With Immigration Reform on the way, you can forget about a Republican standing any kind of a chance. So the question now has to be, Which Democrat would you vote for? The nation is changing it's demographics and that means it will be the end of the Republican Party as far as electing a President.
I, too, like Republicans when they act properly on foreign policy, immigration, trade or jobs, but none of the people you guys suggest are any good on those topics. I like Rohrbacher in the House. He used to work with Pat Buchanan in the Reagan White House but you guys don't want to have anything to do with Buchanan. Oh, well. We'll just have to keep losing elections and our gun rights. And it's all because of you! You compromise-rs!
I hope you enjoy Obama now. At least he wants to bring the troops home and protect the jobs. No good on immigration, but that other guy, McCain campaigned on "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran." Remember that Beach Boys hit? I did learn a few things from you Bushie Republicans. I remembered the phrase, 'Lessor of evil.' Well that's how I chose a candidate and at least who I voted for is in the White House and your guy is not. So things aren't really half bad the way I look at it.