Author Topic: Management of Africas parks and game  (Read 850 times)

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Offline JJHACK

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Management of Africas parks and game
« on: February 20, 2004, 04:05:25 AM »
When, 50 years ago, the national park movement arrived in East Africa, unlike in America, the areas to be set aside were still in use by the local population in one way or other, mostly for grazing, watering, wood and plant collection, traditional hunting and, not the least, for commuting through.

The establishment of most national parks was thus not applauded by the local population, particularly if the creation of the park entailed resettlement, eviction and denial of regularly utilised resources.

The people living around national parks and other protected areas lost access to resources without commensurate compensation and have had no regular and reliable financial benefit from the neighbouring protected area except occasional sops in the form of wells, boreholes, classrooms and clinics.

Over the years, public attitudes towards the parks have become increasingly hostile, particularly because of the consequences of the growth in human population: as the numbers of people have trebled, land, water and wood have become scarcer and human-animal conflicts have increased manifold.

The decimation of wildlife in Uganda, perpetrated by the vandalism of Amin's army as well as by the invading Tanzanians and completed by Museveni's liberators, concentrated the minds of the government. At present, the Ugandans have the best wildlife policy in the region and, in the form of the Uganda Wildlife Authority, the best and most functional agency. The pillars of the Ugandan policy are decentralisation, local involvement in decision-making, revenue sharing (however meagre that may be) and utilisation. Wildlife numbers are slowly increasing.

Tanzania is handicapped by still not having one wildlife agency. There is Tanapa in charge of the national parks, there is another agency in charge of the hunting areas and then there is the Ngorongoro Conservation Area with its semi-autonomous status. Although the operations of these agencies are not entirely transparent (consider the Loliondo saga and the recurring accusation that the Selous is over-hunted) the national parks in Tanzania appear to be in reasonable condition and there is some revenue sharing, particularly in the hunting areas. Some provisions for traditional hunting also exist. Altogether, Tanzania has a considerable income from its wildlife. Wildlife numbers are apparently nevertheless declining, though this is attributed to habitat loss and to corruption aiding overexploitation and the bush meat trade.

Kenya has no comprehensive wildlife policy. With Nairobi being the seat of numerous conservation NGOs confessing various shades of imported animal welfare philosophies, the government and the agency responsible for wildlife were always under pressure to eschew any form of wildlife management and utilisation other than tourism.

Tourism, even under the best of circumstances, is not capable of generating enough revenue to vouchsafe the survival of wildlife. Moreover, tourism is concentrated in a few areas and, particularly in its mass variety, is detrimental to the environment.

All in all, Kenya's conservation efforts have failed and wildlife numbers have plummeted in the last 25 years by more than half.

There are currently four major contending philosophies with regard to protected areas.

While the old type conservationists are also in favour of revenue sharing, their major tools of wildlife conservation are vigorous law enforcement and education, hoping that Africans, inculcated with Western notions of conservation, will become animal lovers. Utilisation and management are anathema...

Environmental managers wish to improve the revenue basis of protected areas by means of introducing all manner of activities hitherto not permitted, such as walking safaris, night game drives, fishing, some bird shooting, and culling associated with processing of meat, skin and trophies.

The third group are the privatisers who are wildlife managers at heart, for they are obviously profit-oriented. Their clarion call is that private organisations are more successful in any and every field than the government.

The fourth group, in the process of gathering momentum, are the degazetters: the people who want to repossess what they call their ancestral land-

So far, the attitude of governments towards tampering with the boundaries of protected areas (in most cases rather arbitrarily designated by the colonial administration) is the same as the attitude of the African Union towards national boundaries (arbitrarily designated by the colonial powers): as the slightest change of the status quo will inevitably trigger a domino effect, change must not be contemplated.

The protected areas of East Africa suffer from specific constellations of universal problems. Human encroachment is the worst in Queen Elizabeth Park where no one so far has succeeded in capping the growth of the villages around and in the park (the legal situation, whereby the fishing villages are enclaves and not part of the park, is mere obfuscation).

Insecurity is worst in Kidepo and on the way to Kidepo, and in the Kenyan parks bordering Somalia, where there are no visitors, hardly any infrastructure and certain species of game have disappeared altogether.

Invasion by domestic stock is rampant in many Kenyan parks and to a limited extent in the southern parks of Tanzania.

Environmental degradation has affected many protected areas, some directly, others indirectly. The greatest damage is to the mountain parks, because of deforestation and the subsequent landslides and erosion.

Indirect man-made environmental degradation is the result of overstocking. This is now the case in Nakuru, where there are probably too many animals of almost every kind, and the Shimba Hills, where there are too many elephants, and Amboseli, where there is a complicated interaction of hydrological change, pastoralist and tourist invasion and elephant damage.

