Author Topic: Rednudant but:avoid NY and it's Ontario County  (Read 1630 times)

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Offline hansg/Ups

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Rednudant but:avoid NY and it's Ontario County
« on: February 12, 2014, 10:17:50 AM »
It's probably redundant to remind all:avoid New York State,and its Ontario County.
Marxist thugs are  running both.
I can't wait to escape both.

Offline Mikey

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Re: Rednudant but:avoid NY and it's Ontario County
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2014, 02:07:53 AM »
Hans:  geez man, sorry to hear that but one could easily expect such with Ontario county, just downstream from Rottenchester where the left-tenant governor comes from.  I mean, dang man, the whole area has to be polluted and fouled by marxist theocracy. 
Fortunately, duffy ain't huffy and is almost such a nobody that nobody knows who the hay he is.  He will be one of those forgotten left-tenant governors, just like that ugly witch abzug who worked under the elder kwomo in his first term.  Then he threw her under the bus.  We should watch this next election to see who kwomo sacrifices this time.  Maybe he'll throw his old man under the bus - did it once already. 
Dunno Hans, but I would probably consider damming up the Genessee (sp?) River to do two things rather than leaving (1) improve the taste of Genessee beer - gotta keep the dogs out of it though and (2) move the shoreline of Lake Ontario further inland by a couple of miles.
Just remember, neither kwomo or duffus have any credibility upstate, except in the cities where they have their hands out, and it might not be too difficult to embarrass them.  Fro example:  the last 12" snowfall we enjoyed had this governor running around like a chicken with his head cut off yelling 'state of emergency'.  Give it a break you pimple on a nanny's butt, this is upstate ny, not nyc or westchester county where 2" of snow constitutes a emergency, this is upstate where we go through a couple of 12" snowfalls every year.  We ain't your greasy little queens democraps who have forgotten how to shovel out their own sidewalks or who are afraid to go to the store less they encounter a snowbank.  OMG, snow in nyc - geez, might wash the streets.
Truth is man, I don't want to run.  I want to stay and fight.  I want this state free of the influence and burden of nyc and I want those crooked politicians the hell out of Albany.  If I had my way I would free up nyc for statehood (could do that easily I think) and move the capitol to some mid-state city, but neither syriusexcuse or rottenchester but somewhere more to the right than left.  Got too many lefties already in this state - hell, send'm down to nyc with a one way bus ticket.  Have I mentioned yet that I would also disband the assembly as a sitting body - they can go back home and work out of their home offices and be in direct touch with their constituents and respond directly to them when necessary.  They can cast their votes through their office computer.  If you get two or more of them in the same room you have too much of a chance for skulldugery........

Offline ironglow

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Re: Rednudant but:avoid NY and it's Ontario County
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2014, 01:50:01 AM »
  I would take any such "sacrifices" to get out from under the Marxist gang..just ask any upstater, whether upstate north or upstate west..  Tax revenues?  Of the taxes which are collected statewide, the bulk go off to NYC or the 3-4 other actual cities located in NY.  We are regarded as a "cash cow" by NYC boss Hawgs.
    For instance, the electricity generated at Niagara power facilities, bypasses us and goes to NYC so they can have reduced rates, they can start paying premium for that .  The city denizens can pay for entrance to the many parks an recreational facilities in "Free New York".
  Take the union and EPA hobbles off our businesses, start fracking and we could be well on our way to self-sufficiency.  Once the energy of upstaters is not held in Marxist leg irons, we could do great things.
  We upstaters and the NY City folk, with a few exceptions, are very different people!
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Mikey

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Re: Rednudant but:avoid NY and it's Ontario County
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2014, 02:59:30 AM »
Ironglow:  exactly.  Upstaters and nyc people are very different indeed and in thought. 
They have been led along like a true cash cow while being lied to by every democratic control group that ever existed in nyc that if it wasn't for them the entire state would fail financially, when it is the opposite that is true.
Close to 60% of upstate tax and business revenue go to nyc.  What is left when the dems cut up the pie, based on population density (and hence, voting power) is just a bit more than 40% of every tax we pay.
Every nyc based goveror who has come to office uses taxes and bonds to fun nyc.  Every kwomo bond forwarded during his father's 20 years and his own so far have vastly favored nyc in their allocation description.
Fortunately, many of them failed to be approved.  Thank goodness. 

Once nyc is 'freed', the tax base would have to be leveled.  If you are no longer paying that 50-60% of your taxes into funding to support nyc, you could further support your retirement fund, your children's education,
your own life; and, you wouldn't be working so hard to support those who choose not to support themselves.

