Author Topic: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.  (Read 2527 times)

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Puerto Rican Teen Refuses To Pledge Allegiance To The American Flag  By Victor Garcia
Published April 24, 2013
Fox News Latino     
  •   AP
International music acts like Ricky Martin and Calle 13 have thrown their support behind a 15-year-old girl who claims she was chastised by her school for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Enidris Siurano Rodríguez, a sophomore at Damascus High School in Montgomery County in Maryland, has protested U.S. policy on Puerto Rico since she was in seventh grade by silently sitting during the daily Pledge of Allegiance.
"I do not agree with the way the United States treats Puerto Rico... I think Puerto Rico has an undemocratic situation, I dislike the idea that a government so far [from the island] tells us what we can and cannot do,” she told the leading Puerto Rican daily newspaper, El Nuevo Día.

I do not agree with the way the United States treats Puerto Rico... I think Puerto Rico has an undemocratic situation, I dislike the idea that a government so far
[from the island] tells us what we can and cannot do. - Enidris Siurano Rodríguez
Earlier this month, Rodriguez said she was asked to stand by a teacher and complied under duress before being called to the principal’s office to discuss the matter.
According to the Rodriguez, administrators dismissed her protest and,belittled her ethnic background.
The next day, the girl claimed, she was told to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, but she refused – and was confronted by a different teacher who took issue with her protest.
Then the American Civil Liberties Union became involved, arguing the girl's civil rights were violated.
The ACLU sent a letter to the school board, saying the actions such as a teacher complaining that Rodriguez’s actions were an insult to the military and military families are against the law..
Montgomery County Public Schools spokeswoman Dana Tofig told Fox News Latino in a statement that the school board received the ACLU's letter and is looking into the matter. She clarified district policy on the Pledge of Allegiance.
“Our regulations are very clear — students should not and cannot be compelled to participate in patriotic exercises, such as the Pledge of Allegiance,” Tofig wrote. “If a staff member does try to compel a student to participate or punishes a student for not participating, that is unacceptable.”
Yet that's exactly what Rodriguez said she was forced to do -- forced to participate. So she contacted the ACLU.
David Rocah, a staff attorney for ACLU of Maryland, told Fox News Latino that after the letter was sent, the Damascus High School principal personally apologized to Rodriguez and her parents.
“I told her I hope when my daughter is in high school she is independent, thoughtful and as courageous as Enidris is,” Rocah said.
The incident has made Rodriguez a sort of mini-celebrity – especially after famous singers pointed to her case as a cause célèbre.
“’The right to free speech also includes the right not to speak. Too often this is forgotten’ #SolidarioConEnidris,” Puerto Rican sensation Ricky Martin tweeted recently.
Calle 13, the Puerto Rican reggaetón group, also took to Twitter, urging their thousands of followers to check out the case and lend support to Rodriguez.
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Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Offline Ranger99

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go somewhere else and stop getting
a free education on the evil u.s. dime.
don't take any public assistance from
the evil u.s.
taking from, and then being critical
is hypocritical
18 MINUTES.  . . . . . .

Offline Bob Riebe

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Puerto Rico has the ability to vote to be a state.
I though they had done so in the last vote.

Offline powderman

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Don't like America or respect our flag ?? GET OUT. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline D Fischer

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Why should she? The illegal Mexican's get to do what ever they want and we pay them!

Offline powderman

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Why should she? The illegal Mexican's get to do what ever they want and we pay them!

YEP, and liberals insist on pandering to them for votes. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline Gary G

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You know, I doubt if Thomas Jefferson or Thomas Payne would have pledged allegiance to the flag had it (the pledge) been around in their day. The "one nation" and "indivisible" parts might have been against their beliefs. just sayin
The sole purpose of government is to protect your liberty. The Constitution is not to restrict the people, but to restrict government.  Ron Paul

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. - Thomas Jefferson

“Everyone wants to live at the expense of the State. They forget that the State lives at the expense of everyone.” — Frederic Bastiat

Offline mcwoodduck

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Can we give PR back to Spain?

