I got to shoot my 308 sat. I picked up some Remington 165 gr BT's loaded them with Varget and used CCI primers. Not a max load but close. At 100 yards all went into or touched a 1/2 inch green paste on dot. There was a light left to right wind not breeze so every shot was on the right side of the dot. I was happy with the result as this was a first load with these bullets. We then moved to a borrow pit that was over 1000 yards long and as much as 500 yards wide. We stayed with in 350 yards and close shooting at targets of opportunity. Dark dirt clods , pcs. wood etc. I had no trouble connecting . It was the first time I shot at longer than 100 yards and at unknown distance. The scope is 18 power as noted with out knobs for easy adjust so I shot where big adjustments were not necessary. Things I will try to change , the trigger if possible will be changed out to a 40X trigger . I have access to one if I want it and they are good triggers at an affordable price. I would like to up grade the scope in the future. Other than that it is a good to go. My goal was to get a good shooter in an affordable price range. Got the rifle used it had surface rust in the bore , I could return it if it would not shoot. To be honest I could re-barrel if necessary. I got luck it cleaned up and seems to shoot well. The stock was a take off HS per. The org. stock was ok but I wanted the HS stock . The glass was on hand and works. The trigger is workable but I want a lighter one .
The gun in original form was ok and shot good at the price a bargain. My son has one in 22-250 that in stock form with a scope that cost twice what the rifle did is a tack driver.