Author Topic: Gop Lies?  (Read 2658 times)

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Offline George Foster

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Gop Lies?
« on: March 26, 2013, 12:53:16 AM »
>Obama has been the biggest spending President in history! FALSE. Year to year spending increases have been less than 1%. They’re also at their lowest rate of year to year increases since Eisenhower.
Obama has spent more than all other Presidents in history! FALSE. On January 20, 2009 our national debt was $10.6 trillion, today it’s $16.7 trillion—for a $6.1 trillion increase. For the mathematically challenged, $6.1 trillion is less than $10.6 trillion. This also doesn’t factor in the money spent in 2009, which gets tagged to President Obama, was actually passed by Bush. (This also doesn’t take into account much of the cost of both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars had not been put on our books by the Bush administration.)
Obama is a Muslim! FALSE. You’re an idiot and I’m not even going to explain why.
Obama isn’t an American! FALSE. See above.
Obama is a Communist/Socialist/Fascist! FALSE. They’re all different—it’s impossible to be all 3. Then with stocks setting new records, having their best 10 day stretch since 1996, and increasing by more than 100% since their lows in 2009…he would be the worst Communist, Socialist or Fascist that has ever existed.
Obama is always on vacation! FALSE. President Obama took 131 vacation days in his first 4 years in office. That puts him on pace for 262 days during 8 years in the White House. By contrast Bush took 1,020 days (including a 5-week vacation–the longest by any President in nearly 4 decades), and Reagan took 484 days. Once again for the mathematically challenged, Obama is on pace to take fewer vacations than both Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.
The economy has gotten worse under Obama! FALSE. Are you insane, have selective memory or both? In February 2009, we lost 651K jobs. In February 2013, we added 236K jobs. Again, for the mathematically challenged, that’s a positive shift of 887K jobs from our losses in February 2009 to our gains in February 2013.
I’ve seen the rebuttal to these numbers, so I’ll squash it right now before moving on; Those jobs numbers are a lie! No, they’re from the same source which Republicans have used to saddle Obama’s job losses (from his first year in office… and only his first year). So you can’t use a source to support your argument, then ignore that very same source when it no longer supports what you want to believe.
Unemployment is at record highs! FALSE. Unemployment hit a high during November 2009 of 10%, it’s now at 7.7%. “But that doesn’t include the people who have stopped looking for work!” I hate to burst your bubble, but the unemployment rate never includes those who have given up looking for work. This isn’t a shift in what defines our unemployment rate, this is how ithasbeen calculated for quite some time.
Fun history lesson: When Reagan took office, unemployment was at 7.5%. Within his first 18 months in office unemployment shot all the way up to 10.8%.

Obamacare is unconstitutional! FALSE. The Affordable Care Act was passed by Congress, signed by the President and the Supreme Court ruled that it was in fact Constitutional.
Obama has been terrible for business! FALSE. Corporate profits are up 171% since President Obama took office and are at their highest levels, relative to the size of economic growth, since 1947.
Obama has waged a war on the rich! FALSE. We’ve added over 300,000 new millionaires, for a total of 8.9 million, approaching the all-time high of 9.2 million.
Obama is out to take away our Second Amendment rights! FALSE. Well, not anymore than Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush wanted to. He wants to put back in place the assault weapons ban that was supported by Reagan and Bush that expired in 2004. He also wants to limit magazine size to 10 rounds and require universal background checks for all gun purchases–something that isoverwhelmingly supported by most Americans, regardless of political affiliation.
I’ll stop there. I could have continued, but I’d risk going into fringe stories such as microchips and FEMA concentration camps that really don’t deserve anyone’s attention.
The point is, these statements comprise the vast majority of comments I read from Republicans, and they’re completely inaccurate.
This is why political debate goes absolutely nowhere these days. It’s hard to have rational discussion with people who are starting their argument based on complete lies. Not only do they base their argument on these lies, they want these lies to be true. Even when you present them with indisputable factual data that contradicts their beliefs, it makes absolutely no difference.
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Offline JonnyReb

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2013, 01:18:50 AM »
 So apparently the economy is doing better than ever before and we have one of the most economically concerned and responsible presidents ever to walk the earth. Thanks George, we all needed a good laugh ;D
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Offline tom548

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2013, 02:19:22 AM »
It is a good thing the 2ND  is protecting your right to the 1ST.   

