MCWD....for the same reasons we don't want or have LEO, Military, Fire Dept, most schools, road maintenance, etc, privatized_ -are the same reason Healthcare shouldn't be privatized.
Biggest impediment to a free, happy, healthy, and vibrant and strong economy and society is Healthcare corpo tyranny_ _which it appears will be bolstered by the Heritage Foundation's Romney-Obamacare creation.
BTW--go back and ask your college profs for a refund, because socialism and communism are not the same...Communism infers a state run central society and economy as in a Soviet state_ _i.e a like a fascist Corporacratic Monopoly operating under the principles of inequality.
Socialism infers grassroots and local controls working for people's benefits under the principles of equality.
I agree we do not want the Police and Military in Private hands but want under a public trust.
Fire Departmetns, have become more efficient to be a public or volunteer afair instead of havinf competeing companies in the same town.
But with Health care you definately want Private. For profit health care will provide the most care at the cheapest price. No if ands or buts. What you think is that if the government mandates health care for all that the same level of care will be provided. And we cna show that that is not true. What you think will be cheaper or free will not be. The Doctors may not be doctors anymore and leave to do something else that provodes for their families better. A single payer will not cover expensive research to cure things. The longer you live the more government will have ot pay to keep you healthy and give you a doctor that could be used else where.
All public health care does is create shortages. What you were willing to sit and wait to see if it clears up now has you headed to the hospital for treatment or a bandaid. With public health care you will have what is ellective surgury demanded by certain groups. Look at SF and the police department that has had to pay for a sex change, implants, and more because the health care was free and they wanted it.
As to my professors, mybe you should have talked to them. And learned something more about Economics, Political Science and modern History.
In Economics I learned that people have unlimited wants and limited means to purchase those wants, driving prices of some objects up and othes down. If things are free and no value is associated with the good or service and people want it there will be a shortage of that good or service. People must be willing and able to pay for the good or service. I am willing to own a 2nd car even a third but I am not able to pay for the second.
In Political Science I learned that Capitalism is the best way to provide the best service and goods with alternate services and goods at the best prices.
Capitalism is a self regulating allocation of assets and most efficeintly allocating raw materials, capital, and labor.
Socialism and Communism have the same goal of a central planning commitee that allocates labor, capital, and raw materials.
Communism comes from the barrel of a gun and over throws the old system in a vilolent way eliminating any opposition and steal any and all capital. .
Socialism comes from a ballot box and slowly implaments the same goal. Assests are stolen and redistrubited to the govenment in the name of the people and very little if any ever gets to the people. And yes the poor are still poor but the rich are now poor. Irtems that were easy to get earlier are harder and harder to find as central planning does not add production for the growth in the population and will limit goods and services based on your need not want. Your needs are designed by others. And if ration cards are not issued long lines for the limited goods and services are manditory.
In Modern History I learned that Communism does not work. Socialism no matter how it is tried still fails and we can look at Greece, Italy, and England in the 80's to see the failure of the socialist systems.
For the failure of Communism we need only look at the Soviet Union, Cuba, and China. The Soviet system was over thrown the chinese system has move to a slave labor state, and Cuba is moving from communism to capitalism. Also remember that the USSR was the Union of the Soviet SOCIALIST Republic.
For the Brutality of either Socialism or communism you only need look at the Nazi Party (National Socialists) of germany in the 30's that killed or beat up any and opposition and stole their assests. The Soviet Union killed Millions of anyone that objected to their master plan. We can see the Terror groups like the Bider Mien Hoff group that killed innocent people in europe to promote the powwer of socialism.
We look at the Pol Pot and the killing of Millions in Cabodia of anyone that looked smart or questioned leaving the cities to work in the agracultural paradise.
Look at the purges of the Soviet Union and the Cultural revolution in China where loyal socialists and communists were killed to get rid of rivals to the people in power.
You may want global socialism and think it is the perfect system but are you willing to have those same people you support kill you and your family once they have taken power? And if you neivly say that will not happen you really need to look at history to see that you are wrong.