Author Topic: Taurus Ultralight .38sp?  (Read 746 times)

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Offline JonnyReb

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Taurus Ultralight .38sp?
« on: June 16, 2013, 06:06:59 AM »
 Ran across a 2' snubnose Taurus Ultralight .38sp 5 shot revolver (model 85?)at a local pawnshop and as the owners willing to do some trading (in my favor) i'm considering it. I've never owned a brazil made anything and am hesitant. The revolver looks to have been used little, but shows drag marks and slight notching on the cylinder, slightly outta time i guess? Is this common? A problem? Are these worth $250.00 used?(blued/rubber combat grips) This one apparently is made in 04.

  Other than the possible timing issue, i like the feel and look of the handgun, price seems good too considering wherethe American made revolvers are at. Would appreciate any comments.  Jeff
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Offline spruce

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Re: Taurus Ultralight .38sp?
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2013, 03:29:28 AM »
In my experience buying a possible "fixer upper" is often not a bargain.  If it turns out it needs any parts it doesn't take long to spend $50 to a $100 when you add up the cost of the parts and shipping, and then you're probably getting up close to the price of a new M85.
The aluminum frame would make me more wary than if it was steel framed.  They tend to wear faster at the critical stress points than steel does.  Even if it hasn't been fired much it may have been abused by the previous owner.
On the other hand Taurus does have an "unlimited lifetime warranty" that supposedly covers the gun regardless of how many owners it has had.  I've read some horror stories about their customer service, but I've read some good things about it too, so you could take a chance on that???

Offline JonnyReb

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Re: Taurus Ultralight .38sp?
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2013, 09:41:33 AM »
  Thanks Spruce, you pretty much made my descision to not bother with it a little easier. It was what you said about "parts". I've never owned but a few foreign made handguns and they're either traded c&r's or they've been sold\traded. Never shot any of them in any event(cept the Glock which is awesome).. Any of mine are made in the US and they don't ever need. "parts" :D

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