Offline jhm

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2013, 02:30:09 AM »
     Well George at least we all KNOW who you VOTED 4   Osama.   Jim

Offline yellowtail3

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2013, 02:37:25 AM »
     Well George at least we all KNOW who you VOTED 4   Osama.   Jim
Maybe, maybe not - unless he's stated one way or the other. We've got lots of rightwingnuts & fundamentalists on this board who think I'm an obama voted, moolim lover and communist... they're wrong on all counts.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline George Foster

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2013, 02:50:25 AM »
I have taken notice there are a lot of rightwingers on this board who know not of what they speak, I will say though it doesn't slow their speaking down any.
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Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2013, 03:00:23 AM »
Bush increased the debt $6 trillion in 8 YEARS.  Obama increased it 6 trillion in 4 YEARS.  He still hasn't finished and still hasn't come up with a budget that is not shot down 97-0 by the Senate. 
He is not a Muslim, but is a Muslim sympathiser.  THAT IS IN ONE OF HIS BOOKS. 
We all know his birth certificate is false and Kenya claims he was born there.  Even if false he should have been properly vetted and Hillary would have been the nominee/president.
Obama was raised by a far left mother and grandparents (in his book).  He was mentored by Frank Davis Jr., a known communist.  Communism/socialism/facism are all State control forms of government/economics.  All end up the same with the government controling everyones lives, and telling everyone what to do, where to go, what insurance they can have, what guns they can own, what foods to eat, etc, etc.  All take away freedoms.
The economy is only propped up by the Federal Reserve and Bernaki.  QE1-2-3 are only the feds printing money and "investing" it in the stock market to prop it up.  We are having at least 12% inflation per year based on the 1980 methods of figuring inflation which INCLUDED groceries and FUEL which we all use everyday.  Today the do not include them because they are too "volitile".  They however can eat into a budget real quick if you only get 2-3% raises based on "what they say as inflation" today.  Check your grocery prices for meat, milk, eggs, and bread 4 years ago vs today.  Also check your fuel price when Bush left office to today.  No we are not having inflation.  BS.
True unemployment isn't figured.  Why is the population growing, yet the work force is shrinking?  Many have simply given up and are working in the new "underground" economy.  I have a son who collected unemployment for 90 + weeks, yet worked "under the table" doing odd jobs for cash, because the money wasn't enough to pay his bills.  He finally found a job.  In my area we lost 1,200 textile worker jobs (moved overseas) that averaged $15 an hour.  We lost a tire manufacturing plant with 900+ jobs averaging $25 an hour.  My brother was one.   
Most new jobs are in "GOVERNMENT" which is a parasite on the free market.  If the free market doesn't grow fast enough, there will never be enough taxes to cover the "GOVERNMENT" spending. 
More people today are unemployed and "UNDEREMPLOYED".  50% of college grads can't find jobs.  IN MY JOB alone, EPA mandates have quadrippled.  I now have to fill out 60+ pages of environmental forms just to run a 1,000' pipeline into a subdivision.  Never had to do that before.  Increases time to install by 30 days, and increases costs just for the paperwork alone.  We still install them the same way we always have.  Also, there are more OSHA inspections than ever before.  No big deal, just a hassle. 
Obamacare is a bureaucratic nighmare with the rules, regulations, etc, etc. that have increased my insurance rates by over $100 a month.  Affordable care bs.  Parts of Obamacare will ultimately be found unconstitutional.  It violates Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Choice, and only increased government spending by $1 trillion a year, yet DOES NOT INCREASE THE NUMBER OF DOCTORS AND NURSES.  Thus waiting and lines, more patients per doctor.  At the very least, they should have had schlorships for potential doctors to increase the number of doctors.  This would lower costs by shear competition.  Competition should have been allowed by allowing patients to cross state lines for insurance coverage thus making insurance more competitive.  No, just more government regulations and controls. 
OBAMA IS PUSHING GUN CONTROL.  Reagan and Bush sr. and Clinton had DEMOCRATIC controlled HOUSE and SENATE which pushed gun control.  Kind of hard to veto something that can be overrode. 
You need to read Obama's books to find out what he believes and why he does what he does.  Also watch 2016, Obama's America.  It explains it better. 

