questions this morning. Anything could make holes in the ground in the woods. When you begin to see mud on the sides (trunks) of the trees in the woods, you got hogs. Hogs like water, mud, cool dark places. They like to rub their bodies against the trees, fence posts whatever.
They can also be very nocturnal depending on temperatures, hunting pressure and such. A water hole is a good bet on warm or hot days/nights, but not a guarantee.
If you find a good bedding area, stay out of it. Don't touch nothing, don't spit or pee or anything else back in there. Their eye sight may not be that great, but their sense of smell is, so don't contaminate the area. Hogs can be the smartest critter in the woods. Then sometimes they do stupid things. Kinda like people huh? :-)
You can bait hogs, check your state laws and regs, using straight corn from a bag. You can also bait with cattle sweet feed or if you want to try it, buy a few pouches of sweet smelling chewing tobacco and thub tack the bags to tree trunks a few feet off the ground in a large semi circle around your stand site. They like the smell and will eat the tobacco and the tree if they want to. :-D