Author Topic: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.  (Read 3394 times)

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Offline powderman

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #60 on: May 07, 2013, 01:41:34 PM »
Maybe felons cases should be reviewed and acted on individually by some type of judge or review board. I would have concerns with a felon that has had a previous history of violence. On the other hand I had a friend in my college days that accidentally rear ended an 80+ year old man's car at about 20mph. It broke the man's neck and killed him. My friend was convicted of involuntary manslaughter. He never had to serve any time but he is now a felon. There is no reason not to trust him with a firearm.

guzzi. WOW, I agree, I believe you are coming around. A felony can be no more than a spouse abuse charge with no conviction, there are a lot of things considered felonies that bear reconsideration. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline FPH

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #61 on: May 07, 2013, 01:47:47 PM »

Or maybe he will be busted for buying and possessing an illegal weapon before he can uses it.

Good idea,, maybe they could outlaw all guns before anyone can use one in a crime!

And maybe you are taking your argument to an absurd point.

Noooo, you are the one that wants to take away someone's gun ...before they can commit a crime with it.
It's a slippery slope you are heading down when you take someone's rights away.
Why do you think that the right to keep and bear arms is a privilege?
btw-If my church said it is wrong to pay taxes and I was jailed for not paying taxes.
When I get out, should I be banned from going to the church?

Your Felon already committed a crime and gave up his right to own a weapon.....that was the felons choice and he or she is suffering the cosequinces which were part of that decision......who said anything about a privilege but you?
You did.
You think the government can take a right.
They can only take it if it is a privilege.
And if you think they can take a right ,, then you must think it is ok to deny me my choice of religion if my church does not agree with government policy.
Do you see the difference between a right and a privilege?

Where did I use the word privilege?  With the church and weapons you are talkin apples and do become a felon without a felojy conviction?......MF gets convicted of spousal abuse....back behind the barn for him, and he ain't comin out.

Offline m-g Willy

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #62 on: May 07, 2013, 01:52:03 PM »

Where did I use the word privilege?  With the church and weapons you are talkin apples and do become a felon without a felojy conviction?......MF gets convicted of spousal abuse....back behind the barn for him, and he ain't comin out.

Not apples and oranges.....RIGHTS!
You seem confused about the difference between "RIGHTS" and "PRIVILEGES"

Offline FPH

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #63 on: May 07, 2013, 01:57:26 PM »
He gave up his ":RIGHT".....his choice......that is one consequence of his action.........say I kill someone but I don't like the consequences, you ok with me just getting probation and not "suffering" the stated consequences? It was only your Mom I killed, but what the heck. I'm a good guy. And where did I say privilege?

Offline FPH

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #64 on: May 07, 2013, 02:09:34 PM »
We will have to agree to disagree.......take care.

Offline m-g Willy

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #65 on: May 07, 2013, 02:23:04 PM »
He gave up his ":RIGHT".....his choice......that is one consequence of his action.........say I kill someone but I don't like the consequences, you ok with me just getting probation and not "suffering" the stated consequences? It was only your Mom I killed, but what the heck. I'm a good guy. And where did I say privilege?

What are you talking about?
If you murder someone,, you should be arrested and go to trial.
A trial is your RIGHT!
You can't be held forever without a charge or even a trial.These are your rights.
Do you think the government should be allowed to hold you in jail forever without a trial because you killed someone?
Maybe you should lose your right to a trial because you killed someone.
Who cares if it was murder or self defence,,, you killed someone and should rot in jail for it , no need for a trial ,, you lost that right when you did the killing.
Do you see what I'm getting at?
Who gives you your rights?
You are born with them.
The government is only there to protect them.
Check out  http://

Offline FPH

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #66 on: May 07, 2013, 02:46:20 PM »
He gave up his ":RIGHT".....his choice......that is one consequence of his action.........say I kill someone but I don't like the consequences, you ok with me just getting probation and not "suffering" the stated consequences? It was only your Mom I killed, but what the heck. I'm a good guy. And where did I say privilege?

What are you talking about?
If you murder someone,, you should be arrested and go to trial.
A trial is your RIGHT!
You can't be held forever without a charge or even a trial.These are your rights.

Killing your Mom makes me happy..Don't I have an unalienable RIGHT to the pursuit of happiness by my creator?. The heck with societies laws.  Isn't your Mom willing to sacrifice her RIGHT to life for my happiness?  If I can give up my safety for a convicted's the least she can do (ABSURDITY WITH ABSURDITY). My cousin is a convicted felon, he is dumb as a way I want a gun in his hands...........Privilege?

Offline m-g Willy

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #67 on: May 07, 2013, 03:30:40 PM »

Killing your Mom makes me happy..Don't I have an unalienable RIGHT to the pursuit of happiness by my creator?.

But you are taking another person's right to life.
Tell me,, what is the difference between a "right" and a "privilege" to you.

Offline powderman

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #68 on: May 07, 2013, 03:57:00 PM »
FPH.  A restraining order in a Domestic Violence  case is enought to  cost you your gun rights in KY, even though no charges were ever filed or a conviction on anything. When this law was passed years ago several Lou city leos lost their jobs because it meant they could no longer posess a gun, a requirement for them. As guzzi said, each case could be  different. Somewhere common sense and right and wrong should be used when applying the LAW. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #69 on: May 07, 2013, 05:30:08 PM »
I disagree with the X Fellon. 

