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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #30 on: April 10, 2013, 04:41:01 AM »
of course if you are forced to bug out the guy who traveled may be a good guide  :o ;D ::)
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Offline Oldshooter

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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #31 on: April 10, 2013, 05:05:48 AM »
You ever see what happens to folk that win the Lotto, They have more friends and relatives come out of the wood work than they can shake a stick at.  IF you are prepared........Can you really be?  You will see "things" and people you never dreamed you would have.
“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.”

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."


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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #32 on: April 10, 2013, 05:33:22 AM »
you might say both you and them become targets ,  ;)
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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #33 on: April 10, 2013, 05:41:51 AM »
i do not talk about the pot  of gold  i have stashed in the event of economic collapse

the only reason  i am telling you  is because i trust you all

i stashed it at the base  of a rainbow...but lets just keep that between  us   here at GBO
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
no one is encouraged to do anything dangerous or break any laws.

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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #34 on: April 10, 2013, 02:19:29 PM »
Quote from:
..... The only reason I am telling you  is because I trust you all.

Its stashed at the base of a rainbow...but lets just keep that between  us  here at GBO.

(whispering like D-Day said to John Belushi in Dean Wormer's office, right before Blotto pointed the blank .45 at the horse ......)
"Riiigghtttttttt ..........!"  ;)

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #35 on: April 11, 2013, 12:30:29 AM »
Once the goverment or basicaly anyone knows your prepping it going to be pretty easy for them to find out what you actually have when it comes down to it. Couple finger nails ;), me im have nothing and im no way a prepper
Quote from: Lloyd Smale
I guess nobody here is really to conserned as your posting about it on an open forum that anyone in the country can read.  :o

I disagree!  LLoyd.    I think you make a good point ...... buuutt
Its one thing to talk in generalities (or vagueries) about about some things a person might do, or might have ......  Versus saying I have eleventy thousand .22's or 9mm's ..... Or 3 years worth of wheat, 5 pounds of gold or a retreat in Hawaii for 100 people, etc., etc.,etc.
Most people here are NOT that dumb to really tell their best laid plans or secrets!  ;)
Altho one thing I do fail to understand why some guys feel the need to post all their firearms they own in their signiture blocks!
However if I was a thief or SWAT member, I would take note of those!  :o
blue lives matter

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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #36 on: April 11, 2013, 11:01:51 AM »
Quote from: Lloyd Smale
Once the goverment or basicaly anyone knows your prepping it going to be pretty easy for them to find out what you actually have when it comes down to it. Couple finger nails ;) , me im have nothing and im no way a prepper

 Being a grey-man, methinks is a survivable way to 'fly.'  ;)   
Slow, low, no attention to onself.  "Grey."  8)
(I don't do any of that stuff either.)

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #37 on: April 19, 2013, 04:28:04 AM »
I think if you prep, one should at least have enough to take care of their immediate family first, then maybe extended family.  I know a guy who bought about 10-20 Mosen-Nagant rifles.  He also bought about 200 rounds of ammo for each.  He said, if things break down, he is going to give these out to his neighbors who aren't prepared, so they can protect their neighborhood.  He said 10-20 guys at the entrance of their neighborhood with rifles and spike bayonets would be a deterrant for would be raiders.  He said 2-3 of his neighbors are already preppers, and others are not, don't care, or do not own guns.  He said these would be the first ones to squeel for protection in a society breakdown. 
Anyways.  I hope to retire in a year or two, and am looking for a good place in the country.  No matter how much you prep, it is going to be eaten or bartered away for something you forgot.  In a rural setting, especially with a lot of trees, one can clear a small plot to raise food or animals, have wood for firewood, building, or tool handles.  Can raise medicinal plants, herbs, and spices.  Order, store, and use non-hybrid seeds for growing your own. 
Average food in cans or dry goods only have dates for about 2-3 years out, so things would have to be rotated.  If something goes wrong after a year, one would have to raise their own food. 
Whites could sustaing larger populations than American Indians because of domesticated animals, and growing crops.  Indians hunted for meat, thus needed more land to roam. 
Rotating crops, and seasonal crops can be done in a small space especialy in the south.  Where I live, trunips, collards, beats, carrots, onions and such can grow in winter.  One can plant a spring crop of "summer veggie" in April, and harvest in June-July.  Then plant another summer crop and harvest in Oct and early November.  I also was supprised to learn on "Doomsday Preppers that an area about 50'x60' can grow enough wheat for a family of 4 for bread for a year.  Another garden that same size can grow a years supply of veggies.  Then all you need is maybe a milk goat, some chickens, and maybe a pig or two, and one can have a sustainable life on probably 10-20 acres. You would need a 10 acre pasture animal grazing and to store hay for winter.  It would be hard work, but doable.  Solar hot water, and heating would cut back on needed firewood except for cooking.  Then a good solar cooker would save on firewood.  Solar batteries or wind batteries could run a 12 v refirigerator/freezer or two. 
Anyways, knowing late 1800's and early 1900's farming technology would help.  Living a while with Amish might help also. 

