already bought it.
need to get the sitting government
types out and some decent folks in
washington so i can hold a good job
long enough to finish everything to
move and live there for whatever
time i have left on this planet.
too bad they didn't clone pres. reagan
an unsolicited tip: make your piggy bank
before you try to move off to the sticks.
if you go ahead and try to move to a remote
location, there may not be any type of job
in the area. or a good job might be so far
away as to make a commute unfeasible.
when i first got my place, one of the neighbors
gave me the best tip. if you need 6 boards,buy
10. if you need 5 pounds of 10 penny nails, get
7 or 8. meaning it's a looong way to the
hardware store sonny.