Author Topic: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it  (Read 1519 times)

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Offline rickt300

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Now that the truth is out just how happy is the left about the deaths of four Americans in Libya? Hillary was in on refusing to raise the level of security around our diplomat and he is dead. But hey no leftist is responsible for anything anyway.
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Offline magooch

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2013, 06:34:32 AM »
The revisionists are still working on the official reports.  Really big and complicated lies take awhile to compose.  Hussein and company are still hoping people will forget about it.

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2013, 07:07:54 PM »
Yes, progressives have a short memory for their hero's shortcomings. Notice the lefties seldom reply to these kind of topics. It's like they accept but will not recognize them.
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Offline Dee

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2013, 02:14:52 AM »
I doubt we'll ever know who nixed the Calvary. The ambassador was illegally runnin guns, the bosses didn't want to be caught, and dead men tell no tales. These latest ones wantin to come forward, aren't there yet.
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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2013, 05:57:05 AM »
FYI, there is an ongoing investigation ;)

FYI there has been an "on going investigation" for several months that has gotten no where. ::)
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Offline D Fischer

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2013, 06:17:36 AM »
Sounds like a lot of reporting and not a lot of investigating. The Republican's are critizing the administration's response and the Democrats and white house dismiss it? Sounds like the same ole, same ole to me and nothing will come of it. How about public hearings and witness's that were there called to testify? How about the Generals that were going to respond and were ordered to stand down testifying? ain't gonna happen, this is America and government is not responsible for anything it does!

Offline Dee

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2013, 08:24:46 AM »
There ya go.
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Offline rickt300

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2013, 06:09:23 AM »
The larger question is why there were no Marines gaurding the embassy. The vast majority of our embassies have Marines for security why not in a hotspot like Benghazi? Answer that one Two-Blocked.
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Offline two-blocked

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2013, 08:52:28 AM »
ricky, here ya go,
Do you know the difference between an embassy and a consulate?
Do you know who has the prime responsibility of protecting each?
Do you know the function of the Marine guards?

No doubt mistakes were made, poor intelligence, lame guards etc. but I doubt anyone in our government planned this disaster.
I'm waiting for the final investigation report.
But please, do keep the conspiracy theories and rants flowing!

Offline rickt300

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2013, 06:18:51 AM »
The larger question is why there were no Marines gaurding the embassy. The vast majority of our embassies have Marines for security why not in a hotspot like Benghazi? Answer that one Two-Blocked.
It wasn't an embassy, it wasn't even a was a liaison villa where there was a meeting taking an arms deal to take weapons from Lybia and send to Syria to al CIAduh insurgents working in the hire of NATO-Israel-Western agencies...that's why the calvary wasn't called in and why they're quiet/secretive on the whole deal. Somebody posing as al CIAduh agents pre-empted the meeting_ _possibly to pull off a pre-planned kidnapping of the poor ambassador and Spec Ops guys in a pre-election bid to have BHO look like a hero, (or a dope) again when he rescued the Americans or failed to rescue the Americans.  Only other forces (Romney?) screwed up the plans and the guys got killed.  Same kind of thing with 'fast and furious'_ _weapons were going to be sent to offshore hired agencies or else to a favored drug cartel to sew up the Mexican drug trade. Same with DHS massive ammo buying...this ammo gets re-directed to various offshore hired agencies.  Things are worse and weirder than ever...the government thinks US citizens are stupider and more gullible than ever.  Connection with Boston bomber-Chehznya you ask? OK>....pressure to keep Russia out of Syrian operations perhaps... ;) ...i.e. you mess with our Syrian project--we mess with your Georgia and Chechznya problem...Like a chess game, isn't it... :) . Where will it all end?
Incredible leftist bloviation! Links please (reliable).
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Offline rickt300

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2013, 06:27:06 AM »
ricky, here ya go,
Do you know the difference between an embassy and a consulate?
Typically Embassies are in the host nations capital and consulates are in regions of the host nations that are not the capital. Generally their functions are the same.

