You are so right. When we as a nation had more "Christian values" like in the 1950's and early 60's. It was on TV, movies, and the American people lived and practiced "christian principles" even if they didn't go to chruch. We had far more respect in the world at that time, from Europeans to Africans, to South Americans, and even from the Muslim countries. Today because of our blantant sins, we are considered "infidels" by the Muslim communities. Also with more sin, there are even backlash Christian groups who get involved in "cults" trying to rid themselves and society of these sins. With freedom comes responsibility. Without responsibility we loose our freedoms. Drugs, alcohol abuse, free sex, prostitution, pimping, stealing, greed, envy, all have consequences. It leads to socialism and communism to "control" our lives, because we loose our "self-control".