I saw a piece on RT about the honey bees in this country. Mostly effecting almond growers.
Honey bee hives are at an all time low, the bees are dying and they can't figure out why?
Just a silly bee you say? These bees are nesasary for cross pollenating everything from apricots
to plums. Without them we are looking at only haveing oatmeal and tortillas to eat.
Bee hives are at 70% destroyed and it isn't the African bee that's doing this.
A mite is the big problem but how do you kill an insect that's on an insect?
You can't that's how and farmers and growers are in a panic in this country right now.
Apples can't grow without bees, cherry's, strawberries,a lot of nuts, even orange and peach trees
need bees. Along with a lot of flowers that we now take for granted.
Bees are necessary for all these plants to produce seeds. You can buy the seeds at the store, but for
how long now?