Do you know who has the prime responsibility of protecting each?
Do you know the function of the Marine guards?

Well even your link from Popular Mechanics shows the Marines have some responsibility for the safety of the foreign diplomats. After all they may know a great deal of classified information.

No doubt mistakes were made, poor intelligence, lame guards etc. but I doubt anyone in our government planned this disaster.
I'm waiting for the final investigation report.

Mistakes were made without doubt! Hillary Clinton and BHO made them in their criminal dereliction of duty.
But please, do keep the conspiracy theories and rants flowing!

And please keep doing the leftist coverup thing for us, it looks just right on you.

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2013, 04:38:10 AM »
RICK. Good posts Sir, good to know that more of us every day see through the leftist lies. Personally, I give these posters the respect and attention they deserve, NONE. POWDERMAN.  ;) ;)
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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2013, 05:05:22 AM »
It's easy to figure out the importance the Regime places on getting to the truth of what occurred in Benghazi by noting that their mouthpiece considers Benghazi to be very old news that happened a long time ago.  Several previous administrations weren't very successful in using a similar strategy.  With the nearly non-existence of a curious media these days, the Hussein administration just might get away with it.  Hopefully though, something close to the truth will come out and the ultimate responsible person will be held to account.  And hopefully that person will be forever disgraced and removed from his position.

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2013, 05:20:10 AM »
     I dont care if it was a embassey, consolate, or a forien McDonalds, 4 of our people are dead and this adminastration is trying to cover it up!!  And that is from the top down, Osama and some of his suporters here seem to think like the wicked witch from the west ( what difference does it make )  and Jay bird Carney stating that it was a LONG time ago, for some reason this get from our country was attacked to a parking lot mugging.  Jim

Offline Dee

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2013, 05:27:07 AM »
The bottom line here is: the "ambassador", and I use that term rather loosely in this case, was RUNNING GUNS to the enemy, and sold them to the WRONG FOLKS. He was in there QUITELY trying to get them back. The REAL SOLDIERS that got themselves involved are the only REAL HEROS that got killed.
Stevens made a deal with the devil, and the devil collected.
Everyone might as well accept the fact that no one is gonna pay for this, and it is similar to Oliver North takin the rap for everyone's beloved President Reagan.
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Offline rickt300

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2013, 06:26:55 AM »
Well Dee Stevens was our ambassador. If indeed he was running guns to the "enemy" or more likely trying to support the fight against Asad who do you think put him up to this? If you haven't noticed Obama is doing everything possible to strenthen the Muslim Brotherhood, obvious treason no matter how you look at it.
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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2013, 04:01:24 PM »
rict300, Stevens was a gun runner with a "title". I don't follow or support "titles" just cause they "had" a title. He had smuggled a bunch of stingers in and gave them to the wrong bad guys. Some of the news media uncovered that two months ago, and the story was killed after airing once or twice. Like it or not, the U.S. was "meddlin" in someone else's business, and Stevens paid the price. He wasn't in there without an security escort for nothing. He couldn't have any witnesses. As I have said before: Dead men tell no tales. Those retired Seals were the only "real men" there. They did what warriors do, but they were unknowingly fighting for an "Obama spook" who got caught by the other side.

