gougers can sell their overpriced goods to someone else.  I know their game and don't play.

I have responded to unprovoked personal attacks on the President, VP and a few legislators.  I identified a few US senators from the other side who have compromised the 2nd Amendment.  I have stated verifiable facts on a few issues, and my personal opinion on a few a few others.  Isn't that what discussion forums are for?

Or would you rather I talk about nannies, short pants and Mountain Dew?

We use this forum to make our views on Barry the vp and a few legislators known , what , are you sent here to defend them?  It seems to me that you are not sure here you stand except to defend Feinstein who is a hypocrite. She has guns carries guns, but wants to limit mine. The second amendment is plain  and doesn't need ....Tweaking....  There are plenty here that speak for the left. We are not interested in the lefts feelings about gun control, we know they are not interested in our values and second amendment rights. Someone welcomed you on another thread and you ignored that and made another  remark. I  am wondering who and why you are.

"She own it" we are aware of that and need no  tutor thank you.  No one spoke to her shrilly, Cruse asked her a question and she acted like the liberal she is.  And got " offended " . I am glad people like Ted Cruse are there  to make her uncomfortable.  I will  continue to support him and keep an eye open for leftist BS.

Me defend THEM?  Is that what it sounds like to you?  If so, you've got me wrong.  I invite you and all firearms owners to end the worthless carping, complaining, name calling and face-making. 

Every minute spent at the keyboard makes the gun owners weaker and Feinstein's team stronger.  Why?  Because she knows that's all you've got.  She's prepared to face down the best pitchers in the league and the gun lobby takes the mound, waits five minutes for their home crowd to quiet down, then offers up 40 MPH fastballs with a lot of attitude.  Be grateful she doesn't throw the bat at you.

Just saying.  The time for empty talk is over.  Capiche?

ROTFLMAO !!! :o  Take that you old guys ! Boy I guess she sure told us !

Offline Lizzie-6

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And your suggestion is, what?

Never complain about the right to keep and bear arms again.  Instead, just keep and bear arms.

Boycott sellers of overpriced firearms and ammo.  Make corrupt suppliers regret that they ever made those sleazy back-room deals with Barry, Joe-Joe and Diane.  Do not buy another new firearm or round of ammo until prices have been reduced to pre-Obama levels.  Keep what you have, trade with your friends, or buy on the secondary market if you must.  But no new stuff until the industry renounces scum-bag-ism once and for all.  Walmart still wants to gouge you on ammo?  Buy your Maidenform, Mobil 1, and Dell products from someone else.

There's your suggestion.

Get to it.

Offline Oldshooter

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then offers up 40 MPH fastballs

 Thats not fast liz, a 90 MPH fast ball is fast.... capiche

 Senator Feinstein is the senior senator of the most populous state in the US.  By comparison, Mr. Cruz is like a 6th grader, throwing spitballs from the back bleachers.
So he should be out in his place because he challenged her majesty.  ::)
I'll say it once more and no more, we dont, and Ted Cruse sure dont need any lectures. I for one dont think we solve any thing here,(this case in point) you are still lecturing. But we vent and discuss and share information pertaining to the second amendment.  We like to to that then we write letters and spend the dollars we have made for Years supporting like minded folk like Ted Cruse.
You I think are lecturing / barking up the wrong tree. I dont get that warm fuzzy feeling that you are in our corner come back in thirty years and we will talk. do spend some time lecturing to the DNC ......OH and tell Diane we said hello.  ::)   I' gonna go have a soda pop and use some bandwidth!
“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.”

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

Offline Lizzie-6

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That's not fast Liz, a 90 MPH fast ball is fast....capiche

I know what  a fastball is.  I used to work at the local batting cages.  Besides, a 90 MPH fastball is not all THAT fast.  Little league coaches call for 40 MPH deliveries.  Not major league veterans.  That's my point.  Diane's current opponents HAVE NO GAME.  That's why they hurl online insults and make faces at their monitors.

Sorry for the confusion.  I will refrain from using baseball metaphors in the future.  Do you know soccer?


Offline Anna

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And your suggestion is, what?

Never complain about the right to keep and bear arms again.  Instead, just keep and bear arms.