Offline rickt300

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2013, 03:44:27 AM »
Good post Dixie Dude. Looks like our cabal of leftist agitators has grown by one.
I have been identified as Anti-Federalist, I prefer Advocate for Anarchy.

Offline magooch

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2013, 04:35:11 AM »
Say what you will, I'd take George Bush--either one--any time, any where, any day over the irresponsible piece of garbage that pollutes the White House these days.

Me thinks someone has fallen victim to the Dumycrat talking points and is totally unable to think independently.  One of the items that makes me laugh is to say that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were not paid for under Bush.  Well someone paid for it and unless I'm mistaken, it was the taxpayers of this country.  Dumycrats like to say that those wars were not on the budget.  Who fights a war on a budget?  The goal is to win the damn thing and not to satisfy some fiscal fantasy.  Considering Obama and the Dumycrat's record on budgets, that would be the last thing to bring up. 

None of that is to say that I agree with the way, or the cost of fighting any of our recent wars.  However, defending this country and its security is the highest priority of our federal government and whether, or not one agrees with the conflict, or how it is engaged, it is at least mandated and Constitutional.

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2013, 04:40:32 AM »
I have taken notice there are a lot of rightwingers on this board who know not of what they speak, I will say though it doesn't slow their speaking down any.
Dillusional individuals such as yourself are the very ones who Obama would take guns from, be careful.
Crosman Slingshot, Daisy Red Ryder, dull butter knife

Offline ironglow

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2013, 05:02:54 AM »
>Obama has been the biggest spending President in history! FALSE. Year to year spending increases have been less than 1%. They’re also at their lowest rate of year to year increases since Eisenhower. It's only smaller percentagewise year to year, because B Hussein started right bout the first year spending an extra  Trillion dollars, so fi he keeps it near only a trillion extra each year there will be no increase. ;D :P .
Obama has spent more than all other Presidents in history! FALSE. On January 20, 2009 our national debt was $10.6 trillion, today it’s $16.7 trillion—for a $6.1 trillion increase. For the mathematically challenged, $6.1 trillion is less than $10.6 trillion. Even if your doubtful statement were true,  in just 4 years.. his spending alone increased our costs about 35% over what all 43 presidents did in the 233 years before he took office..NOT MUCH TO BRAG ABOUT!!
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline dwalk

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2013, 05:03:36 AM »
of course the GOP lies! you seem to believe the Dems don't...

lets face it...barry is the WORST PRESIDENT IN AMERICAN none.

vacation days? over 20 million dollars just on vacation days? good grief!

openly anti-gun, pro gay, muslim sympathetic, anti-capitalist, anti-wealth, anti- business, anti-oil, anti-coal, anti-natural many anti's did i miss? ohhhhh...very PRO-illegal immigrant....(notice i said "Illegal"...many today seem unable to determine the difference between ILLEGAL and LEGAL immigrants)

obamacare? the biggest legislative scam in history! yup...ruled constitutional by the SCOTUS as being a TAX...forecast for this scam to bankrupt the nation soon...ooooh...and he has hired over 800 new IRS agents...what does that say? watch your too, may be in for a surprise letter from your friendly IRS demanding you "Pay up" or else...they are none to friendly either...ask me how i know...

all Barry has done, since elected, is to campaign for tax increases and zero in on "The wealthy" to "Pay their fair share" which they have been already!

barry was elected by those who are looking for a "Free ride" it's that simple.

