Author Topic: Ruger Old Army  (Read 935 times)

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Offline Dresden

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Ruger Old Army
« on: March 29, 2013, 01:54:17 PM »
I just bought a ROA new in box, I noticed the common ringed cylinder so typical of Rugers. I seems they can do so much except time a revolver correctly. When I was younger I remember taking the bolt out and rounding the leading edge to stop the ringing, when I used to shoot the Colt SSA I always had them timed to drop the bolt in the ramp ahead of the bolt notch.  Has anybody else found a way to solve this problem, or is it just me.

I just bought a Ruger 77 rifle, some idiot decided the safety should be pushed on when the bolt is operated, even between shots, this weekend will be "Hello Dremel" day for Rugers.


Offline Flint

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Re: Ruger Old Army
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2013, 05:59:31 AM »
Near as I can figure, Ruger times all their revolvers to drop the bolt early, to assure lockup and prevent overtravel.  Unfortunately it creates a ring on the cylinder.  Perhaps the lawyers thought they'd be sued if a 44 Magnum was fired a bit out of line with the barrel.
At any rate, removing material from anywhere in the internal parts is more likely to drop the bolt even earlier, rather than later, and material will have to be added, not removed to delay the bolt drop.  No new factory drop-in replacement part will help because Ruger makes all the parts to size with little or no assembly fitting, to keep the price down.
First rule of gunsmithing, lock up or throw away the Dremel tool, it is incredibly destructive to fine firearms.
Flint, SASS 976, NRA Life

Offline tacotime

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Re: Ruger Old Army
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2013, 05:03:59 AM »
With turn rings so common a sight, I never thought them any issue.  I don't know of a any S&W's I had that didn't have one, and I think the Python and Diamondback also had them, and I wish they were both still around for me to look at right now.