Offline Couger

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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #38 on: April 19, 2013, 04:58:25 AM »
Hope your aquaintence with all those Mosin's isn't sorely disappointed when the shoomer hits the fan.
In a crisis handing out weapons or even just ammo is a scary thought methinks!  :o
What if the wrong, disagreeable, pizzed-off  have-not
just decided to shoot you in the back with one of those rounds you gave him?  :'(
I might could see bartering a half dozen or ten .22LR rounds in leu of coin or precious metal, but would still be careful not to arm someone to kill me and mine!


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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #39 on: April 19, 2013, 05:16:43 AM »
I think if you prep, one should at least have enough to take care of their immediate family first, then maybe extended family.  I know a guy who bought about 10-20 Mosen-Nagant rifles.  He also bought about 200 rounds of ammo for each.  He said, if things break down, he is going to give these out to his neighbors who aren't prepared, so they can protect their neighborhood.  He said 10-20 guys at the entrance of their neighborhood with rifles and spike bayonets would be a deterrant for would be raiders.  He said 2-3 of his neighbors are already preppers, and others are not, don't care, or do not own guns.  He said these would be the first ones to squeel for protection in a society breakdown.  If things do get bad and people bond together it might be good to be able to arm those with you.
Anyways.  I hope to retire in a year or two, and am looking for a good place in the country.  No matter how much you prep, it is going to be eaten or bartered away for something you forgot.  In a rural setting, especially with a lot of trees, one can clear a small plot to raise food or animals, have wood for firewood, building, or tool handles.  Can raise medicinal plants, herbs, and spices.  Order, store, and use non-hybrid seeds for growing your own.   ;)
Average food in cans or dry goods only have dates for about 2-3 years out, so things would have to be rotated.  If something goes wrong after a year, one would have to raise their own food.  Some foods have longer life dates but in reality canned goods not damaged are good years beyond the date . If it looks good , smells good and taste good it is most likely good . If everything is good but you still worry cook it some. Freeze dried last longer also. I got some small Danish hams that were dated for 5 years .
Whites could sustaing larger populations than American Indians because of domesticated animals, and growing crops.  Indians hunted for meat, thus needed more land to roam. pigs and chickens  ;D
Rotating crops, and seasonal crops can be done in a small space especialy in the south.  Where I live, trunips, collards, beats, carrots, onions and such can grow in winter.  One can plant a spring crop of "summer veggie" in April, and harvest in June-July.  Then plant another summer crop and harvest in Oct and early November.  I also was supprised to learn on "Doomsday Preppers that an area about 50'x60' can grow enough wheat for a family of 4 for bread for a year.  Another garden that same size can grow a years supply of veggies.  Then all you need is maybe a milk goat, some chickens, and maybe a pig or two, and one can have a sustainable life on probably 10-20 acres. You would need a 10 acre pasture animal grazing and to store hay for winter.  It would be hard work, but doable.  Solar hot water, and heating would cut back on needed firewood except for cooking.  Then a good solar cooker would save on firewood.  Solar batteries or wind batteries could run a 12 v refirigerator/freezer or two.  Try heirloom seeds so they can be used year to year.
Anyways, knowing late 1800's and early 1900's farming technology would help.  Living a while with Amish might help also.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #40 on: April 19, 2013, 05:46:58 AM »
I think there are a few problems with arming others. 
One is they may not know how to use the firearm and understress even a simple gun may bee too complex.  In the civil war they found muskets and rifles filled with bullets as soldiers just kept loading them and not firing.  Would you trust gard duty to someone that could not get off a shot?
two is the same people that have faith in the government are most likely the ones that think there should be laws for this or that, that curtail your freedoms.  Would you havd one of these minor dictators a gun, who now has real power in their hands.  And may challange you or others for a leadership position with a bullet? 
Three is a pro for having back up firearms.  You can have your primary, you can have some firearms for loved ones and extened family or to replace broken firearms.  A supply of the most common breakable parts may not be a bad idea.  Firing pins, springs and the knowledge to be able to replace them.  I know a SXS is a simple gun and I can figure out how to get to the fireing pins of the side lock I own or the trigger plate locks, but the box locks excape me as to how they come apart.  If you hand out your spare firearms to people and yours goes down, will they hand you back your gun?  Again as others said therse are the people that brought or bring nothing to your group and would be crying for stuff.  Do you think they would gladly hand back your rifle, ammo, and knives if you needed them back?
Four would be to have trading items, I think of bullets and firearms not as trading items as I would not want to arm my killers that see what I have and trade me the things I am lacking for the spare guns or ammo they need.  Only to have them send back only the lead to take the rest. 


