It's a SxS 45 Colt bona fide hand made hog destroyer - built on a Serbian 16 ga SxS shotgun frame.
I can't even begin to get my head around a narrative on this, nor the time its taken, as, with the exception of threading the barrels into the monoblock, the rest was done by hand. Drawfile the barrels, drill and tap the plates to hold the regulation, soldering and epoxy the ribs, sights, etc.
A lot of trial and error, a lot of lessons learned, a lot of powder and lead down range, but it will send a 280gr cast SAA (from a 270 SAA RCBS mold) out the 21" 14 twist barrels at 1,100 fps with 8.0 grains of unique, and absolutely blow apart a fencepost.
It's got 2" groups at 50 yards, which may not be perfect, but its good enough for me.
Another pic. It's a perspective issue, the front doesn't really look like an old howitzer.
I've got a set of 30-30 barrels I am trying to finish up during the summer as well.