Gee the Warden hands the Bank robber $300  he earned working in the prison at $.03 an hour and he goes out a buys a handgun, legally, and with it and robs a new bank, and then not wanting to go back to prison shoots it out with police.

So seeing that it is illegal for the x-felon to own a gun.
You think he'll scrap the idea of robbing a bank, because it is against the law for him to have a gun :o
And he don't want to break any laws! (AT LEAST NOT WHILE ROBBING A BANK)
I do not think it will stop him but it will make it harder for him.  As a police officer sees him with a gun, they know something is up and can stop him,  Buying a gun on the street is dangerous, the guy selling the gun can simply point it at you and take your $.  And hte criminal can not go running to the police and explain that while trying to proform an illegal act, he was robbed. 
And G Gordon Liddy said it best.  I am a felon and I can not own a gun.  My Wife has quite a few and she keep one in my night stand table.   ;)

Offline FPH

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #70 on: May 07, 2013, 05:30:35 PM »
a   : the power or privilege to which one is justly entitled <voting rights> <his right to decide> 

There is than darn word pivilege you like so much.  Maybe you should try a dictionary.

Offline FPH

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #71 on: May 07, 2013, 05:34:57 PM »
Definition of PRIVILEGE : a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor : prerogative; especially   : such a right or immunity attached specifically to a position or an office

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #72 on: May 07, 2013, 05:36:27 PM »
Maybe felons cases should be reviewed and acted on individually by some type of judge or review board. I would have concerns with a felon that has had a previous history of violence. On the other hand I had a friend in my college days that accidentally rear ended an 80+ year old man's car at about 20mph. It broke the man's neck and killed him. My friend was convicted of involuntary manslaughter. He never had to serve any time but he is now a felon. There is no reason not to trust him with a firearm.
They already have an Expongement program for felons in some states, You pay the lawyer and petition the court and you cna get your fellony exponged if you meet a certain criteria.  If you get it exponged it is like it never happened.  You get to vote, own a firearm and get a security clearance. 

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #73 on: May 07, 2013, 05:40:49 PM »
a   : the power or privilege to which one is justly entitled <voting rights> <his right to decide> 

There is than darn word pivilege you like so much.  Maybe you should try a dictionary.
But we limit Rights all the time.  You are not allowed to vote until you are 18,
We limit what you can say.  You can not tell lies about other people (slander) You cna not yell Fire in a crowded theater and cause a stampede.  And while the 19th amendment give you the right to buy and sell Alchol there are limits on that right as to what you can make and to whom you can sell it. 

Offline Lizzie-6

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #74 on: May 07, 2013, 06:20:42 PM »
Too many gun owners are for gun control to one degree or the other.

2.No reason for high  cap. magazines
3.No reason for the dreaded black rifles!!
4.No reason for full automatic weapons
5.No reason for a short barrel rifle or shotgun
6.No reason for a handgun.
7.No reason to carry a handgun around in public
8. No reason NOT to register all guns.

If anyone agrees with any one of these, then they are for gun control and taking rights away from a free American citizen.
(and so on, ad naseum)

Think you have rights?  I've got news for you Buckwheat.  Any right you claim, God-given or otherwise, is dependent on you being able to govern yourself.  If you and your local community, thru your duly elected representatives, cannot make and enforce laws, and prosecute the offenders, someone else will step and provide these "services" for you.  It's that simple.

Most of the items on your list have been addressed by existing laws.  Those laws are on the books to protect public safety.  So respect them, or get out of town.  I don't care what you keep and bear within the privacy of your home.  In that venue, use of force in self defense trumps all law.

If you step out into public around here though, you best check yourself.  Be respectful to every one you see.  Don't drink, don't cuss, don't drive too fast, and DO NOT eyeball the schoolgirls.  They're a tough crowd, and if they think you're armed, they will not play nice.  Nuff said.

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #75 on: May 07, 2013, 08:07:27 PM »
FPH & M-G Willy! If you two want to act like a couple of 10 year olds fighting at recess, do it somewhere else.You both know the rules., and you know your not following them. I suggest you do so.
Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.

Offline FPH

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #76 on: May 07, 2013, 11:05:43 PM »
FPH & M-G Willy! If you two want to act like a couple of 10 year olds fighting at recess, do it somewhere else.You both know the rules., and you know your not following them. I suggest you do so.

When have I physically challenged him? I accused him of ignorance not stupidjity.  Where did a "fight" insue?  Where did I break the rules?

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #77 on: May 08, 2013, 03:20:27 AM »
Lizzie -6
Mike Raagues Passed away on Monday.  Sporting clay shoot this weekend is canceled and memorial is Sat.

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #78 on: May 08, 2013, 07:13:53 AM »
Is there  need to belittle/refer to someone as "Buckwheat?  This is not the Religious Forum where anything seems to go.
What is the point of Life if you can't have fun.

Offline Victor3

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Re: Cali gov signs bill to speed up gun confiscations.
« Reply #79 on: May 13, 2013, 03:19:56 AM »
Lizzie -6
Mike Raagues Passed away on Monday.  Sporting clay shoot this weekend is canceled and memorial is Sat.

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Sherlock Holmes