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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #41 on: April 19, 2013, 06:06:02 AM »
I think there are a few problems with arming others. 
One is they may not know how to use the firearm and understress even a simple gun may bee too complex.  In the civil war they found muskets and rifles filled with bullets as soldiers just kept loading them and not firing.  Would you trust gard duty to someone that could not get off a shot?maybe but dieing with out trying seems a poor choice . Itf time allowed it would seem some training could be undertaken.
two is the same people that have faith in the government are most likely the ones that think there should be laws for this or that, that curtail your freedoms.  Would you havd one of these minor dictators a gun, who now has real power in their hands.Yes an enemy of my enemy is my friend in a fight .   And may challange you or others for a leadership position with a bullet?Yes very true but the door swings both ways .
Three is a pro for having back up firearms.  You can have your primary, you can have some firearms for loved ones and extened family or to replace broken firearms.  A supply of the most common breakable parts may not be a bad idea.  Firing pins, springs and the knowledge to be able to replace them.  I know a SXS is a simple gun and I can figure out how to get to the fireing pins of the side lock I own or the trigger plate locks, but the box locks excape me as to how they come apart.  If you hand out your spare firearms to people and yours goes down, will they hand you back your gun?  Again as others said therse are the people that brought or bring nothing to your group and would be crying for stuff.  Do you think they would gladly hand back your rifle, ammo, and knives if you needed them back?as you defend yourself the guns from the attackers will be your resupply.  ;)
Four would be to have trading items, I think of bullets and firearms not as trading items as I would not want to arm my killers that see what I have and trade me the things I am lacking for the spare guns or ammo they need.  Only to have them send back only the lead to take the rest. 22 bullets are trade items along with booze, cigarettes , food , medical goods and such. arms are for those you trust to join your group most likely people you trusted before the crisis.
You have good point to be sure and in all but the most dire circumstances  I agree . But if things get bad we will all have to do things we would not like to do.

If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #42 on: June 02, 2013, 05:11:48 AM »
Keep a low profile and pick your friends carefully.  Being resourceful is at least as important as being prepared. 

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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #43 on: June 02, 2013, 07:23:44 AM »
I don't consider my self a "preper"......I have enough provisions for a short few months period ( mainly for my wife)......heck I may be dead the 1st day.......I don't advertise my stock.

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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #44 on: June 02, 2013, 02:58:34 PM »
Dixie wrote about a sustainable life style rather than just storing up food. I think that is the way to go too. I'm pretty long in the tooth to worry much about me, but I would like to leave my kids and grandkids a refuge that will see them into the future rather than a pile of empty cans.