Offline powderman

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Can we give PR back to Spain?

DUNNO, but I'd like to give em a disrespectful unappreciative 15 year old girl. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline BBF

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Since the school nor any other authority requires/demands this, she is free NOT to recite or stand for the Pledge.
It would however be polite for her to stand up or she could excuse herself and leave the room.
BTW is she even an American citizen??
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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2013, 03:47:16 AM »
nothing  wrong with this girl
we here are fep up with washington and the democrats

let the girl express herself.......but keep an eye on her

what about the boy that was arrested  for wearing an NRA  t-shirt

free speech   
and freedom  isn't free

i may not agree with what she says
but defend her right to say  it.........especially with obumer in office  i might agree with her
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
no one is encouraged to do anything dangerous or break any laws.

Offline coyotejoe

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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2013, 04:37:16 AM »
Whether or not I agree with her I have to respect her for taking a stand (or a sit) on this. It would be so easy to just "go along to get along". I doubt that all of the students who do recite the pledge really mean it. When they added the words "under god" to the pledge I refused to say that, I'd just clamp my lips shut for two beats and then continue.
The story of David & Goliath only demonstrates the superiority of ballistic projectiles over hand weapons, poor old Goliath never had a chance.

Offline two-blocked

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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2013, 04:50:40 AM »
Civil disobedience by American citizens is a time honored tradition.

Offline lgm270

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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2013, 02:38:35 PM »
What do you expect?

These greasy foreigners come to the US with their hands out for the "American Dream" courtesy American tax payers, then they say "screw you" when we ask for some loyalty  and gratitude in return. 

Southern California has been overrun by these "people."  They lie, cheat, steal, cheat on taxes, steal other peoples' social security numbers, and pull down the American flag when it suits them.   Their academic performance is dismal.  Here in California  Gov. Brown's latest betrayal of the citizens of California (the few that are left here) is to transfer money from higher performing suburban school districts  (i.e. white districts) to "underperforming schools in "poor districts," which is code for non-whites, mainly illegal alien offspring.  These parasites are relentless in sucking off tax revenues from American citizens.  What will they do when American citizens are tapped out or have fled the state?  They will continue to move to other white areas, that's what.

The purpose of slavery was to keep non-whites from running away from white people.

The purpose of the so called civil rights movement and the welfare state is to keep whites from running away from  so called "minorities."

Pray that the civil war comes while there are still enough of us to win.  Thank God most gun buyers are white.   They may outnumber us, but we have guns and they have.....slogans and  signs. 

Offline scootrd

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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2013, 03:28:59 PM »

And now that the bigoted racist has exercised the first amendment to be heard and has determined only the white man has the right to freedom of  speech and expression to be heard in this country....... this thread is now complete.
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

Offline two-blocked

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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2013, 03:52:09 PM »
In this case the "greasy foreigner" is an American citizen.
In 1917, the US Congress passed the Jones-Shafroth Act, popularly called the Jones Act, which granted Puerto Ricans U.S. citizenship
Being a bigot is bad enough, an ignorant one well...................

Offline BBF

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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2013, 03:59:44 PM »

And now that the bigoted racist has exercised the first amendment to be heard and has determined only the white man has the right to freedom of  speech and expression to be heard in this country....... this thread is now complete.

What he also forgot to mention is the fact that they have the votes to keep the Dems. in power.
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Offline lgm270

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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2013, 05:11:58 PM »
Having watched California submerged by the brown tidal wave for the last 20 years, several things are obvious,  but the most important is this: 

When the white majority disappears, America disappears with it.

The American flag disappears.  White children disappear.  And your gun rights disappear too.

