Author Topic: Many of us are weary of the republicrats.. is there help coming at last ?  (Read 1280 times)

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Offline ironglow

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   One thing we must have to agree upon is that if we are to stand any chance of salvaging anything of this once great nation, we can't do it by running around like millions of "lone wolves"..  If we (c0nservatives) are to have any effect, we must be organized.
     The Tea Parties, while espousing the only fresh, constitutionally driven ideals, are not really a political party.  There are stirrings of a new party, one that believes in the America our founding fathers visualized..    Here, a caller asks a noted person to start the switch....and I believe the thought is being entertained..
  Does the idea of a fresh, new FREEDOM Party appeal to you ?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline JonnyReb

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 i think i better understand those who felt without a party during the last 2 or 3 elections. I'm feeling the same way, without a party essentially and i'd love to see a new one, more expansive than the Tea party, come to be.  J
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Offline spruce

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It would be nice to have a true conservative party to vote for.  The problem, as I see it, is that any third party will accomplish nothing except take away votes from the Republican party, thereby guaranteeing a Democrat will win in a landslide.
I think our best chance, at least right now, is to vote the republicrats out in the primary and put up a good conservative candidate to oppose the Democrats in the general election.
One advantage the liberals have over conservatives is that, generally speaking, liberals are "joiners" and conservatives aren't.  Liberals thrive when they're part of a group, and flounder when they try to go it alone.  Most conservatives are independent in their thinking and actions.  So, even if they're outnumbered, liberals are more successful at rallying their people and getting out the vote. 
And when only 25% of people vote it doesn't take much to tip the scales.  Especially when you add in the dead and repeat voters!

Offline Bugflipper

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Definately! The two party system just doesn't apeal to me much. The out of touch Reps just keep on trudging to Einstein's definition of insanity. Trying to put up candidates that have a very liberal voting record that claim to be mods or conservatives. Why would a lib vote for an imitation when they can have the real deal? If they keep on putting up a candidate that is the lesser of two evils, all their doing is creating 4 more years of finger pointing, pissing and moaning for every Rep in office.
I would like to see a conservative party that better represents middle America. I would also like to see the Rep party to go the way of the whigs. Their current ideals seem to be promoting gun grabbing open border candidates with a leftist view that somehow manage to make just enough closed door deals to remain in the party. No doubt there are true conservatives that are republicans, they could hop ship to a party that better represents their viewpoints instead of a party that is railroading the ones that don't match their new liberal minded agenda.
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What would keep the Tea Party from continuing to build into a contention party. It already has a proven base and national network of workers that reflect more values of the old Republican party than the present Republican party does? Looks like forming another party would be another weakening division. ear
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Offline Larry L

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I'd be willin' to bet there are Democrats that are not happy with their party these days. But they also find far too many issues with the Republicans that have no direction and zero leadership skills. Even when in office they can't get anything done and campaign promises are broken. The way I see it, we are doomed to more Democratic office holders as the Republicans wither away with nobody driving the bus. A new party is about the only chance we have to take back this once great nation. What has been done can be undone but it's going to have to happen fairly quick or it's past the point of no return. I'm all in favor of a new party but kindly don't wait, do it now. Frankly, I don't see it happening soon enough to be of value. I believe the Russians have our future analysed correctly, the USA as we know it is doomed. It will become 6 separate nations and will never be a super power again.

Offline Mike in Virginia

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It's always right to fight to the end, and I'll be among the last few, but the truth is the truth.  One more generation of freedom and the U.S. is done.  It will still be called America, but it will be vastly different and worse and still doomed.  Most governments last only a few hundred years.  I'm thankful for my time in the sun.  I'm sorry for those who are the near future. 

Offline lakota

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We already have a true freedom party that we could vote for.
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline Doublebass73

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As long as Republican voters are willing to whore themselves out to their liberal Republican pimp daddies by voting for the Mitt Romneys of the world then we will continue to have Republicrats.

As the old saying goes, anything you subsidize you get more of. Republican voters themselves are their own worst enemies by continuing to vote for the Juan McAmnesties and Mitt Obamney's. If you continue to subsidize liberal Republicans then you will get more of them. Stop voting for them and they will go away. Stop preaching from the altar of lesser of two evils and start preaching principles.

The only "help" we can get is to help ourselves and stop voting for these liberals. It's the ONLY way they will go away. You're not going to out-liberal the Democrat party, their liberal will always beat our liberal.
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."

