Sure sounds like a .22.
Do you agree the initial shots sound like handguns, then the .22 rounds, then after the lull more handgun shots possibly mixed with centerfire rifle rounds?
I'm wondering if the Watertown patrol officers were only armed with handguns? A lot of departments, especially in "politically correct" areas of the country do not equip regular patrol officers with rifles. Sometimes even if they are issued shotguns they're required to carry them in the trunk so as not to appear "offensive" to the public!
I noticed in the news coverage the SWAT teams, and a lot of the feds were carrying AR's, but I don't remember seeing any of the patrol officers with AR's. I did see a couple who had shotguns, but very few of those.
Does anyone know what type of weapons are issued/carried by officers working the streets in the Boston area? Are long arms carried inside the car, or are they carried in the trunk - so the officers have to call "time out" so they can retrieve them before being able to defend themselves?