Ok, where to start... i have starline once fired cases (in my rifle) they measure only .458 inside the case mouth. were my loads too light to fully expand the brass? can my rifle chamber be that tight? I have some cast 465 gr sized to .458 i think from oregon trail they measure about .456 and fit nicely into the brass. I bought some hunters supply from midway 405 gr sized .459 they measure about .457-.458 and will not start into brass i would have to expand. Also these hunter supply bullets vary GREATLY in weight! none are 405. most are 391-392 gr. these are plain base, i don't think they are desgined for GC. I have a couple of samples from a member here they measure .458 and again won't start into fired brass. Do I need to get a sizing die to bring them down to .457? .458 and expand brass? load a couple really hot to check brass expansion? what's up with the inconsistent weights? None of the bullets i have weigh what they are supposed to, is this common? how much expansion should be normal on the case from firing? any advice is appreciated, thanks, Mike.