Author Topic: Supreme Court strikes down Arizona law requiring proof of citizenship to vote  (Read 832 times)

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Offline two-blocked

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The Supreme Court on Monday struck down an Arizona law that requires people to submit proof of citizenship when they register to vote.
The vote was 7-2. Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, said that a 1993 federal law known as the Motor Voter Act takes precedence over the Arizona law because of its requirement that states “accept and use” the federal voter registration form.
Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, two members of the court’s conservative wing, dissented.
Only a handful of states have similar laws, which the states say are meant to reduce voter fraud. Civil rights groups said the Arizona law was an effort to discourage voting by legal immigrants, and they worried that more states would have followed if the Supreme Court had upheld it.
Groups opposed to the Arizona law said that the court had blocked an attempt at voter suppression.
“Today’s decision sends a strong message that states cannot block their citizens from registering to vote by superimposing burdensome paperwork requirements on top of federal law,” said Nina Perales, vice president of litigation for the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund.
Citizenship is a requirement to vote in any federal election, and the federal registration form requires people to state, under penalty of perjury, that they are American citizens. States can use their own forms, but they must be equivalent to the federal form.
The Arizona law, known as Proposition 200, adopted by Arizona voters in 2004, went further than the federal form by requiring applicants to provide proof of citizenship. Arizona has used the law to reject 30,000 voter applications, according to the Brennan Center for Justice.
Challengers to the law argued that it put an extra burden on naturalized citizens. Using a naturalization document as proof would require an applicant to register in person, as opposed to through the mail, because federal law prohibits copying the document.
A federal appeals court said that Arizona had gone too far and essentially rejected the federal form. Arizona said it was not a rejection of the federal form any more than asking for ID at an airport is a rejection of a plane ticket.
The Supreme Court ruling pointed out that Arizona still has an option:  It can ask the federal government to include state-specific instructions  on the federal form, and go to court if the government says no.
Three other states — Alabama, Georgia and Kansas — have laws almost identical to Arizona’s and joined it in urging the court to uphold the additional requirement for proof of citizenship.
At an oral argument in March, Thomas Horne, a lawyer for Arizona, told the justices that the state was within its rights to ask for additional information beyond the simple federal form.
“It’s extremely inadequate,” Horne said. “It’s essentially an honor system. It does not do the job.”
“Well,” answered Justice Sonia Sotomayor, “that’s what the federal system decided was enough.”
The court’s conservatives appeared sympathetic to the Arizona side. Scalia said that federal law clearly empowers the states to take additional action to assess a potential voter’s eligibility.
“Under oath is not proof at all,” he said. “It’s just a statement.”
Patricia Millett, a lawyer for groups opposed to the law, countered: “Statements under oath in a criminal case are proof beyond a reasonable doubt” in criminal cases that result in execution.
“It’s a very serious oath,” she said.
Arizona is known for its tough stance on immigration. Last year, the Supreme Court struck down some key provisions of a state law meant to crack down on illegal immigration.
But it let stand the most controversial part — a requirement that police making traffic stops check the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being in the country illegally.

Offline gypsyman

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Sounds to me for Arizona to tell the fed's to go fly a kite. State's rights rule. gypsyman
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman

Offline Dixie Dude

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Amen Gypsyman.  This liberalism being FORCED upon us is getting way out of hand.  In Alabama you have to submit a Photo ID.  All Drivers liscenses have photo ID.  If you don't drive, you can get a photo ID from the Drivers Liscense bureau as a non drivers ID.  When a kid gets his liscense, he has to provide a birth certificate and in school record that he is attending school.  We do not give liscenses to kids under 18 who are drop outs.  Also, no liscense is given to illegals.  Only legals with greencards are given a liscense and it is marked someway that they are non citizens and cannot vote.  You have to show this ID when you vote.  Then the ID has to match your voting registration address.  If it doesn't, you have to go back and renew your liscense with the proper address and cannot vote in that district.  This was implemented back in the 1980's, because lots of dead people were voting.  Wasn't an illegal back then. 