Boycott sellers of overpriced firearms and ammo.  Make corrupt suppliers regret that they ever made those sleazy back-room deals with Barry, Joe-Joe and Diane.  Do not buy another new firearm or round of ammo until prices have been reduced to pre-Obama levels.  Keep what you have, trade with your friends, or buy on the secondary market if you must.  But no new stuff until the industry renounces scum-bag-ism once and for all.  Walmart still wants to gouge you on ammo?  Buy your Maidenform, Mobil 1, and Dell products from someone else.

There's your suggestion.

Get to it.

You might want to try this approach . I feel like we should , or this is my idea . I think, is even a
better idea it makes it look like your involving yourself in the conversation instead of trying to
command it . You have some very good ideas but they get lost in the translation of them.
Just saying . 

Offline Lizzie-6

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And your suggestion is, what?

Never complain about the right to keep and bear arms again.  Instead, just keep and bear arms.

Boycott sellers of overpriced firearms and ammo.  Make corrupt suppliers regret that they ever made those sleazy back-room deals with Barry, Joe-Joe and Diane.  Do not buy another new firearm or round of ammo until prices have been reduced to pre-Obama levels.  Keep what you have, trade with your friends, or buy on the secondary market if you must.  But no new stuff until the industry renounces scum-bag-ism once and for all.  Walmart still wants to gouge you on ammo?  Buy your Maidenform, Mobil 1, and Dell products from someone else.

There's your suggestion.

Get to it.

You might want to try this approach . I feel like we should , or this is my idea . I think, is even a
better idea it makes it look like your involving yourself in the conversation instead of trying to
command it . You have some very good ideas but they get lost in the translation of them.
Just saying .

My sister:

You may wish to read thru my postings again.  I have already done these things.  President Clinton and Senator Feinstein inspired my family, friends and I to take this action decades ago.   

I purchase ammunition and reloading components semi-annually for a small group consisting of my three brothers, two sisters, their kids, and friends of ours.  About forty shooters total.  We have business relationships with several distributors who have taken care of our needs (collectively) since the early 90's.  Most of us (except the younger kids) have been building our personal firearms collections since then.  Over the years, we have all invested in reloading gear and buy components whenever they're cheap.  Those of us who shoot IPSC can often obtain practice and match ammo thru our local clubs.  Everybody trades guns among themselves as well.

All it takes is a little planning.  In our group are hunters, recreational shooters, parents teaching their kids safe gun-handling, police officers, active duty military, competition shooters and even a gunsmith.  Not a zombie hunter among us though.  No NFA class 3 stuff either.  The novelty of having your own MAC-10 or M-16 wore off a long time ago.  By and large, we fire aimed shots now.  Maybe we're just getting old.

It saddens me to see gun owners angry, impotent and floundering all the time.  As long as there are guns on this earth, there will be anti's.  Sometimes the anti's will appear to have the upper hand.  So what?  Wait a few years and the tide will turn again.  Then, quietly fill your gun safe(s) and ammo locker(s).  And convince all your friends to do the same.  And so on.  Until it doesn't matter what the anti's do or say.  And then NEVER allow yourself to be stampeded by the NRA or anyone else.

There's no crying or gnashing of teeth on my team.  We don't carp and complain about the right to keep and bear arms.  We simply keep and bear arms.  Always have.  Always will.  Try it sometime.

Offline Mikey

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Lizze said:  "Never complain about the right to keep and bear arms again.  Instead, just keep and bear arms".  Most of us try not to complain, we found out a long time ago that nobody listens....  And, there are a lot of us who have kept and continue to bear arms unbeknownst to the maddening crowd about us, but thank you.

You also said:  "Boycott sellers of overpriced firearms and ammo.  Make corrupt suppliers regret that they ever made those sleazy back-room deals with Barry, Joe-Joe and Diane.  Do not buy another new firearm or round of ammo until prices have been reduced to pre-Obama levels.  Keep what you have, trade with your friends, or buy on the secondary market if you must.  But no new stuff until the industry renounces scum-bag-ism once and for all.  Walmart still wants to gouge you on ammo?  Buy your Maidenform, Mobil 1, and Dell products from someone else."  You may find this to be the usual practice among gun owners, although I cannot speak for all of us, and you lay out some good advice; the more often this is said the more often practiced. 
Thank you for your suggestions.