"Fast and Furious" and Benghazi, appointing tax cheats and convicted felons to "Czar" positions...what more does one need in order to see what this guy is all about?
don't squat while wearing your spurs...will rogers

Offline ironglow

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2013, 05:06:01 AM »
  ...And the "rich" he wants to tax to death are all of us who are not slurping at the government teat!
      Note my signature line below...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2013, 05:18:29 AM »
You can tax every penny, every working American makes, rich, middle class, and poor, and still can't balance the federal budget.  Why can't he realise this and CUT the friking budget.  There are lots of cuts, foreign aid for one, Obamacare, send the ILLEGALS home so they can't take welfare, free health care, food stamps, etc.  Stop paying farmers not to grow food.  Cut unemployment back to 3-6 months.  Limit welfare to two years.  Use extra food grown from not paying farmers to make commodities to give out like they once did instead of food stamps.  Let the economy grow by allowing drilling to resume in the gulf, on government lands, and in Alaska.  Go back to 2008 as a baseline for budget and new government rules.  Go back to pre 1998 banking rules.  Renegotiate ALL free trade agreements and make them fair trade agreements.  If the countries have no social security, child labor laws, or EPA laws equivelant, then slap an equivelant tarriff on their products.  If they implement these items, then remove the equivelant tarriffs.  Then maybe our factories will come back home and create jobs were we actually make things that increase wealth for all, less people on food stamps and welfare, and more working with jobs that provide insurance.  It might actually increase union membership also.  So everyone is helped. 
Being communist/socialist trained, Obama thinks there is LIMITED wealth that has to be spread around, instead of creating more wealth to be shared by all and all boats rise with the tide. 

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2013, 05:23:58 AM »
We could also pay off much of this debt if the butt-head would allow us to take our place as a major energy supplier to the world.  Petroleum, gas and coal are all valuable..
   ..Alas however..butt-head won't do it!  Some are seeing much logic involved with those who claim his loyalties lie elsewhere..and his aim is to destroy the USA.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline rickt300

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2013, 06:19:02 AM »
of course the GOP lies! you seem to believe the Dems don't...

lets face it...barry is the WORST PRESIDENT IN AMERICAN none.

vacation days? over 20 million dollars just on vacation days? good grief!

openly anti-gun, pro gay, muslim sympathetic, anti-capitalist, anti-wealth, anti- business, anti-oil, anti-coal, anti-natural many anti's did i miss? ohhhhh...very PRO-illegal immigrant....(notice i said "Illegal"...many today seem unable to determine the difference between ILLEGAL and LEGAL immigrants)

obamacare? the biggest legislative scam in history! yup...ruled constitutional by the SCOTUS as being a TAX...forecast for this scam to bankrupt the nation soon...ooooh...and he has hired over 800 new IRS agents...what does that say? watch your too, may be in for a surprise letter from your friendly IRS demanding you "Pay up" or else...they are none to friendly either...ask me how i know...

all Barry has done, since elected, is to campaign for tax increases and zero in on "The wealthy" to "Pay their fair share" which they have been already!

barry was elected by those who are looking for a "Free ride" it's that simple.

"Fast and Furious" and Benghazi, appointing tax cheats and convicted felons to "Czar" positions...what more does one need in order to see what this guy is all about?
I still say he is second worst, Lincoln killed far more Americans than Obama (so far).
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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2013, 06:59:58 AM »
Good post Dixie Dude. Looks like our cabal of leftist agitators has grown by one.

YEP. At least the dnc is just releasing a few at a time. Gotta admit, the OP is a real laugher. POWDERMAN.  ;) ;) ;) :D :D :D
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Offline George Foster

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2013, 09:22:49 AM »
What I get a real laugh out of is someone who apparently all they do is sit in front of the computer screen day in and day finding things to post here.  They never served or did much of anything else as far as I can see besides calling people traitors, sinners, etc all the time claiming to be ultra religious.  Most of the people who are like that I have met have been hyrocrites!  I am sorry I have never been a lockstepper for any one party, or the NRA who I have been a member of since the early 60's and certainly not people here.  There is a board where only so called consertatives post and I know some of you would like this board to be that way also but I don't believe it will happen.
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Offline JonnyReb

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2013, 09:32:23 AM »
Good post Dixie Dude. Looks like our cabal of leftist agitators has grown by one.

