I like green reloading machines.

RCBS has warranted its products for so long, even if I break 'em, that it hurt to purchase a red Lee Classic Cast Press to supplement the Rock Chucker that has graced my bench for over 2 decades, because they don't make the "standard" Rock Chucker anymore (and the green "Supreme" was more than 2X the cost of the Lee).
They will forgive me this one inequity as over the years I have also purchased a Piggyback II (Progressive adapter) with six different caliber change-out heads and shell holders, their dies for nearly a dozen calibers, Trim Pro Mate Manual Case Trimmer, Trim Mate Case Prep Center, a couple of powder measures, and a 5-0-5 scale to name but a few of the many RCBS Products I have. All of it is excellent stuff and fully backed by RCBS, which stands for ROCK CHUCHER BULLET SWAGERS (or it used to).