Yes I agree looking one over before you buy is the best way, I ordered this one, didn't look it over. I was very happy about the size of the holes in the cylinder and the way it shot cast bullets, no leading problems, but the finish was not up to snuff. Along with waves in the trigger guard and polish marks that seemed to be going the wrong direction, it also had red bleeding through the bluing. So I shot the snot out of it because it was a good shooter, finally decided to get the metal polished up properly and get a good blue job. I have seen some of the anniversary models, if I would have had a finish like those I would have left it alone. I also thought about sending it back to Ruger because they do have good CS, but I wasn't sure how much time they would spend on the metal work either, so I flipped the bill on this one. I'm sure these folks will do it right, I have went to this place before, they do nice work.