Offline hansg/Ups

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Re: Redundant but:avoid NY and it's Ontario County
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2014, 03:29:20 AM »
A couple of observations.As an ex-Bronxer[I escaped in '73]: anything north of Yonkers is a foreign country to the NYCers.Give them their wish:make NYC a separate state as Jack Kemp proposed in Albany 30+ years ago ,or better yet:a separate country.The Cuomos have never changed their stripes.I saw it in the '60s and on.
We can always turn off their water or power.Let's see how they like drinking East River,Harlem River,Bronx River,lower Hudson River: water;maybe the tidal electric generator in the East River  will provide sufficient electric power too??
How about REALLY charging NYC for the upstate water and power?

Re fracking,as someone who has[unfortunately]been in the environmental/health/safety fields since 1973, don't kid yourself about industry or government doing something PROPERLY.They always will do it on the cheap,with the public getting screwed.  If fracking is done PROPERLY with the waste being PROPERLY TREATED,then I'll be in favor of it.Being on a well,I'm not at all sanguine about underground extraction processes e.g.Akzo Salt in Piffard, NY tried cheapening their salt mining,result= sinkholes,private properties ruined,salt now contaminating a fresh water aquifer,etc. It didn't have to happen but.....

I don't any improvements in my lifetime,so it's overdue that I exit NY ASAP

PS Shakespeare and Goethe were, and are, :right about lawyers and judges.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Rednudant but:avoid NY and it's Ontario County
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2014, 07:46:07 AM »
Frm TM;

  " Pretty sure the tax cash flow is to the North whether to support rusting NY cities I don't know, probably to subsidize rural New Yorkers who are un or under employed,,,,corporate power sells their power at the highest rate which in the USA is about highest ard NYCity and Long Island.....blame them. Let's face traveling around rural upstate NY can be pretty depressing"

  The state legislature covers all the rules and regulations..and make news ones everyday.  The legislation is overwhelmingly dominated by NY City and passes legislation which either favors or only suits NY City..because they have so very little knowledge of the rest of the state or it's people.
  Tax flows this way..hardly.  Much of our town and county taxes are spent on NY State "unfunded mandates".  Unfunded mandates are just a PC way of saying "we're ordering you to do this, but the state is not paying for it..but YOU ARE"..
  Sure, some rural counties are under employed and that is because we suffer such neglect from Albany an the heavy hand of Gotham officials.  If it were not for unfunded mandates, our town and county taxes could be cut by at least 50%..or the tax could remain and go toward building a great economy.
  Left to itself "West New York" or "Free New York" would almost surely become a 'right to work' state, and industry would flood back in.  Industrialists would rtealize that WNY has abundant water and electric and a skilled work force which is ready to go. They would also realize that transportation by water from Europe is at our doorstep also.  Ridiculous EPA rulings would be resisted and interference as to how they do business would be greatly relieved.  We still have an unsavory attitude in rural New York toward those who would be multi-generational parasitics.

  Rusty cities?  Yes, those exist..( see O.P.) primarily because the cities are tied to Democrat ideals concerning meddling in business operations and taxing entrepreneurs to the point of driving them away.

  Again, ask any body who spends any time outside the confines of the NY City area..  we are two VERY DIFFERENT peoples..we belong in different states..

  BTW:  Travelling in rural upstate is not near as depressing as travelling in any large city..say nothing of NY City.

  A) How can Central Park even begin to compare with the Adirondacks?

  B) How can the tenements compare with the beautiful Finger Lakes.. especially in the blaze of Autumn?

  C) Can a visit to the local deli compare to skiing at the many resorts?

  D) Visiting or working at Maple sugaring in winter, beats slogging through dirty slush and a cascade of litter..

 E) Does Battery Park really compare to Letchworth or even Watkins Glen?  Google both and see..

 F) Rural NY is great hunting and fishing, it could be a destination for nationwide hunters.. were we not hampered by Albany's stupid regulations.

 G) I'll take the beauty of my Allegany mountains ahead of the NY City mountains of concrete filled with unfriendly people , any day.

 H) Here, there is much less chance that a bear or coyotes will come out of the woods and attack me , than the chances that some two-legged beast will come out from an alley to attack me in NY City.
 I) Probably 130 miles of great Lakes shoreline, lots of fresh water beaches and fishing, say nothing about the many fresh water lakes and rivers with same features.

