Part II... I just typed out a full page and zingo...gone!! GRRR

I enjoyed building the 410 and don't (didn't) currently have a 20ga H&R. I posted a ad in the WTB H&R area and Gendoc PM'd me straight away. (Thanks again doc!!) He had a line on a 20ga barrel for me!! We struck a deal and he sent it out to me, it arrived this afternoon.

I decided 19'' was what I wanted so I marked it, chocked it up in the blocks and took a hack saw to it. Then the file to clean things up.

I want to install a copy of a Tommy-gun comp. This one installs with set screws. But I'm gonna weld it on once I'm satisfied its what I really like.

So I need to open up the ID of the comp to the OD of the barrel.

Next I mocked up my rear site, a Williams peep.

I found the center of the barrel and located then prick punched the holes, then drilled them.

The I tapped the first and double checked second hole.

Tapped second hole and finish mounted the peep.

Hopefully I can get it turned this weekend...

More once I get that comp opened up.