Author Topic: States changing name of unpopular common core trying to make bitter pill sweet.  (Read 346 times)

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 Name game: Amid opposition, states change title of Common Core  By Perry ChiaramontePublished February 18, 2014     
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  It might take more than a name change to quell parental anger at Common Core, the controversial national education standards adopted by all but four states.
With angry parents protesting the standards, and curriculum they say is tailored to it by writers of textbooks and lesson plans, several states have decided the solution is all in the name. Common Core is now referred to as “The Iowa Core” in the Hawkeye State. Florida calls it the tongue-twisting “Next Generation Sunshine State Standards.” Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer recently signed an executive order to erase the name “Common Core” for their new math and reading standards and Louisiana lawmakers are mulling a name change as well.
But critics say what states really need to do is scrap the Common Core Standards Initiative altogether.
“Even under a different name, the Common Core Standards are still mediocre, at best, and continue to put American students at a significant disadvantage to their international peers,” Glyn Wright, executive director of the Eagle Forum, told
A total of 46 states and Washington, DC have adopted all or part of the Common Core standard, which in most cases officially goes into effect at the start of the next academic year. The standards are designed to ensure that students from all over the nation graduate with a baseline of math and language skills. But critics say the program, proposed by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers in 2009, takes away local control of education. And they say lessons and textbooks sold as being "aligned with Common Core" are rife with left-wing social and political messages.
Even leaders in states that signed on are turning on the program, with lawmakers proposing to repeal participation and governors actively bashing it.
“We don’t ever want to educate South Carolina children like they educate California children," South Carolina Republican Gov. Nikki Haley spoke out against Common Core at a recent Republican function. We want to educate South Carolina children on South Carolina standards, not anyone else’s standards.”
Florida Republican Gov. Rick Scott told state GOP officials that the new name means a different emphasis. 
“Here’s what we’re going to ensure: These are Florida standards," Scott said. "They’re not some national standards; they’re going to be Florida standards. This is our state. We’re not going to have the federal government telling us how to do our education system.”
But many top Republicans, including Jeb Bush and Mike Huckabee, support Common Core. They say a name-change is necessary.
Huckabee, a Fox News commentator and the former governor of Arkansas, said at a recent meeting of the Council of Chief State School Officers, which helped draft the standards, that state education leaders should be urged to ditch the “Common Core” name, because it had become “toxic.”
“Rebrand it, refocus it, but don’t retreat,” Huckabee said.
Branding expert Rob Frankel told that changing the name could change perceptions about the program.
“Entities will often change a name to make it more appealing because they know that the public doesn’t read beyond the headlines,” Frankel said to “These programs are often given better sounding names.”
“If you don’t find that the public is responding well, you just change the name until it’s accepted,” he added.
But Wright isn't buying the program, no matter what it is called.
“Rebranding the Common Core does not change the fact that it is still a top-down, federally controlled approach to education that is untested and unproven,” Wright said. “We know that Americans will not be fooled by dressing-up this failed initiative.”
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Offline powderman

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A skunk still stinks no matter what you call it. Common core is all about twisting and poisoning the minds of our children. Federal control is the name of the game, hitler was good at this training and retraining the hitler youth. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline guzzijohn

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Quote from Powderman:
"A skunk still stinks no matter what you call it. Common core is all about twisting and poisoning the minds of our children. Federal control is the name of the game, hitler was good at this training and retraining the hitler youth. POWDERMAN. "

Please read below as it is a good concise description as I understand it of common core by a Wichita State University instructor and it is no where close to being the boogieman you make it out to be.

Here is a brief overview of the Common Core standards for history, government and social studies – my field of expertise:

•  The authors of the standards include carefully chosen scholars from Kansas state council boards for these disciplines, including classroom teachers and school administrators.

•  The standards committee membership includes 27 Kansas educators, facilitated by an educational program consultant from the Kansas State Department of Education.

•  The mission statement highlights the preparation of each student to be an informed citizen (knowledge base), a thoughtful citizen (thinking skills emphasis) and an engaged citizen (participation competencies, including contributing, compromising and collaborating).

•  The instruction focus features accessing and reading primary and secondary sources, writing clearly and coherently, and communicating effectively, also calling for gaining multiple perspectives, explaining causes and consequences, exercising higher order thinking, doing research, and utilizing multiple means of communication.

•  The standards are not intended to be a state-mandated curriculum. How and when the content is taught are decisions left to local districts.

•  The standards provide expectations intended to provide direction and guidance for staff development, teacher preparation and recertification.

As a professor emeritus of education at Wichita State University, I unapologetically endorse this important initiative.


Read more here:

Offline barabbas

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I've been teachin 36 yrs and I don't understand it yet.  Far as i'm concerned its all just another technique to drive out the good folks as is usually done in a lot of areas so more centralized control can occur.
"I'm not someone to be as good as.  I'm someone to be better than."