The idea is to take pensions and 401k's and lump them all into social security to "spread the wealth around". Problem is a lot of people contributed to their own retirement with their own money, especially with 401k's. Idea would keep social security solvent and allow for a raise in payments. Problem is, your family will not receive one penny of anything left at your death. I may retire at the end of the year and take my money out and roll it into IRA accounts, then take the max out of about $74,000 each year at 15% tax rate. Above that it jumps to 25%. Only use about $50k of it and put the rest into gold/silver coins, and food commodities. None will go to zero and they all should stay up with inflation.
Our only hope is with all the gun mess and threatened take over of pensions, the union workers will switch and vote republicans in in 2014 to take over the senate and house. This should keep Obama at bay for the last two years and maybe get a budget that will begin to bring down overspending.