When my previous wife was alive she was a fantastic sewer. The room where the computer sits was her sewing room. Around the top of the room on all sides are thread racks to hold cones of threads, which I had special made by the Amish. These held every conceivable color in at least four of every color for her serge machine. This winter not wanting to go out in the garage where it was cold to reload shells I moved one of my reloader's into the room. Then one day I sat at the computer wondering what I was going to do with these thread racks that were no longer practical to have hung on the wall. All at once an idea came to me to try to use them to hang my barrels on. This would save me from looking into every nook and cranny to try to find the barrel I wanted at the moment. So one by one I started hanging the barrels on the rack knowing the rack was well anchored into at least three studs with pretty good size screws. The Encore barrels fit perfectly while the Contender barrels not so much as the hole on the Contenders was a little small for the pegs. I am posting some pictures so you can see the result of my brainstorm.