Slavery and racism are two distinct issues. No black person alive today really believes he is entitled to anything because of the way his ancestors were treated. If he says that, he just wants something for free.
Much more prevalent than the slavery issue today, is the racism issue. It's here and it's not going away and it's got nothing to do with the civil war.
It's ridiculous to think that any person in the south holds a grudge against those in the north because of the outcome of the war. Really silly and stupid, and it only comes up by Yankees who want southerners to hold a grudge. It's the northerners who can't let it go. It's the northerners who like to say they won, when the truth is, the stupidity of such a stance speaks aloud of ignorance and hate on their part.
I freely admit I despise Yankees. I don't want to see them, I don't want to know them, I don't want to speak with them, but I don't hate them. I don't hate anyone. It's insane to say you hate an entire group. We hate individually. But an individual from New England, no matter where he migrates, is a Yankee and possesses Yankee characteristics which are sickening to me. Those who say they travel and have met New Englanders and they can't see a difference in their attitudes and actions, are liars, or else they are Yankees themselves.
I'm 65. I've never met a person from an northeastern state that didn't personify what I've said. Always, even their most meaningless remarks are spoken to place them above others. They don't even know it, to some extent. It's such an ingrained way of life to put down others or to show themselves superior, they can't help it. To see a northerner go out of his way to be polite is a fantasy. The reverse is true. They can't shut up when an opportunity arises for them to glorify themselves. It's subtle in most situations, but it's always there.
Again I say, I don't think they can help it. They were raised in environs that demanded rudeness. Be rude or be less than whomever it is you are in contact with. Despicable. I avoid them if possible.
An actual Yankee can't see it. He gets on the phone with a retail rep to place an order. The rep is a northerner, short and smart mouthed and condescending. The Yankee caller can't even recognize that, because he's that way himself.
As Mr. Gump said, that's all I got to say about that.