My 2 sons are out of school for spring(Easter)break. When asked a couple months ago about where they wanted to go for vacation, they both said a hog hunt. So the wife set up a hunt this week at a game farm here in Ohio. Nice place, spent the night and got up Tuesday morning. First to hit was my youngest,Nick, 11 years old. Used a friends .357mag Marlin, and was a perfect bang-flop picture. 1 shot, tore up the heart/lungs, and didn't move more than 3' from where he hit it. My oldest,Nathan,14 did almost the same, using my .375Win. I had loaded 220gr. Hornady, which are a semi-pointed bullet, and I should have used a 240gr.flat nose cast. He caught the top of the heart, just hitting the lungs. Hog went down, didn't move, but he went up and finished him off with a pistol. Both went over 200lbs live weight. The meat is at the processors, so some good eatin is coming up. gypsyman