---- William Pitt (the Younger), Speech in the House of Commons, November 18, 1783

Offline yellowtail3

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Unlike most of the folks here who have brought us to where we are, I didn't vote for Obama OR Romney.

Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline ChungDoQuan

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The Dems are now right of center. Repubs are off the deep end to the right. We need the Socialist Party to take over the left, then the Dems could absorb the remnants of the imploded Repubs.
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

"'Cause what they do in Washington, they just take care of number 1. And number 1 ain't you. $__t, you ain't even number 2!" Frank Zappa

The greatest idea the right ever had is personal responsibility; the greatest idea the left ever had is social responsibility. Both take effort.

The Founding Fathers had complete access to the Bible, but they came up with the Constitution as our governing document.

Offline ironglow

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We already have a true freedom party that we could vote for.
  The Libertarians are OK insofar as they go.  They have the fiscal/economics and much of the freedom concepts down, but they need to show a few family values to gain any strength.  They could become a force, but they need to show some respect for moral values..
  With today's Rinos, they are rejected as much for their lack of moral clarity, as well as their seeming lack of fiscal responsibility.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline yellowtail3

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  The Libertarians are OK insofar as they go.  They have the fiscal/economics and much of the freedom concepts down, but they need to show a few family values to gain any strength. 
Lots of libertarians have families, and have values.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline ironglow

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  The Libertarians are OK insofar as they go.  They have the fiscal/economics and much of the freedom concepts down, but they need to show a few family values to gain any strength. 
Lots of libertarians have families, and have values.
  I don't doubt that YT, but they don't seem to act upon their values.  It appears that in order to attract new members, they won't deal with moral issues.  Sometimes a person (or party) has to take a stand in favor of morals & principles.. or risk having their authenticity in doubt.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline magooch

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No political party is going to be any better than the voters.  Even the stupid Dumycrat Party has it's internal foibles.  Remember--Hitlary was supposed to be the next favorite when a dark horse reared it's commie head and the primary voters had their way. 

There were several decent candidates running for the Republican nomination and it was the voters who made the choice.  This is the exact problem with the primary system.   As long as primary voters get to choose the candidate, it makes little difference what a party calls itself.

Offline lakota

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  The Libertarians are OK insofar as they go.  They have the fiscal/economics and much of the freedom concepts down, but they need to show a few family values to gain any strength. 
Lots of libertarians have families, and have values.
  I don't doubt that YT, but they don't seem to act upon their values.  It appears that in order to attract new members, they won't deal with moral issues.  Sometimes a person (or party) has to take a stand in favor of morals & principles.. or risk having their authenticity in doubt.
I think I know what you are talking about, their stances on gay marriage and abortion? I have thought long on these things. I no longer care if they marry each other as long as I don't have to see it. I cant stand in judgment of these people. I am going to leave that to a higher authority. If these folks get to the afterlife and find a divine being who hates gay then I guess they are in for a rough time about it. Abortion is a little more of a touchy subject for me, but still I am leaving the judgment to a higher authority. It is not ok for me to impose my view of morality or my religion on others. This is what has me soured on both the democrats and republicans. They are both trying to impose their religion on me. In the case of the democrats their religion is liberalism and they are shoving it down my throat at every opportunity.  The Libertarian Party is the only party who's principles appeal to me anymore, and I think if our founding fathers were transported in time to right here and now and were asked to evaluate the current political parties they would more identify with the libertarians than they would with the right and left wings of the new communist party.
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline spruce

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Well said lakota.
Whether we like it or not, abortion and gay rights are a fact of life, and aren't going away.  Making them campaign issues plays into the liberals hands. 

Offline Soilman

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I too, would like to see a good strong viable 3rd party with true conservative values, because the Republicans have gotten watered down. But, it is a monkey wrench in the works in itself.
When I was in college, there would be a dozen to 15 folks running for school president.  Out of those 12-15, the black interest groups on campus would only put up one cantidate.  This would ensure that the lone black cantitidate would get 99% of the black vote, plus some of the others.  The 11-14 cantidates left would have the votes so split up, none of them could come even close to the votes garnered by the black cantidate.  They did it year after year.  That is what has happened to the Republican voting block.   We have Repubs, Independents, Teaparty, and Libertarians, to mention a few, that split the vote.   If there is another liberal party besides the democrates, I have not heard of them, and their voting block is irrelivent.
The only way a conservative third party will stand a chance is if the Democrat vote can be split up with other parties also.

