Pics are worth a thousand words, hey! Thanx for posting them so those unfamiliar can really see what so many of us have been trying to say.
Im pretty sure your 'smith used the reamer specified, as to whether or not it is ground right, well, there it is, clear, plain and simple with your chamber cast. It underscores the admonition for all, experienced or newbies, CHECK: with the source, verify the specs, measure up when you get the reamer (or whatever) and follow the instructions. I agree that the too short chamber throat is your problem (I had similar with a 303 Brit once) and that properly throated it will likely be stellar.
As to the cast dia., the proper
throat fit of the bullet via the
fully fire-formed case neck is paramount, regardless of the bore/groove dimensions. If, by chance, the largest bullet that will fit such is still too small for the groove dimension (like most H&R 38-55TM's), then throating to take a larger dia. is the solution for conventional fixed ammo reloading. It seems most situations are the opposite, too large a throat for the bore and the size the std. reloading dies size the cases down to. Using 'oversize' cast bullets (oversize as in"compared to the std jacketed bullet dia.") that fill up the throat ensures a straight launch, prevents (or minimizes) base band cutting and is likely to be much more accurate than an 'undersize for throat' bullet.
We have
never yet seen a situation where the largest bullet fit to the case has not had better accuracy than an undersize one. YMMV, but do let us know