Hi, Tom. I guess there might be companies that make different cleaning rods for .22 and .243, but the ones I am familiar with use one size for .22 through .270, and another for .270 and larger. Just buy different size brushes and jags.
Pro-Shot Products make excellent products and will sell direct to the consumer. Try
www.proshotproducts.com, or 217.824.9133. If that does not suit, Midway or Midsouth are good online sources.
I don't use dedicated (as in special store bought) cleaning guides for NEF rifles, just use the cone shaped guides that come on a lot of the rods that are meant as muzzle guides. I push in the extractor, set the cone against the breech, and clean from there.
Actually, most of the time I don't use a rod at all. Take some medium string trimmer material, and flatten one end by touching it down on a hot plate to form a flat or ball on one end, cut the other end at a 45* angle and use it as a pull through. Thirty six inch length works for me for most barrels, and sometimes you have to play with patch size, or use multiple patches to get a good bore fit. Since deciding to avoid the wear and tear of brushes, have found this to be a good, cheap way to keep barrels clean. The string is non abrasive, and if something embeds in it, through it away and make a new one.
Hoping this has been of some use,