California is run by the Democrat Party that is solidly supported by millions of welfare state parasites from south of the border.   The California Democrat party is solidly anti-gun and  private gun ownership in California over the next 10 years is becoming problematic at best for this reason.  Gun ownership and shooting sports are overwhelmingly white.  Gun rights will not survive the dispossession and ethnic cleansing of white people and their replacement whether  by blacks or 3d world Hispanics.  It is not racist to say this.  It is simply  the truth.

The California  GOP  screwed us in many ways, but  it did support gun rights.  With the dispossession and ethnic cleansing of California's white majority, gun rights and the California GOP are gone with it along with any effective opposition to  the  gun control campaign here.

The simple fact is that non-whites are  overwhelmingly hostile to gun ownership.  Those states most heavily infested with ethnic minorities are the most anti-gun. There are no exceptions to this rule.

When the white majority disappears, your gun rights disappear too, just like in California.

If telling the truth makes me a "bigot", make the most of it.

Does any sane American really want their town and their schools filled with these greasy Puerto Ricans who hate us and hate America?  Give them their indpendence and close the door on them. Otherwise, when their  electricity goes off, the toilets stop flushing and they're drowning in their own sewage (like in Mexico),  they'll just become more entitled, more arrogant, more hateful and more demanding.  Screw them! Pull out and let them drown in their own sewage instead of letting them into the US and bolstering the Democrat who will disarm us. 

Offline scootrd

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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2013, 05:47:41 PM »
If telling the truth makes me a "bigot", make the most of it.

Telling "your" truth in the terms you use "Brown tide" "Greasy Puerto Rican"  is what makes you a bigot and racist.


Someone who, as a result of their prejudices, treats other people with hatred, contempt, and intolerance on the basis of a person's race, gender, sexual orientation, etc..

Is the prejudiced belief that one race has inherent superiority over other races. 

I stand by my comment.

Semper Fi
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

Offline guzzijohn

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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2013, 02:54:28 AM »
I am biting my tongue, or in this case my fingers so hard they are bleeding, but I will refrain before I get in trouble here.

Offline lgm270

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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2013, 05:10:59 AM »
If telling the truth makes me a "bigot", make the most of it.

Telling "your" truth in the terms you use "Brown tide" "Greasy Puerto Rican"  is what makes you a bigot and racist.


Someone who, as a result of their prejudices, treats other people with hatred, contempt, and intolerance on the basis of a person's race, gender, sexual orientation, etc..

Is the prejudiced belief that one race has inherent superiority over other races. 

I stand by my comment.

Semper Fi

Make you best case for you position that having millions of Mexicans and other 3d world primitives in the US is a good thing?   

Improved schools?

Lower taxes?

Support for gun rights?

Non-whites do not respect civil rights (except to loot white people), free speech rights or gun rights.  They dumb down public schools and destroy them.    These are  facts!   

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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2013, 05:19:36 AM »
If telling the truth makes me a "bigot", make the most of it.

Telling "your" truth in the terms you use "Brown tide" "Greasy Puerto Rican"  is what makes you a bigot and racist.
Someone who, as a result of their prejudices, treats other people with hatred, contempt, and intolerance on the basis of a person's race, gender, sexual orientation, etc..
Is the prejudiced belief that one race has inherent superiority over other races. 
I stand by my comment.
Semper Fi
I think Scootrd has it about right.

So far as girl refusing to take the Pledge - or Loyalty Oath? - not a big deal. She's probably smarter and more thoughtful than a lot who simply repeat what they're told to repeat.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.


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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2013, 05:35:44 AM »
If we are free we don't have to show we love America . I do but others may not. He11 the first lady seems to only be proud of America a couple times in her life shows less respect for the flag and how its handled . Those who do respect our country need to stand tall .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2013, 09:55:34 AM »
Igm 270 is a troll who likes to get attention by spewing bigoted rhetoric.

