Author Topic: Barrel Stress Relief  (Read 643 times)

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Barrel Stress Relief
« on: February 15, 2014, 09:37:30 PM »
I was reading another forum concerning Handi-Rifle accuracy and the issue of barrel stress relief was included.  One contributor indicated that H&R CS said (7 years ago) that no H&R barrels were stress relieved.  The simple test involved removing the barrel (and any scope and bases), and tapping the barrel with a plastic screwdriver handle to see if the barrel would ring: ring - stress relieved, no ring - not stress relieved.  I did the test by suspending my barrels by a finger tip under the hinge lug.  My JUL 13 LR barrel rings like a chime, for at lest 10 seconds and even after I can hear it any longer.  My un-shot, JAN 14 WMR barrel produces a single metallic tink!  They were made only three months apart, so I doubt if steel specifications or processes changed.  The only difference between the two barrels that I can detect is the chamber.  Any thoughts?

And is stress relief an accuracy issue?  Barrel resonance - is a lively barrel better or worse than a dead one?