« on: May 04, 2013, 02:24:29 PM »
I am new to the 1911 world. I looked over the last 10 pages and found no threads on firing pins. I know with different materials out there someone must have an opinion on which is the strongest. I have a new 1911 and it appears to have broken the pin on round 30 of my 100 round break in. Will be taking it apart tonight to look but i have no tention on the pin and no protrusion at the face. I am looking for hwat works best. torn between return and repair.

Handi's:17 Mach2, 17 HMR,17 WSM, 22LR, 22 Win Mag, 204 Ruger, 22 Hornet UV, 22-250 UV, 25-06, 30-30, 35 Whelen, 30-06, 20gaX2, 20GA ultra Slug, 12ga ultra slug, 12 ga Turkey, H&W 45-70 BC X2, 45 LC CC, 44 Mag, 500 S&W and 140+ non-H&R types
If you have to shoot more than once you should not have shot the first time.