Author Topic: .22 Sportster with a twist  (Read 1390 times)

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Offline hobbyist0783

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.22 Sportster with a twist
« on: April 12, 2013, 05:44:55 AM »
Dear fellow fans of the Sportster, - thought I would submit this photo for grins because some will find it humorous and others might find it a valuable new twist on a humble rifle. This 5yo Sportster has recently become my favorite plinker of choice when I go to the range for several reasons. A) .22LR ammo is precious nowadays and what little I have I want to use slowly. Never took this rifle to the range much when ammo was plentiful, I usually took my bolts or semi autos first, so I figured it was time to
re-acquaint myself with it / haven't fired it in years. Loctited a DNZ solid scope mount and a BSA "Sweet 22" 3x9x40, and added the piece de resistance, a Blackhawk AR cheekpad (MidwayUSA)
to elevate the comb, and voila', this may look like a humorous Rube Goldberg thing to do to a humble Sportster but it's the most stable and accurate .22 I own ! Can pick-off 1" swinging targets all day
@ 100yds judging some Kentucky windage onceinawhile, but vertically the scope does what it sez, - zero it at 50yds then dial it to 100yds and you're ready to Rock. Wonderful !
B) The choreography of loading and cocking it (like my H&R centerfires) brings all my focus and concentration to the fore whereas I don't get the same focused feeling when shooting bolts or other actions. H&R fans know what I mean, you have a particular style and "ritual" to handling an H&R break-open, and do it often enough it becomes ingrained and "Pavlovian" to bring all your focus to the fore. Nice way of putting it, eh ?  So, I can honestly say this rifle and it's brothers make me a better shooter. Pity it languished in a closet for years and it took an ammo shortage to make me appreciate it again ! Try the cheekpad as silly as it may look on a Sportster and you'll likely find what I did, it makes the rifle so huggy and stable you won't want to put it down. Will silence any onlookers who may think these are junk rifles vs. their MKII's & CZ's, - the proof is in the pudding, watch it print !  Can't miss with this rifle and the cheekpad now. Thought y'all would get a laugh it's not yer average sight at the range, a "tricked-out" Sportster ! Try it, you'll like it.  (P.S. - I chose the Xtra High DNZ mount for the BSA scope, gives a nice margin to handle the hammer w/o cramping or fumbling although the standard high mount will work for most 40mm scopes. Not a more solid mount made. I use 'em on all my HandiRifle bbls / highly recommended regardless they're costlier than other mounts, Loctite 'em down w/242 blue and if you ever lose zero it's gotta be your scope, not a wobbly mount).
Cheers and happy shooting, - Vince.

Offline Yak Angler

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Re: .22 Sportster with a twist
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2013, 07:13:24 AM »
I aswell have become a fan of the sportster .22 after i got out with mine for the first time today, great performing no nonesense guns if you ask me
I really like that cheek pad, you could probably even attach some sort of ammo holder to it for .22 rounds so they are very " Handi " for quick re-loads.

Offline gcrank1

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Re: .22 Sportster with a twist
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2013, 08:39:28 AM »
Mini-Sniping, anyone?
Several years back at our Deer & Turkey Expo a fellow had some 'sticky-backed' press on cheekpads in two heights. I should have bought a bunch. They were well moulded and comfy firm, and like so many niche items I dont think they lasted on the market (but should have).
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22Mag UV / 22LR  Sportster
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45-70  SS Ultra Hunter with UV cin.lam. wood
12ga. 'Ol' Ugly OverKill', Buck barrel c/w  SpeedStock  and swap 28" x Full bird barrel, 1974

Offline quickdtoo

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Re: .22 Sportster with a twist
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2013, 09:32:00 AM »
A simple cheek riser can be had by using a neoprene butt stock cartridge carrier with some foam padding added under it on top of the comb, lots of fellas using pipe insulation on stock combs too.  ;) Personally I like to use low scope mounts so I don't need a cheek riser, the biggest reason I don't use Game Reaper or Tally 1-pc ring mounts, I tried a Talley, sent it back, they're just too high for my taste, if they offered them in reasonable heights I'd be all over them, but neither does.  :(

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Offline HWB13

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Re: .22 Sportster with a twist
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2013, 03:13:14 AM »
I like it.  Need to look into the cheek piece idea.  Thought I had it covered.  Couple years back picked up a sportster in 17HM2.  Just got around to getting 22LR, 22Win Mag, and 17HMR barrels.  The process was pain less, turn around was less than 2 weeks.  Got scopes mounted and they are waiting for the first trip to the range this spring.  Now Winchester throws a wrench in the mix with the 17WSM.  Can’t not have all the rimfires in one package.  Does anyone know if it is even going to be possible to get one or make one.  The rim dia could be a challenge???

Had to get creative with the rack, I'm running out of room.
Handi's:17 Mach2, 17 HMR,17 WSM, 22LR, 22 Win Mag, 204 Ruger, 22 Hornet UV, 22-250 UV, 25-06, 30-30, 35 Whelen, 30-06, 20gaX2, 20GA ultra Slug, 12ga ultra slug, 12 ga Turkey, H&W 45-70 BC X2, 45 LC CC, 44 Mag, 500 S&W and 140+ non-H&R types

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Offline hobbyist0783

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Re: .22 Sportster with a twist
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2013, 07:57:09 AM »
Hey Pal, "Thought you had it covered" made me grin when I saw your bipod mounted. Neat, but is it ungainly ? I wonder, do you use the rifle for real hunting or just plinking ? I like it though, but not for me, I'm just a plinker and a bench bag is std equip for my trips to the range. I also ditto your surprise that a new bbl fitting took less than two weeks because I just had a 30-30 bbl added to an SB2 frame and they did it in less than two weeks. And as for the new 17WSM, yea, we all want to see that eventually, but I guess the only way Rem/H&R could configure that on existing rimfire frames is to drill the bbl offset like Rossi does on their break-opens. Point might be moot entirely if Win and other mfgs can't even supply LR & HMR ammo, eh ? - (i.e. "New and improved 17 ! - Read about it in ads and magazines, but unavailable anywhere !) Happy shooting !

Offline HWB13

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Re: .22 Sportster with a twist
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2013, 09:28:45 AM »
 The Sportster is used primarily for squirrel.  Normally I use my 10/22 when I go north for rabbit.  Would be interesting to use it in the fast shooting rabbit woods. Then I would have to deside which cal to mount.  Do, do my share of plinking though. As for the bipod I have them on about 5 different rifles.  Goes to my days of precision shooting.  That makes up about 10% of the gunroom.  Have them on both my Ultra Varmints, one of my AR’s and on my sporterized 52 Remington.  Just like the stable platform on the bench and in the prone.
Handi's:17 Mach2, 17 HMR,17 WSM, 22LR, 22 Win Mag, 204 Ruger, 22 Hornet UV, 22-250 UV, 25-06, 30-30, 35 Whelen, 30-06, 20gaX2, 20GA ultra Slug, 12ga ultra slug, 12 ga Turkey, H&W 45-70 BC X2, 45 LC CC, 44 Mag, 500 S&W and 140+ non-H&R types

If you have to shoot more than once you should not have shot the first time.