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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #45 on: June 03, 2013, 02:06:48 AM »
if a crisis does occur we will all have a different lifestyle some better most not so.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #46 on: June 03, 2013, 04:55:11 AM »
I guess its all how you look at it. I look around and see things and a lifestyle that it has taken years to come by. I aint no spring chicken. I will and can survive a while, barring being overrun. My fear is for my wife and handicapped son. Not seeing much of a future for him, especially if something happens to me.  :-\   
most not so.
is where we fall.
“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.”

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #47 on: June 14, 2013, 02:49:06 AM »
The easiest firearms to maintain are military firearms.  Mosins and Mausers, one can take them down to the firing pins.  Just buy spare firing pins and springs.  AR's can be taken down to the firing pins without tools.  With a few tools, one can take them completely apart.  I think my Benelli SBE is my best shotgun in a pinch.  Semi-auto, one can buy extended magazines for them also.  It too, can be taken down to the firing pin without tools.  It is also not a gas operated.  Again, buy spare springs and firing pins, and easy to keep functioning.  The new Browning auto-5 is made like the Benelli.  Revolvers and good semiauto handguns are also not hard to maintain.  The Ruger 10-22 is another easy one to maintain.  One can buy all your spare parts from Brownells or some place like that.  Some are expensive, but insurance you might need. 

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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #48 on: June 14, 2013, 01:31:29 PM »
In a crisis, if you are at all "prepared", you'll see relatives and friends that you didn't know cared so much about you.  We are in the evacuation zone for the central Gulf Coast and for Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Ike, I had up to 22 people in my house & garage for up to three weeks.  One was a cousin in Lake Charles, La, that I hadn't heard from in 35 years.   ;)
In order for you & your immediate family to survive, you may have to make some hard choices.


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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #49 on: June 17, 2013, 01:11:21 AM »
yep there will be hard choices but they should be planned out in advance.
 As for spare parts , when you price parts some times a second gun is more cost effective.
 BUT you will use other tools more like a knife , axe, shovel etc.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #50 on: June 17, 2013, 02:27:49 AM »
Rawles says, in relation to preparedness, that "Two is one and one is none."  Spares are essential.
In my younger days, I would occasionally go "rough camping."  I'd take a pistol, some disinfectant tablets, matches, a hatchet or machete and belt knife, salt, bedroll, cookpot, and mosquito net.  As I'd rockhound or artifact-hunt during the day, I'd also hunt&gather and then spend the night there.  It was amazing what one can do without, and also what the lack of the simplest things (TP, bugspray, OTC meds, etc) would mean.  I began to add to my kit until I was comfortable with the idea that I could survive for "a while" until something better came along.


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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #51 on: June 17, 2013, 07:55:10 AM »
Before the BOB was all the rage and before anyone talked about such things I developed somewhat of a truck stock and put it in a bag. I worked out of town and back in the day TP was scarce on the job . So I put a roll or two in a zip lock bag. Clothes , get wet or rip them so I added a change of clothes. Added rain gear, added Bibs and jacket, Added some food and water , added a firearm and ammo, added fishing gear. Added boots and hat(s). Good liters and matches , Leatherman and several other things. Later a poncho & liner, blanket , water purification straw , and other stuff some mentioned here.
 Now this is still truck stock along with other tools etc. No can't tote it far but if need be much can be left behind or stashed and hid.
 I saw a few ribbons tied to bushes  on my way thru. ND . Nothing around for miles and miles . We would go long periods of time seeing no other cars. I ask about the flags or ribbons and was told people who go into Canada often stash stuff and pick it up on the way home. I assume a gun or other things like that. So in a time od crisis that could be a good way to protect goods.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Who thinks "effective" prepping means being discrete?
« Reply #52 on: June 19, 2013, 04:21:32 PM »
I always carry spare TP in my vehicles.  Never know when a public bathroom might be out.  Or getting caught out hunting or in a rural area.  Leaves aren't funny.  Neither is rough paper.