Offline yellowtail3

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  I don't doubt that YT, but they don't seem to act upon their values.  It appears that in order to attract new members, they won't deal with moral issues.
We should get right down to what you're talking about, and you can correct me if I'm wrong:

Libertarians aren't interested in outlawing abortion
Libertarians aren't interested in limiting right of gay people
Libertarians aren't interested in advancing one religion's agenda more than another's
Libertarians aren't interested in fighting a drug war, and telling people what they can eat, drink, or smoke
Libertarians prefer to let people live their lives as they see fit, rather than as dominant culture demands

Some call those shortcoming. I don't like abortion - I've marched against it! - but it's not the be-all, end-all, and it's really not my business what some woman does. I've got other worries. Overall, I'll take the libertarians over the demopublicans any day of the week. That's why I didn't vote for Romney or Obama (and I've voted for every Rep pres candidate since Reagan in 1980)

Sometimes a person (or party) has to take a stand in favor of morals & principles.. or risk having their authenticity in doubt.
Authenticity doubted... how so? What authenticity?

I agree with Lakota & spruce (hopefully Lakota won't mind too much)
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline Bugflipper

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Democrats have the perfect model. Indoctrinate from a young age. Reenforce in higher education. Have the media set the standard for what is and is not acceptable, instead of society. If you don't have enough votes just give amnesty and never allow srtict voter ID laws. Keep as many voting public on Govt programs as possible, through their dependency you are securing future votes, possibly for generations. Create as much division as possible amongst the populous. It doesn't matter if it's by class, morality, religion, race or gender. Keep them bickering, neon distractions are wonderful when you know what's best for everyone.
Guys I'm not a very educated person. I'm sure a whole lot of you could have come up with something better than what I wrote. And some of the left leaning folks could have made a post about the Reps because they are not without fault either. The bottom line is things are not getting better and most likely will continue to decline no matter which party is in power or if a new one comes in. That last line pretty well summed it up. It's not us in power any more folks. Our government is running us these days. No matter which one has the majority, no doubt their agenda will be what we live by, not our wants, hopes or dreams.
I'd like to see a political party that would match the ideals of the majority. But the way things are, the ruling class is the majority, they may change up from time to time with an elephant or jackass, but most likely we are the real jackasses for taking their distractions hook line and sinker and allowing them to rule over us.
Molon labe

Offline ironglow

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  I don't doubt that YT, but they don't seem to act upon their values.  It appears that in order to attract new members, they won't deal with moral issues.
We should get right down to what you're talking about, and you can correct me if I'm wrong:

Libertarians aren't interested in outlawing abortion  don't mind killing babies
Libertarians aren't interested in limiting right of gay people don't mind destroying the dignity of real marriage
Libertarians aren't interested in advancing one religion's agenda more than another's  Some morals are universal and were passed down to us from the founding fathers.  Most of them of the Christian faith, but some were Jews and still others agnostic.  Your 'spin dog' doesn't hunt!
Libertarians aren't interested in fighting a drug war, and telling people what they can eat, drink, or smoke  libertarians don't seem to care if the USA becomes "land of the Zombies".. and throw away what so many have fought and died for. 
   BTW...It's the Lefties who are always harping upon what individuals drive, eat, drink, smoke, shoot, burn, chew, discard and buy!  ..."Save the whales, kill the babies!"
Libertarians prefer to let people live their lives as they see fit, rather than as dominant culture demands  Libertarians don't seem to want to address the decline of our culture.. They apparently prefer to "let it slide"..

Some call those shortcoming. I don't like abortion - I've marched against it! - but it's not the be-all, end-all, and it's really not my business what some woman does.   So, some woman kills a child; murder is OK with you? I've got other worries. I guess!  Overall, I'll take the libertarians over the demopublicans any day of the week. Agreed, the libertarians are better than the Republicrats..but marginally so.  If they want to grow, they will have to embrace that large percentage who are complete conservatives.That's why I didn't vote for Romney or Obama (and I've voted for every Rep pres candidate since Reagan in 1980)

Sometimes a person (or party) has to take a stand in favor of morals & principles.. or risk having their authenticity in doubt.
Authenticity doubted... how so? What authenticity? The authenticity of being complete conservatives..anything less will guarantee their "small-potatoes" status.