I'm every bit as anxious as you would to get to the REAL bottom of this, and know that Hillary and Obama are the real culprits here no doubt. But it ain't gonna happen. It never does. The Senate and Congress are more interested in things like UN-DOING their law against Congressional Insider Trading on Wall Street which they done last week and Obama signed the bill. Their not really interested in Benghazi. Their busy makin fools of the voters, and makin more money.
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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2013, 02:03:26 AM »
If push comes to shove, the powers to be will try and throw Hillary under the bus totally. They don't want to upset the native's to far in advance of the next presidential election, so as to not get the native's beating the war drums to soon. I think the economy will become a much bigger issue, and this will be just another piece of why this country is falling apart. gypsyman
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Offline Dee

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2013, 02:34:31 AM »
I agree with everything except the Hillary thing. Hillary is the bus driver.
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Offline jhm

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2013, 03:52:10 AM »
     If they try to throw the wicked witch too far under the bus there is a chanch she will come out swigging as she only has loyalty to her ownself, she only took the job of security of state to stay in the public eye, she dont really like Osama and I am sure the feeling is MUTUAL on his part.   Jim

Offline rickt300

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2013, 06:21:29 AM »
I did a search myself for links TM7, your post covered a lot more than Steven's connection as an arms dealer. So all this was known before the election? It appears Obama was a Malcom X follower. Nice. I also found a message board with a more open eyed look at the present White House.
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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2013, 09:13:51 AM »
Hillary LIED......  and people DIED..   .
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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2013, 07:59:10 AM »
The larger question is why there were no Marines gaurding the embassy. The vast majority of our embassies have Marines for security why not in a hotspot like Benghazi? Answer that one Two-Blocked.

probably...barry was afraid to "Offend" the Libyans with presence our of armed guards...

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #24 on: May 08, 2013, 06:25:13 PM »
Benghazi siege: New testimony, old political games
Terror, Security, and Hillary 2016: Making Sense of the Benghazi Hearings

To Republicans, the deadly September 11 attack on a U.S.  diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, was a huge, conscience-shocking  security scandal, one that Democrats are shamelessly trying to cover up. To  Democrats, the attack was the sort of tragedy that inevitably comes from  practicing diplomacy in a dangerous world, one that Republicans are shamelessly  exploiting for political gain. Those two views came no closer to agreement  during a Wednesday House hearing on the subject.

Read more:

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #25 on: May 09, 2013, 06:16:50 PM »
Sending men into dangerous places, and then calling off help when they are fighting for their lives, to protect one own "political image", and then lying about it, is beyond shameless.
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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #26 on: May 09, 2013, 06:34:33 PM »
Sending men into dangerous places, and then calling off help when they are fighting for their lives, to protect one own "political image", and then lying about it, is beyond shameless.
Don't forget the attacks on the guy that made some strange video that the Administration was blaming the roit on and not the Intell failure to detect an attack on sept 11th. 
And that same movie maker is now in Prison based on the lies that the Oval office started. 
My question is still where was Obama during the attacks, no one has said where he was and what his role in the debocle was.  Was he there and unable to make a desicion?  Was he Drunk with the $10,000,000 in Booze they have purchased since he has been in the White house?  Was he High?  Did the "Secratry of Stuff" give him a Breifing on medicinal benefits of Pot?  Was he off with a Girlfriend or boyfriend?  Was he in charge or was he incapacitated and Biden should have been in charge? 

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #27 on: May 09, 2013, 08:38:04 PM »
Now that the truth is out just how happy is the left about the deaths of four Americans in Libya? Hillary was in on refusing to raise the level of security around our diplomat and he is dead. But hey no leftist is responsible for anything anyway.

Cut your losses.  There is no THERE there.  Even if the Republicans prove ALL their allegations, this goes NOWHERE. 

Watch and learn.

Offline gypsyman

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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #28 on: May 10, 2013, 01:12:36 AM »
So by what I'm understanding from your statement Lizzie-6, nobody should be held accountable for their actions, or lack of them if in command?? gypsyman
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Re: How about that Benghazi coverup and lack of investigation of it
« Reply #29 on: May 10, 2013, 05:47:21 AM »
FYI, there is an ongoing investigation ;)

FYI there has been an "on going investigation" for several months that has gotten no where. ::)
  You just don't understand..there has been an investigation going on for months..  They have been investigating ways to cover it up!!
  Meanwhile.. How would you like to wake up mornings..looking at this...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)