I find it odd that he Media is morte than willing to go after the right, with the OKC bombing they Clintons tried to blame right wing talk radio, but they are never willing to go where it is not PC and attacking anyone on the right or a christian is PC but going after the Liberals that have done the last bunch of mass shootings. The media and the White house called the Major who shot up the army base, work place violence rather than extreme muslium, some how we knew the whole history of Tim McVey but we never heart about the goobers that shot Giffords, that shot up VA Tech, Colombine, and the Colorado Therater were all Lefties, all gave to the Democrats and all stated their hatred for the Bush family and the Republicans. And yes the two little scum bags in Colorado were not of voting age but their parents were big Dems. And yet they are called rightwing because they owned or used a gun.
If the Saudi guy is the guy, then let's reintroduce the Pershing Doctrine. Dig a hole kill some pigs, wipe the bullets in the blood, shot the moron and dump is body into the hole with the pig and take away paradise for him and all the others to follow.