Offline powderman

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I mistakenly started another thread on this, sorry I didn't catch it.
Husseins supremes are simply protecting the criminal voting base needed to keep dems in power. All they see are current and future dem voters. Justice?? Nope, just voter security. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline mauser98us

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Hell, there goes my home state. The Soviet Union is starting to look acceptable. >:(

Offline powderman

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Too bad hussein doesn't spend as much time and effort protecting Americans as  he does criminal invaders and muslims. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline Anna

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Hell, there goes my home state. The Soviet Union is starting to look acceptable. >:(

Ain't the Sovet Union anymore, and they laugh at us as the land of the not so free.
If Mr. Bushski one had of lived up to the deals Reagan had made with Russia instead of Wal Mart
China and then Clinton. We wouldn't be getting the garbage we are now as goods.
Remember the shock you got when you saw a Russian SKS vs a Chinese?
And the Russian women were not nearly as ugly as we were lied into believeing they were.
Then there was the situation in Crawford Texas where Bushski two invited Putin to the ranch.
And embarrassed him in front of the world acting as if Putin was a defeated man.
Putin was under the assumption that the agreed trade that Reagan had promised with his country
was the nature of the visit.  Not some snickering monkey in charge like it turned out to be.

Offline mauser98us

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Hell, there goes my home state. The Soviet Union is starting to look acceptable. >:(

Ain't the Sovet Union anymore, and they laugh at us as the land of the not so free.
If Mr. Bushski one had of lived up to the deals Reagan had made with Russia instead of Wal Mart
China and then Clinton. We wouldn't be getting the garbage we are now as goods.
Remember the shock you got when you saw a Russian SKS vs a Chinese?
And the Russian women were not nearly as ugly as we were lied into believeing they were.
Then there was the situation in Crawford Texas where Bushski two invited Putin to the ranch.
And embarrassed him in front of the world acting as if Putin was a defeated man.
Putin was under the assumption that the agreed trade that Reagan had promised with his country
was the nature of the visit.  Not some snickering monkey in charge like it turned out to be.
Ugly? White russians like Anna Kournakova? I'll take ugly every

Offline Anna

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Remember the commercial where Russian women were portrayed as phat wearing potato sacks
calling it Svim Vear? So who lied to who?
What a shock it was to the first American contractors who stepped off the planes in Moscow after
the fall. Mostly for Motorola who was reconstructing the phone systems there.
Single guys for the most part so you can imagine what happened after that.  ::)

Offline mauser98us

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 what Anna? Clue me in.  LOL

Offline Anna

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what Anna? Clue me in.  LOL

Well I can tell you this. A lot of those American guys came back home with some very pretty wives.
I can remember the online dating sites were filled with Russian women back then, the American
women used to say they didn't have a chance up against that.   
Putin was very open to this international exchange and in cooperation with Poland most of these
couples left out of there to come here. This all ended with the faux election of Obama.
Why would these women want to come to a place that was about to become just as bad as what they
had lived in for years? They wouldn't that's why.
Go to Atomic, and see how they really live in Russia now. Without our media interference
or propaganda. 
If that doesn't work go to Acid They are both pretty good sites with lots of pics.

Offline goodshot

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    I think it was a credit card ad. russian babushkas  doing a fashion show on their factory floor all looking the same in their identical potato sack dresses  announcer telling the crowd " is beautiful".

Offline Anna

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    I think it was a credit card ad. russian babushkas  doing a fashion show on their factory floor all looking the same in their identical potato sack dresses  announcer telling the crowd " is beautiful".

That was it I couldn't remember but it was still funny how wrong it was. I guess we all learned that.
They lied about us and we lied about them is how they look at it.
And the Russian people are not unlike ourselves and there are few of us left. Its a good thing our
people never had to fight each other is how they look at it. Can't we be the same way?
If not them then who is the bad guy now, Obamas America?   

