You remember when Jesus healed all the lepers, only one came back and thanked him, and he was not of the people that got along with any of the Jews. Man, my memory shorts out sometimes, anyway, he was of the people of the woman at the well, same nationally as she, and she asked Jesus for this water and ye shall never thirst. Jesus spent an additional two days preaching and teaching there.
Wish my memory was better, have to keep notes on anything if I need to retreive it.
O.K. the woman at the well was a Samaritan, and the only man to come back and thank Jesus for healing him of his leprosy was a Samaritan. They could identify each group of people from another some way, (clothes, talk, etc.), but they did not have anything to do with another most of the time. A Samaritan in the Bible was the only one who stopped to help the wounded man in the ditch, too.