Fellas, my fondest mermories are those times spent on a creek or river bank in my youth with folks who've all past on now. Setlines for cats, handfishin' for what ever was biting, or following a couple of fiest dogs to a tree. Funny how most of 'em involve a meal cooked over a camp fire. I can taste most of 'em as I type this and havn't had a better meal since! I know the boys are building similar ones now and try to help it along as much as possible, while stacking up a few more myself. I guess I'm becoming a sentimental ol' fart 'cause the old times seem to be on my mind alot lately. All I can say is come what may,I ain't changing much and will pass on what I grew up to love to my boys as often as i can in the best way i know. By living it with them, doing it with 'em as often as possible. May not be politically correct these days, but I don't give a d***, Its what they need to experience, I think. Thanks for the replys, Rick