I'm talking about a nuclear burst in SPACE, 250 miles above Kansas. According to NatGeo, it would knock out power over the entire US, Southern Canada, and Northern Mexico. No radiation since it would be in space and stay in orbit. The EMP burst would knock out electronics according to NatGeo, half of all vehicles (they tested 36 different brands and styles of vehicles and half were knocked out). Some had metal cages around the electronics and continued to run, others died. North Korea or Iran, once they develop orbital capability with enough weight, could launch a nuke and explode it above Kansas and there goes the electrical system.
Air bursts like in WWII and the 1950's tests only knocked out electronics for a few miles away. Yes, with an air burst nearby, it is probably all over due to radiation and the fallout downwind of the blast. In space it is a whole nother matter. We would know where the missle came from, and who to retaliate against. Iran might be stupid enough to try it since dieing for their religion isn't a big deal. N. Korea would probably only threaten to do it to get food and/or money. Also, they said the sun is OVERDUE for a giant solar flare which happens about every 150 years. Happened in 1858 and knocked out all the telegraph lines in the US and England. Wasn't as big a deal then, got them all back up and running in a few days. NatGeo said it would take 6 months to a year to get Americas power back on by the power companies. In 6 weeks people in the inner cities would starve to death, have colera outbreaks, and be killing each other for food, also estimated 100 million would die before all power was restored due to lack of sanitation, disease, starvation, murder, riots, etc. Those in rural areas would fair better due to more food availibility.
My concern was would an EMP due to a space nuke or giant solar flare knock out solar panels and wind generation equipment. Wind equipment might could be housed in metal and grounded. Can't cover a solar panel if you need sunlight.
I watch the TV show Revolution where all the power was knocked out world wide. Interesting concepts of areas trying to get order restored. In the "Georgia Republic", they used steam engines for trains, boats, and buses. Interesting. People walked or rode horses everywhere.
EMPS do not require lead to shield, only a metal box around the equipment and grounding. EMPs are not radioactive or radiation. It is like powerful radio waves. They do not hurt humans, but will cause powerlines to overload and trip breakers. Electronics, since they use milivolts of electricity, just a few volts could overload them and fry them. That is why in their tests, half the vehicles were able to operate. Their electronics were shielded under metal. If the electronics that control your care are under a plastic dashboard and glass, and EMP will fry them. If you have a metal dashboard, they would be shielded. Old points and condenser cars, were also not affected by and EMP burst. Modern ones were. Computers, TV's, anything plugged up that has small electronic chips would be fried. An older toaster might not be if the power breakers didn't trip. Strange, but old tube type electronics would survive, depending on the power surge.