I had a Sheridan Blue Streak as a young boy, growing up. Many years later, I lent it to a "friend" who has since moved away and completely dripped off the grid! Occasional and repeated eMails to last address have gone unanswered...
Well well... Last night, I'm checking emails and I see one i do not recognize. as I read thru it turns out to be from the fello who borrowed my original Sheridan back around 2003/4!!!
Says something about having moved and the rifle was in storage and apologies he forgot and lost track yada yada yada... Long email shortened; he is fairly certain he knows where the rifle is and should be able to get to it this weekend and ship it back to me next week!!!
Now after all this time, I'm not holding my breath. BUT the thought of having the old girl back is appealing to me!
I'm into the waiting game on the project Sheridan. I should see it back mid June. The stocks are "hardening" and maybe this weekend I will buff off the gloss to the matte finish I prefer. I will post pics if/when I do.
I also got a email from pyramid air saying a couple of my back ordered pellet tins have been shipped as well. Seems I'm 5MM pellet rich at the moment.
Tonight I received another email from my friend tonight... (after emailing him again over the weekend
I must admit, he is not very forthcoming with updates... Seems I need to PRY responses out of him.
BUT its looking more like I'll get my rifle back!! He said its a busy week for him, but he will ''try'' to get it shipped out to me. Mighty nice guy... I would not want him to put him out.
With luck next time I mention this I'll have my 'dan back in hand!!
Its been a while and I have herd not a peep from my ''friend''...
No answer till this AM, I emailed him again last night... The story thickens...
Long Story Short, he still dosen't have the gun!
Seems way back HE LENT IT OUT TOO! The guy who had it was unable to find it. Now the story is, he has been sick and has not had the chance to go pick it up. But said he would ''try'' to get over to get it last night or today and would ''try'' to ship it tomorrow, Saturday. I surely hope I am wrong... but something in me says its all bunk... One of these emails will contain the truth...
Just venting frustrations here... thanks for listening...
Hope the light at the end of this tunnel, ain't a train...