I agree with Lakota & spruce (hopefully Lakota won't mind too much)
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline yellowtail3

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Libertarians don't seem to want to address the decline of our culture.. They apparently prefer to "let it slide"..
You can vote Taliban if you'd like.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline rickt300

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Re: Many of us are weary of the republicrats.. is there help coming at last ?
« Reply #22 on: February 02, 2014, 04:42:21 AM »
I'd be willin' to bet there are Republicans that are not happy with their party these days. But they also find far too many issues with the Democrats that have no direction and zero leadership skills. Even when in office they can't get anything done and campaign promises are broken. The way I see it, we are doomed to more Republican office holders as the Democrats wither away with nobody driving the bus. A new party is about the only chance we have to take back this once great nation. What has been done can be undone but it's going to have to happen fairly quick or it's past the point of no return. I'm all in favor of a new party but kindly don't wait, do it now. Frankly, I don't see it happening soon enough to be of value. I believe the Russians have our future analysed correctly, the USA as we know it is doomed. It will become 6 separate nations and will never be a super power again.

Fixed it for you.
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Offline DDZ

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Re: Many of us are weary of the republicrats.. is there help coming at last ?
« Reply #23 on: February 02, 2014, 05:54:41 AM »
To many career politicians, or wanna be career politicians, say what you want to hear when campaigning, then just go with the corrupt flow when elected. I think the lies, corruption, and deceit run to deep in our government for just a few good men to make a difference. Its going to take a whole bunch of good men to clean up the mess we have as government. I really don't see that happening, after looking at what voters have elected in the last number of decades. We wish for a conservative to at least win the nomination to run against the communists, but we have not even come close to accomplishing that. The good guys drop out of the primary early, due to not having a chance, nor the money to continue. The only thing that will ever change our pattern from electing politicians that wish to remove our liberty, is for the whole mess to completely collapse.
As long as the party is still going on why change anything. Right?
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

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Re: Many of us are weary of the republicrats.. is there help coming at last ?
« Reply #24 on: February 02, 2014, 08:18:49 AM »
To many people still have it to good.
To many people do not care or are asleep
To many people have the wrong solution.
Enough evil power hungry people to see that it stays the way it is.
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Offline Conan The Librarian

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Re: Many of us are weary of the republicrats.. is there help coming at last ?
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2014, 08:14:20 AM »
Well, we really don't have a two party system right now. It's one party only. The democrats rule all agendas. The republicans are just a me-too party. Contrary to a lot of whining, the tea party is probably the best thing ever to have happened to the republican party. Take the debt issue as an example. They are alarmed at the tremenous debt of this nation, and they work to do something about it, despite the resistance of both republican and democrat parties. They are the "adults in the room", but you'd never know it from how reviled they are. If anything has become clear, it's that neither republicans nor democrats will tolerate anyone telling them that they can't spend more money. I see America's problems as 90% spending related, and 10% other. And spending isn't even much present in the public debate, despite it being so important.

Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: Many of us are weary of the republicrats.. is there help coming at last ?
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2014, 10:14:04 AM »

The Tea party is not a political party which liberal journalists try to portray it as.

Offline Conan The Librarian

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Re: Many of us are weary of the republicrats.. is there help coming at last ?
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2014, 10:42:16 AM »
Bob Riebe:
I listen to public radio frequently and the way they describe the tea party is that it's the extreme right wing faction of the republican party. They also describe it as the root cause for the gridlock in congress today. This is the consistent message.

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Re: Many of us are weary of the republicrats.. is there help coming at last ?
« Reply #28 on: February 03, 2014, 01:15:52 PM »
They lie.

Look up why it is called tea party.

Offline frontloader1

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Re: Many of us are weary of the republicrats.. is there help coming at last ?
« Reply #29 on: February 03, 2014, 01:58:13 PM »
We already have a true freedom party that we could vote for.
  The Libertarians are OK insofar as they go.  They have the fiscal/economics and much of the freedom concepts down, but they need to show a few family values to gain any strength.  They could become a force, but they need to show some respect for moral values..
  With today's Rinos, they are rejected as much for their lack of moral clarity, as well as their seeming lack of fiscal responsibility. vote is hangum all. and start over..............frontloader