Well, one can snare and trap squirrels, rabbits, and even birds. Connibear 110 traps, rat traps, some sunflower seeds, nuts, or fresh greens for rabbits. Chicken wire can make quail traps with some cracked corn. I know all this is illegal unless you buy a trapping liscense or in a survival situation. This would save tremendously on 22lr use, even shot shell use for small game. Then you have bows, crossbows, and black powder rifles and pistols. One can buy lead molds for plain round balls for black powder rifles or even connical bullets for black powder use. Obtain lead, etc, and one can get buy hunting and trapping. For self defence, than save your ammo and continue to buy when you can. 22lr ammo is the one I am totally perplexed about. Never seen a shortage go this long. Also, is the government buying 22lr ammo also? Or is everyone just stockpiling it. Another think is a good pellet gun with a very high fps rate can almost = a 22lr for hunting. I also have given serious thought to buying a 17 hmr because I still see a lot of that ammo on the shelves. I reload for everything else, but I would like to have more primers for emergencies. My brass can be reloaded several more times, but I need bullets also, but there is the fallback to lead bullets. Powder can be substitued sometimes, one could even use blackpowder in a pinch with lead bullets.