Neglect and indolence is one thing, active mismanagement is another. Of all the protected areas of East Africa, the Mara is the most mismanaged one and it is astounding how the Narok County Council was able to do grievous harm to Kenya's prime wildlife areas without being checked.

Forty years ago, wildlife was synonymous with East Africa. Now the world looks increasingly upon Southern Africa as the successful conservation example. The Ugandan learned their lessons from South Africa. There are things that the Tanzanians are learning (as have the Zambians). Kenya, the former big game champion of the world, has been left behind. There are no discernible environmental policies and there is no agreement on what such policies ought to entail.

What we need in Kenya and to a lesser extent in Tanzania is a few clear thinking women and men who can make a paradigm leap and formulate arguments that can convince the governments that to pursue the old concepts of conservation in the protected areas will lead to the continuing loss of resources and that that resource is worth saving not only because it is beautiful and mysterious but, above all, because it is valuable and its value will increase if it is well husbanded.

If we do not use our resources, we will lose them. In 2020, there will be 50 million Kenyans. It is inconceivable that they will tolerate wildlife if they have no benefit from it.

Offline Paul Sumner

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Management of Africas parks and game
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2004, 06:56:40 PM »
JJ Hack, I appreciate your incite on this challenging problem.  I have little personal knowledge regarding the geographical areas that you discuss.  I do, however, have some first hand knowledge, limited as it may, on game conservation problems confronting Zimbabwe.   Currently, it seems that the only meaningful conservation is coming from private enterprise.  Government showings in this area seem to be largely unimpressive.  The Hwange Park is supposed to be the government’s shining example of its conservation expertise.  In reality, I saw fewer animals and less diversity of animals at Hwange than at the game lodges.  From my limited observations, poverty and political opportunism stand as huge stumbling blocks to governmental attempts at game conservation.  Unskilled laborers only earn about $3 per week.  Many people are unemployed with $0 per week.  The majority of the common people survive on corn meal (mealy meal) unless they are lucky enough to live in a game lodge’s support village where they receive protein from the hunter’s take.  President Mugabe will do everything possible in the way of accommodation to these poor people to garner and maintain support.  This has resulted in the “war vets” squatting on productive ground and taking what they want.  Political expediency will always get in the way of meaningful government conservation policies so long as poverty is controlling so many actions of the people and consequently, the government.  As long as the people suffer from pervasive abject poverty and conservation issues can be used as bargaining chips for political support, the chance of anything meaningful from the Zim government seems very small.

It seems that conservation efforts of private enterprise might be in jeopardy from these same forces.  Now, however, there seems to be some uneasy symbiotic relationship between the government and the game lodges and they seem to be escaping the “war vet” squatters that seem to plague the farms and ranches. With tourists seemingly afraid to visit tourist attractions like Victoria Falls, and the majority of  tourist dollars coming from hunters, the government could be merely responsibly protecting the country’s economy.  But, observing other governmental actions, I venture a guess that the alliance seems to be based on some money in addition to that coming just from the legitimate government profit from the hunting industry.  If my guess is right, the future does not look bright for private conservation efforts.  These type of things always seem to break down.

Offline JJHACK

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Management of Africas parks and game
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2004, 03:45:02 AM »
Due to Mugabes politics the starvation of the blacks is going on because he siezed the productive food producing farms from the white farmers who had been running them for over 100 years now. This land was given to the war vets as reward. The war vets have burned and pillaged the properties and produce nothing to feed their own people. The white farmers who were told to leave the country now provide no food and no employment. The biggest export of ZIm was agriculture which is now just about zero.

Because of the starvation the poaching and snaring of wild game is totally out of control.  There will be no game worth hunting if Mugabe stays in power this is a well accepted fact by all knowledgable game management people.

My philosophy of international hunting is that I will not hunt or send hunters to anyplace that I will not bring my wife. For that reason I have not hunted Zim for the last 4 years. We have been staying on our own consession in RSA and when needed I have been helping some of my hunters get trophies while hunting on another consession in Zambia.  Even if Zimbabwe were to have a new government today the productive white population would not likely swarm back in. After losing generations of wealth, businesses, farms, and equipment, homes, and buildings to the blacks. Who would risk all the effort to rebuild just so it could happen again.

The really sad part is that when Mugabe gave these huge productive farms to the war vets, they ruined the operation deliberately. The blew up tractors and shot holes in everything. They burned the buildings and barns. Now black families are living in  shacks with a few wood pallets and a sheet of tin for a roof.  How incompetent can a they be to burn down a fully functional beautiful home and then live in a dirt floor scrap  box?  Now they sit with hands out waiting on food when they had jobs and homes and meals provided by the white farmers.

The rest of the planet will eventually have a food drive to save the zim people. All because Mugabe made the productive and fully functional white farmers leave the country so he could re-distribute their land to a non-functional prehistoric population of people!