YEP. At least the dnc is just releasing a few at a time. Gotta admit, the OP is a real laugher. POWDERMAN.  ;) ;) ;) :D :D :D

  Yeah I've kinda noticed their ebb and gives up and leaves and it takes a few days for replacements to muster. Interesting...
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Offline DDZ

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2013, 09:51:24 AM »
  There is a board where only so called consertatives post and I know some of you would like this board to be that way also but I don't believe it will happen.

No mister Foster, you keep posting. It reminds conservatives how misinformed liberals are.

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Offline dwalk

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2013, 10:14:32 AM »
What I get a real laugh out of is someone who apparently all they do is sit in front of the computer screen day in and day finding things to post here.  They never served or did much of anything else as far as I can see besides calling people traitors, sinners, etc all the time claiming to be ultra religious.  Most of the people who are like that I have met have been hyrocrites!  I am sorry I have never been a lockstepper for any one party, or the NRA who I have been a member of since the early 60's and certainly not people here.  There is a board where only so called consertatives post and I know some of you would like this board to be that way also but I don't believe it will happen.

we could take a "head count" or a "survey" of those of us who have "served"...such as in the military, law enforcement, or 'public servant' if you wish...

i served in the US Army in the war in Vietnam, i vote in every election i am eligible to, raised a family and now i'm retired...

don't squat while wearing your spurs...will rogers

Offline ironglow

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2013, 10:53:12 AM »
What I get a real laugh out of is someone who apparently all they do is sit in front of the computer screen day in and day finding things to post here.  They never served or did much of anything else as far as I can see besides calling people traitors, sinners, etc all the time claiming to be ultra religious.  Most of the people who are like that I have met have been hyrocrites!  I am sorry I have never been a lockstepper for any one party, or the NRA who I have been a member of since the early 60's and certainly not people here.  There is a board where only so called consertatives post and I know some of you would like this board to be that way also but I don't believe it will happen.
   " Poor George..he cain't help it!"... Where have we heard that before?   A Reminder; It was Maw Richards who shouted that as she got whipped for the governorship of Texas..
  This George apparently "cain't help it" either..he is just misinformes... perhaps he relies on lefty sources for his news & current events..
   Let's see are apparently claiming you "served" , if that's true..thanks..but then you must know what "giving aid & comfort to the enemy" is who does that is a traitor..and it includes Fonda (IMO).  There are even politicians who go around the world, apologizing to terrorists  for the United States...what does that make them?
  Sinners?.. Sure; everybody is a "sinner ", myself included....  Ultra religious?  What's that?  I'm not religious..I'm just a believer in Jesus Christ.  If you want to see the "ultra religious".. take a look at the OWS crowd, the "global warming" nuts..or the "greenie" fruitcakes..
  Just FYI..your being new here I believe, caused you jump to conclusions in your accusations concerning who "served" or didn't serve.  There are many veterans here ..veterans of both the military and law enforcement.
  Just FYI.. myself and  4 of my brothers served in the military from WW2 through Vietnam..   They include Navy, Air force, Merchant Marines..and I have 2 honorable discharges from the Army.  My grandson rounds it out with 8 years as a Special Ops Marine..having served in Ramadi and Fallujah  when those spots were very hot.
   Fact is my family has had one or more serving in every American war since King Philip's War..
       Did you notice my avatar..I earned it..just as many here have earned they military or LEO..
  Below, see my grandson getting ready for a recon run into Fallujah 2005..also see myself as a young tanker.  If you served, thank you..but remember, you did not serve alone...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2013, 11:20:53 AM »
The myths and distractions presented by the GOP, and the creation of the first virtual president, BHO; are designed to maintain herd didactics, the illusionay dialectic of two opposing sides, so that fascist corps-oligarchy can continue to pilfer and plunder this country while proceeding with their NWO agenda. And vice versa with the DNC. But I will say the myths and untruths of the GOP actors are more coarse and easier to decipher. 
Exactly TM,
 and as Rothbard said. the American people falling for it are the suckers.
The sole purpose of government is to protect your liberty. The Constitution is not to restrict the people, but to restrict government.  Ron Paul

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. - Thomas Jefferson

“Everyone wants to live at the expense of the State. They forget that the State lives at the expense of everyone.” — Frederic Bastiat

