None of you teach esl. My wife does.
Ron, most folks have zero clue what ESL is. Your wife is one special person. Our church provides up to 12 ESL classes per year and 2 computer classes to these same folks. There's a waiting list for folks wanting in the classes. Locally, we have the Catholic church that imports these folks legally, sees to their paperwork so that they are legal but then drops them like a redheaded step child. These people have no clue in most cases what a grocery store is. Sounds odd, I know, but they have no clue about the big box in the kitchen that's usually cold inside and what it's for. They have no clue how to shop for clothes, transportation, food, education, job hunting, absolutely nothing. The ESL bunch here has classes for them so they can fit right in. Takes about 2 years before a person can actually join the civilized world that we take for granted. I've seen far too many go to the dumpster to look for lunch as that's where they ate all of their life. Women just squat anywhere to relieve themselves as they've never seen a commode and have no clue how to use it. And that roll of squared paper that's in the bathroom- what's that for? Or wow, you turn this knob and water comes out of this thing! Amazing some of the stories these folks can tell you and they're still alive. Sometimes I listen to these stories about their lives and I have to leave. You can't believe the misery some people have survived and consider it everyday living. It's all dandy sitting in our arm chairs complaining about this and that but some of these folks that can't speak English, it's not their fault. They just want to survive another day. Forget the new car, forget a better job, forget a new gun or boat, they're more concerned about the next meal and in what week that one meal might happen. So yeah Ron, I know all about ESL and you are a lucky man to be married to such a magnificent woman. Kindly tell her for me, she's my hero of the week.
FWIW: ESL= English as a Second Language