This is my third attempt at posting here since my two previous ones would just disappear after hitting submit. Anyway, I have a mid 90s Win. 94 saddle ring carbine in .357. It shoots jacketed bullets reasonably but does not like the cast bullets I have tried. I tried Missouri Bullet Co. LSWC 158gr. in front of 8gr. of Unique in .357 and 4.0 and 4.4gr. of Unique in .38. My Handguns do very well with these loads but the 94 shoots large groups (3-4") at 25 yards to shotgun patterns past that. I can actually shoot better groups and any distance with my S&W 36 snubbie than this rifle will shoot with cast. I have read elsewhere that this is a common problem with cast bullets in .357 model 94s. Any experiences from anyone here?