Offline rickt300

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2013, 06:12:20 PM »
The myths and distractions presented by the GOP, and the creation of the first virtual president, BHO; are designed to maintain herd didactics, the illusionay dialectic of two opposing sides, so that fascist corps-oligarchy can continue to pilfer and plunder this country while proceeding with their NWO agenda. And vice versa with the DNC. But I will say the myths and untruths of the GOP actors are more coarse and easier to decipher. 
Exactly TM,
 and as Rothbard said. the American people falling for it are the suckers.
The Dims are sure in it for the NWO agenda. If you live in a glass house don't throw stones! The present administration is far worse than either Bush administration by far. Those falling for the leftist agenda are far worse off than the "suckers".
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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #24 on: March 27, 2013, 07:42:09 PM »
I will pick on just two of your remarks.
Obama is a Muslim! FALSE. You’re an idiot and I’m not even going to explain why.
Obama is a Muslim! FALSE. See above.

First off let me say that I am no more an idiot for believing our side of this as you are for believing your side.

Now please tell us just how do you know for a 100% fact that these two are false?

"Obama is a Muslim! FALSE"

Do you know him personally?
Just because someone says something doesn't mean it's true.
He could be lying, but we all know he has never lied!!!  ::)   and that, my friend IS A FACT I CAN PROVE anytime you ask!!!
Of course you should know that, being an expert on THE LIAR.
"Obama isn’t an American! FALSE"
Have you seen first hand his birth certificate, (has anyone for that matter) and if you have, are you an expert on documentation?
Were you there when he was born?
Kenya claims he was born there.
His Grandmother also said he was born in Kenya.
I guess maybe they could be lying also.
On these two statements you can not say they are false because you can not prove them!
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That my two young sons may never have to know the horrors of war. 

I will stand for your rights as my forefathers did before me!
My thanks to those who have, are and will stand for mine!
To those in the military, I salute you!

LONGTOM 9-25-07

Offline George Foster

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2013, 02:29:15 AM »
And how do you know these statements from the Republicans are fact other than listening to Trump, Bachmann, Palin and some other dingbats?  His birth certificate has been released a couple of times now and if you choose not to believe it just keep on doing so along with your friends.
Good Shooting,

Offline vabeachman

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #26 on: March 28, 2013, 03:00:40 AM »
Obama is no different than any of our Presidents since and including Reagan.  They all fudge the numbers, they all take away rights, they are all bought and paid for.  They are all more concerned with their legacy than doing right for America.  They are all for gun control.  GOP vs. Dems a joke, they are in it together.  They make you think there is no other choice,  vote for the lesser of the two evils, seems like the Devil's in the works to me. Take a look at the signing of NDAA.  They granted themselves great powers and both GOP and Dems are patting the Pres on shoulder, smiling, and laughing.  Its funny how they both agree to strip away rights.
When a boot is on your throat does it matter if is the right boot or left boot?

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #27 on: March 28, 2013, 04:36:28 AM »
Obama is no different than any of our Presidents since and including Reagan.   

Except that Obama is a freaking communist and the others weren't.  And you've got to be really warped if you believe there are no other differences when it comes to numbers, philosophy, or whatever.


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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #28 on: March 28, 2013, 05:07:39 AM »
And how do you know these statements from the Republicans are fact other than listening to Trump, Bachmann, Palin and some other dingbats?  His birth certificate has been released a couple of times now and if you choose not to believe it just keep on doing so along with your friends.

What statements?
I never mention anyone by name or by party in my reply to your post.
In reallity what I beleave has no bearing on my reply to you.
I asked if you could prove it.
Fact is, you can't !!!
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That my two young sons may never have to know the horrors of war. 

I will stand for your rights as my forefathers did before me!
My thanks to those who have, are and will stand for mine!
To those in the military, I salute you!

LONGTOM 9-25-07

Offline vabeachman

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Re: Gop Lies?
« Reply #29 on: March 28, 2013, 12:22:43 PM »
Really no difference to me.  They all overspent, they all took away rights, they all lie. 
When a boot is on your throat does it matter if is the right boot or left boot?