Author Topic: 32 H&R 32-20 .308 bullet dies  (Read 591 times)

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Offline djp

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32 H&R 32-20 .308 bullet dies
« on: February 21, 2004, 09:30:04 PM »
Anyone know who makes dies for the 32 H&R and 32-20 that will seat .308 bullets for the Contender barrels. I am interested in trying 110 to 125 grain spire points.

Offline haroldclark

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32 H&R Magnum Loading Dies in 308
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2004, 02:34:20 AM »
I have a 32 H&R barrel and I can't get my dies to size the case down tight enough to hold a 308 bullet either.

Offline clodbuster

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32 dies
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2004, 03:31:21 AM »
Guys Making your dies work to seat 308 bullets is as simple as changing the expander spindle.  Just obtain the 308 one from your die maker and swap it out.
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Offline Jim Stacy

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30/20 dies
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2004, 03:38:11 AM »
Pacific and Hornady ,at least in the past, made 30/20 dies for the 32/20 --.308 TC barrel . I had a 32 Mag barrel and I bumped the first 1/3" or so down with my 30 carbine dies so it would hold the .308 plinkers and Hornady 1/2 jackets and it worked pretty well . You can probably use the 30 carbing , Lee Carbide , dies to load the 32 Mag all together but sold the barrel and just used a combo of 32 Mag and 30 carbine dies to load mine .

Offline haroldclark

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32 H&R Magnum Loading Dies in 308
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2004, 04:13:51 AM »
Hey Clodbuster

I already tried that.

Haven't tried the 30 carbine though and I have carbide 30 carbine dies too.  I'll give that a try.


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32 H&R
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2004, 04:16:58 AM »
I called RCBS and ordered the 308 expander and replaced the 312 with it. Works great.

Offline jgalar

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32 H&R 32-20 .308 bullet dies
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2004, 05:22:24 AM »
you can order a new expander from your die maker as stated previously or modify it yourself. here is a segment from the lee website as an example:

32 H&R Magnum commonly uses .311 but the sizing die will size the case enough to hold .308 bullets. It would be necessary to purchase an additional expander plug and reduce it's size to .308 in order to have both options. This can be done using a drill press and emery cloth, or for $10.00 plus the cost of the new expander, we would do it for you.

Offline haroldclark

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What kind of 32 H&R brass are you guys using
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2004, 05:14:16 PM »
I am using Starline 32 H&R brass in a Hornady die.  I tried it again today and there is no way that the die will cause my brass to hold a 308 bullet.

The 30 carbine suggestion for sizing the 32 must have been for the 32-20 'cause it won't touch the 32 H&R.

I'll have to check with Lee and see what their die really does.

Harold Clark

Offline Jim Stacy

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30 carbine dies
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2004, 04:30:02 PM »
Well guys I was embarassed that I had lead you astray so I went up and got out my dies and tried the 32 mag trick I had told you about and you are correct that the carbide dies do not size the neck down like I said . I put the 30 carbine C&H dies from the 60's and they , with the expander removed will size down the front .25" or so of the case tight enough to hold a .308 bullet then I taper crimp the bullet in place with a redding taper crimp for the 32 long. I guess I just have an odd or small size die ?
I bought  the  Lee 30 carbine carbide after I quit loading for the 32 mag TC and I assumed that it would work like the steel die does. The old steel dies do put a funny step in on the 30 carbine case also but no problem getting them to fire in the 30 TC or 30 blackhawk. Sorry I guess luck will do for brains sometimes and just happen to have an odd die set?

Offline haroldclark

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32 H & R
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2004, 05:16:54 PM »
Jim, I was beginning to think you had the slick deal going.  I know 'bout that ole memory thing.

When I put the 308 bullet in the case, it is so loose that bullet depth will not be consistent when crimping.  I tried that too.

Oh Well, back to the old Cast Bullets.  I have always used a 150 grain Saeco cast bullet sized to .310 and that fits great.  I have 8 or 9 hundred 130 Hornady bullets that I had hoped to expend in that barrel.

I have a 30 carbine barrel too, so the carbine will get to digest them.

Thanks for the in put,

Harol Clark

Offline B_Koes

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32 H&R 32-20 .308 bullet dies
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2004, 07:59:26 AM »
Redding makes a die set labeled .30-20 TC.  I just bought the deluxe set with a FL & neck resizer.  It appears that I have both expanders .312 & .308 installed.  It took two crumpled cases before I figured out that I had the wrong one in and changed it.  After that, however, everything worked great.  This was also with Starline brass.