Offline m-g Willy

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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2013, 10:20:19 AM »
Everyone should check out the history of the pledge.
It ain't been around very long.
And when first said, we were to salute the flag with an outstretched right hand palm down.
That changed when people thought it was to much like the NAZI salute.

Offline scootrd

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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2013, 12:05:16 PM »
Non-whites do not respect civil rights (except to loot white people), free speech rights or gun rights.  They dumb down public schools and destroy them.    These are  facts!   

I'll be sure and let SGT Holmes (Black) or Staff SGT Reyes (Hispanic) or corporal Fluker (black) or a multitude of others I served with over the years of Samoan, African, Hawaiian , Mexican , Chinese, Korean , German, French , Australian , Canadian, heritage, and the list goes on .....who always had my back , your sentiments.

Racism isn't born , its taught .

And your great contribution to our society has been what????

Racism is a refuge for the ignorant. It seeks to divide and to destroy. It is the enemy of freedom and deserves to be met
head-on and stamped out .

Crawl back under a rock.
I don't understand why GB forum even allows you to spew half the stuff you do on these threads.

Semper Fi
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2013, 12:21:08 PM »
Scooter first of all let me say that I agree with you 100% !!!
started thinking this as I read your post
I think the reason some dont understand racism and racist behavior is the fact that for  40 years they have heard that anytime they dont agree with what a person of color is doing or saying they are racist. It still exist today. Kinda like crying wolf.  During the last election the feel good guy on msnbc said that if obama was white his approval rating would be off the charts. Anytime someone argues a point these days, opposing a left leaning view Racist is spat at them  and some dont wanna be considered that ugly word so they cower and retreat.
Just my thought and prolly doesn't matter to either side here!
“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.”

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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2013, 12:23:53 PM »
The love of my life is a so called "greasy "Puerto Rican"(ironically none of the Puerto Ricans I know are "greasy" ) and I have been married to her for 12 years. My inlaws were born in Puerto Rico but came here when they were very young. They are good hard working people who have assimilated to american culture. You would be hard pressed to find any white folks who are "better" than they are. My wife votes libertarian with me, she has a concealed handgun license and opposes all forms of gun control. She also works 60 hours a week so that I can go to school to finish my degree. Maybe get to know a few who dont live in the inner city before you paint with such broad strokes. It has been my experience that inner city dwellers of all races are usually of the lowest common denominator.
And as for the chica who refused to recite the pledge of allegiance I find this statement to be rather thought provoking. I certainly made me stop and think hard and maybe even agree, although I doubt her motivations would be like those of these founders mentioned.
You know, I doubt if Thomas Jefferson or Thomas Payne would have pledged allegiance to the flag had it (the pledge) been around in their day. The "one nation" and "indivisible" parts might have been against their beliefs. just sayin
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Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2013, 03:54:08 PM »
At least they still say the Pledge every morning at her High School.
Here in CA they have stopped doing it, and in a few schools the students are flying the Mexican RAG ond only the Mexican RAG!  Not the US flag, not the State flag, but a forgien flag.  Please note that it is illegal to fly any other flag than the Mexican flag in Mexico,  They will make you scrape a US flag sticker off of a car at the boarder and charge you for it.  While the kids are going to the school here for free.

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Re: Puerto Rican teen refuses to pledge allegience to the American flag.
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2013, 07:42:49 PM »
If telling the truth makes me a "bigot", make the most of it.

Telling "your" truth in the terms you use "Brown tide" "Greasy Puerto Rican"  is what makes you a bigot and racist.
Is it any wonder why some Puerto Ricans dislike Americans?  In their shoes I know I would. Ironically PR has had the highest military enlistment record of any American group. I wonder if Puerto Rico became a USA state would the people then become  'greasy gringos"?


Someone who, as a result of their prejudices, treats other people with hatred, contempt, and intolerance on the basis of a person's race, gender, sexual orientation, etc..

Is the prejudiced belief that one race has inherent superiority over other races. 

I stand by my comment.

Semper Fi