Offline goodshot

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       Reminds me of the analogy of the frog in the water, slowly being brought to boil.
       When the cup is filled judgement will come.
paix et benediction

Offline powderman

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Can you imagine the audacity and arrogance  of the State of AZ only wanting AMERICANS to vote in their elections?? My goodness. I 've seen it all now. Ol husseins taking no chances of jeapordizing the dems grip on the throat of America. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline two-blocked

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If anything, the people in AZ should learn that the Constitution is not a living document and can't be changed to meet their Jim Crow whims.

Offline mcwoodduck

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If anything, the people in AZ should learn that the Constitution is not a living document and can't be changed to meet their Jim Crow whims.
You need a history lesson.
1) the Democrats intorduced the Jim Crow laws to stop ex-slaves from voting.  Proving who you are is not stopping people from voting. 
2) the left are the ones that say the constitution is a living document and that it cna bend and mean what is does not say.
3) If the requirement to vote is citizenship why do you need to show ID to get on a plane but not to cast a vote in a federal ellection.  When the right to free association is part of your 1st amendment rights.  If the state wants to prove citizenship or a single vote for each person then it can do two things A) make voting in state ellections and proof of citizen ship and residency requirements  and allow a provisional ballot for anyone voting in a Federal ellection that will not show ID.  If you need to Show ID to get welfare or federal benefits then why do you not need to show ID to vote for people that set up those benefits? 
B) Charge the people they find double voting and the non citizens with voter fraud and throw the book at them with maximum punishments. 

Offline powderman

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MCCWOODDUCK. Good post Sir. The criminal vote is the dems voting base and they don't WANT Id required. What kind of morons would intentionally make it easy for criminal invaders to vote?? Easy, liberal democrats. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline two-blocked

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Where's all the voter fraud convictions?

Offline mcwoodduck

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MCCWOODDUCK. Good post Sir. The criminal vote is the dems voting base and they don't WANT Id required. What kind of morons would intentionally make it easy for criminal invaders to vote?? Easy, liberal democrats. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:(
It is not the Illegals that I am worried about.  It is the multiple voting in different precincts for a single candidate or issue.  With the illegals numbering 11 Million and the rest of the population numbering a littel over 340 Million that 1/3 of a percent is really not going to make a difference in National ellections, maybe in local elelctions like Los Angeles and other illegal centers. 
With out ID you can just walk up look at the rolls and say you are anyone on the rolls and vote. 
One reporter showed he walked up to Eric Holders home precinct and said he was him and they were willing to let him vote with out showing ID.  he said he forgot his sample ballot and had marked what he wanted to vote and will be right back not to return.
And voter drives allow you to sign up as anyone and be issued multiple voter ID cards with out showing ID to get the voter registration.  I could in theory sign up as 10 people for my address and vote absentee ballot for 9 of them and go to the polling place to actually vote as me with out showing ID for any of the registrations.  This is the fraud I am sure is going on and why Democrats are stuffing ballots to win.  The ends justify the means. 
Remember in the Kennedy ellection the city of Chicago had many dead people voting and voter turn out was a record over 100% for that ellection. 

Offline two-blocked

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Still no evidence or convictions of voter fraud. ;)

Offline powderman

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Can't remember her name but that black poll worker who admitted voting for obummer at least 6 times and helping others do the same was found guilty of voter fraud a couple of weeks ago. I believe she was put in jail. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Still no evidence or convictions of voter fraud. ;)
I am sure if the conservitives were stuffing ballots and intimadating voters  the Democrats would demand  A picture ID and multiple checks to make sure we have fair ellections. 
Maybe Jimmy Carter was right and we should have UN ellection officials monitor our ellections and verify voters like they do in other parts of the world.  The Un protocall is to verify the voter before they are allowed to vote and make sure they are not able to vote more than once.  Remember the dye on the fingers of the Iraqi's in their ellections.  Rather than a sticker maybe we should go to a manditory poll turn out and eliminate all absentee ballots. 
Maybe Jimmy Carter is not such a bafoon.