                             Without the ball & chain, I am convinced that Free New York would not only survive..but thrive..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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Re: Rednudant but:avoid NY and it's Ontario County
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2014, 10:15:33 AM »
  This kind of thing would never happen, were we a separate state..  The  radical left drives out still one more company... one that has made it's home in NY State for nearly 200 years..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline tom548

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Re: Rednudant but:avoid NY and it's Ontario County
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2014, 10:54:09 PM »
Well put IG. I wounder what part of the state TM lives in. I live 1 1/2 hr. north of NYC. Many of the people that excape from NYC. buy homes in the Catskills. As soon as they move in they want zoning, 40MPH speed limits on the road they live on and many other NYC ideas. But they will tell you they moved out of the city to get away from it. When in fact they just brought it with them.
I guess us country hicks should consider our selves lucky they move in and up grade out way of life.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Rednudant but:avoid NY and it's Ontario County
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2014, 11:07:06 PM »
  We see it all the time where we live.  Somebody wants to move out of the city and leave all the city stuff behind.  Then, once they move in..they bring all those city ideas with them..
  I had some family who years ago, lived in a small Texas town.  Some folks decided they wanted to leave Houston behind with all the big city problems and drugs, so they moved to the small town, bringing their kids with them.  The kids brought their drugs with them..

   Anold Army buddy lives in rural Vermont..same deal, many decided to leave the city and move to beautiful Vermont... but they forgot to leave their city ways behind...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Rednudant but:avoid NY and it's Ontario County
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2014, 11:32:17 PM »
It would be a good idea to cut out NYC and most flatlanders would agree:::,,, the boroughs, Nassua  and Suffolk Counties, north to Ossining for statehood_ _but would leave the rest of the state impoverished by scarcity of tax revenue, which might result in Mikey's and Hans' taxes going up and the flatlander's decreasing.
But with out the bagage of the liberals and a new state government that provides what is needed rather than what is wanted, taxes may go down. 

Offline ironglow

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Re: Rednudant but:avoid NY and it's Ontario County
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2014, 04:40:40 AM »
    I don't have any optimism concerning casinos for long term good.  It may work for a few years, but the way things are going, it looks like every county or district of every state will have a casino or two.  Then each county or district will  be just "churning" the funds which are already in the gain.
  I suppose we both feel our money is going to aid the other end of the state..but Cuomo is a lifetime resident of the big city in the eastern end of the state and perfectly proves my contention that typical of the NYC residents, he doesn't have a clue,concerning the folks living to the north or west of his home den.

  As far as Nassau, Suffolk etc..I would as soon see them stay with NYC, since most of them have their lives invested there and think like NYC residents.   That would still leave us with Albany, Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo to deal with, but I think we can handle them, even though they still have urban views on life. 
    For instance, a Buffalo talk show host says.."Buffalo, a place where good ideas go to die", simply because they cannot get anything done or people like Bass Pro to move in.  After the unions, women, minorities and a couple hundreds of other interests each demand their "pound of flesh", any potential business enterprise  says, "forget it"..

  I wonder if the NY City residents, who seem to think the world revolves around them.. actually know what the rest of America thinks of their arrogant attitude ?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Rednudant but:avoid NY and it's Ontario County
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2014, 01:02:51 AM »
    I don't have any optimism concerning casinos for long term good.  It may work for a few years, but the way things are going, it looks like every county or district of every state will have a casino or two.  Then each county or district will  be just "churning" the funds which are already in the gain.
  I suppose we both feel our money is going to aid the other end of the state..but Cuomo is a lifetime resident of the big city in the eastern end of the state and perfectly proves my contention that typical of the NYC residents, he doesn't have a clue,concerning the folks living to the north or west of his home den.

  As far as Nassau, Suffolk etc..I would as soon see them stay with NYC, since most of them have their lives invested there and think like NYC residents.   That would still leave us with Albany, Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo to deal with, but I think we can handle them, even though they still have urban views on life. 
    For instance, a Buffalo talk show host says.."Buffalo, a place where good ideas go to die", simply because they cannot get anything done or people like Bass Pro to move in.  After the unions, women, minorities and a couple hundreds of other interests each demand their "pound of flesh", any potential business enterprise  says, "forget it"..

  I wonder if the NY City residents, who seem to think the world revolves around them.. actually know what the rest of America thinks of their arrogant attitude ?
Unions are your biggest problem.  The unions long ago have thrown out the union member and the Unions are out for themselves.  and that union will block what is good for the community, even good for their workers if it does not benefit them directly.  The UPS stike of the mid 90's proved that.  It resulted in the Union getting hold of the Billion Dollar trust fund that UPS had for the drivers and the drivers getting a $.50 an hour raise that it took over 10 years for the drivers to make up what they lost in the strike so the Union could raid the retirment fund of those same drivers.  Let's say  the Trust fund under UPS was making 5% so 50 million a year was going to the drivers.  Now that the union is in charge of the fund they skim 20% off the top to manage the fund.  So under  UPS managment the drivers had 50 million a year to fund the pensions of the retired drivers, now that they union is in charge they have 40 Million to fund the retirment of the drivers while paying them selves 10 milliuon.  Enriching the union leadership at hte cost of the drivers they say they are there to help.