Implying Obama is a communist? He ain't even a leftist! Wall Street insider trading, billions for the insurance companies, cutting Social Security, maintaining all the programs of his predecessor (He-who-must-not-be-named)--- he's the most right-wing Democrat I ever heard of! For that matter, so was Clinton. He's given his "opponents" everything they have asked for. I think the left has been infiltrated. I'm about to join the Socialist Party just so I can be a moderate!
You are right CDQ, so what does that make him? I've often said Obama isn't a communist but that
never stopped him from trying and he is a damn poor Socilist.
So now even by your finally admitting it that must mean that he is really something I couldn't
mention on this site. Because he sure isn't a Bush or a Clinton at least they made moves to
help this country now and then instead of destroying it.
I know, you can come closer to a compareison by saying he is more like Caligula and Nero because
we've never had a president as bad as he is to compare him with.
Both these Emporers were narcissistic.
Both of them robbed the coffers of their country's money .
Both of them had lavish lifestyles while their country's were in financial ruin.
Both of them advocated perversion.
They were both suspicious of their military.
They too got away with about everything.
With both of them their country was on the verge of a civil war.
I don't believe in reincarnation but Obama sure makes a good argument for it.
Or maybe its just the same rehash demon who gets to try this over and over.
But once more its vanity and greed gets in the way orchestrating its own demise over time.
People can be fooled and lied to most of the time with their own greed.
But they can't be fooled or lied to anymore once they start to see through the lie to the truth.
Satan try's to be all things to all people but in the end its only all about him.
Obama is having a large time up there at our expense and he acts as if he no longer cares if he
is exposed or not. And like those other two and all the others there will come a day when it will come
to a screeching halt when the people, not him have had enough.
Obama is like a used up rock star who once was at the top of the charts, but people are getting sick
of the music now and want something new and better.
Like its said in that industry, the public has a short memory and attention span and sooner or later
you become just a has been wanna be that no one is listening to.